All right, class, I hope that you all have already watched this video showing part of a discussion between Mayor Tom Tait and Charlie Black, working “for the City” on negotiations with Arte Moreno, because it will be on Monday’s midterm exam. Meanwhile, here’s another chance to view it:
As we usually do at this point in class, let’s all turn to our video of the Anaheim City Council meeting, this time at timestamp 5:16:21. You’ll see it in this clip of the normally sleepy agenda item, “Council Communications.”
Our reading, meanwhile, begins on this page (note that in the future, you’ll have to look directly at the link for the agenda of Sept. 30, to which I’ll try to remember to update this link):
8:00 A.M.Call to order the special meeting of the Anaheim City Council.
1. Discussion and action:
OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending City Council Policy 1.6 of the City
Council Policy Manual relating to the manner in which members of the City
Council may place matters on the agenda of a regular City Council meeting.
Looks like several of us are coming to the Breakfast Club. Don’t you — forget about me!
(Note: that section printed in olive up there appears in the cut and paste but does not appear on the agenda itself. So if they tried to go into a closed session item for existing litigation, that would be a problem. Just an error, or do they hide stuff in the agenda all of the time? I doubt it, but — why is this in the copy & paste?)
Anyway, aside from the usual, there will be three interesting questions to ask of Jordan Brandman:
1. When did he come up with the idea to hold a special meeting to take away the Mayor’s agenda powers?
2. Was it his idea alone or did someone suggest it to him? If so, who?
3. Who wrote that little statement of his starting at 5:16:21?
Why don’t I think that Jordan wrote the statement himself? Well, let’s look at the transcript:
COUNCILMEMBER JORDAN BRANDMAN: In closing, I have a matter for Council consideration.
Our City Council policy relating to the Mayor in which members of the Council may place matters on the City Council meeting agenda, the regular meeting agendas, was last amended and restated on April 17, 2012. At that time, Resolution #2012-031 was approved and adopted by the City Council establishing Council Policy 1.6. I request consideration of Council Policy 1.6, uhh, Section 1 to be amended and revised to read as follows:
Any member of the City Council may, during the Council Communications portion of a City Council meeting, request that an item be placed on a future City Council agenda. Period. So long as there is assent or concurrence by at least one additional member of the Council the item will be agendized. End of section.
This revision ensures the principle of equal governance and affords all members of the legislative body equal authority as it pertains to the agenda-setting process, in compliance with Government Code Section 54950 and Section 504 of the Anaheim City Charter. And state law, uh, as a whole. I respectfully request this matter be agendized for a special City Council meeting within the next five business days as per the Charter. Thank you very much.
CITY CLERK LINDA ANDAL: If I may, Mr. Mayor, per the Charter a special meeting is required by three members of the Council or by the Mayor, so if three members of this Council agrees to that special meeting we can schedule that.
MAYOR TOM TAIT: Uhh – a special meeting to change the rules on who can put something on the agenda? Is that an emergency?
BRANDMAN: That is my request.
TAIT: Is that something that can’t wait until the next Council meeting? … [long pause] Councilman Brandman?
BRANDMAN: I’ve made my request.
TAIT: So it’s like an “emergency” Council Meeting? … [pause] Are you there?
BRANDMAN: Wouldn’t call it an “emergency,” I’d call it a “request.” [after a pause] If I have the assent of two other members of the Council, then the meeting shall be called. Is there assent from two other Council members?
TAIT: I don’t know if you have the power to call an emergency Council meeting …
TAIT: Let’s ask our City Attorney.
HOUSTON: The Brown Act and the City Charter’s Special Meeting provision which essentially replicates that permits the calling of a special meeting by the majority of a governing body without need to agendize that. That is a power under the Brown Act that is expressly permitted.
TAIT: So …?
HOUSTON: So, in simple terms, if tonight three members of the Council wanted to call a special meeting, the Brown Act permits that to occur without having to agendize that for separate discussion.
TAIT: OK. It’s – it’s, uh … I would certainly say it’s “unique”…. When would you like that meeting?
BRANDMAN: In the next five business days to be coordinated with the City Manager’s office, City Attorney’s office, and City Clerk’s office. I’m sure they will get available dates from us in the morning.
TAIT [to HOUSTON]: Is it proper to do it that way, without a date specific?
HOUSTON: That is permitted and in fact it is advisable for the City Clerk to contact people to find their availability and then send a notice based on your direction tonight.
TAIT: Well, it’s highly unusual – but we’ll talk about that at the Special Meeting.

Jordan Brandman, aka Taylor Not-Too-Swift, puzzles through his own proposal to ensure that Mayor Tom Tait can never never ever make the Council debate in public (or ask staff any questions at all) about the Anaheim Stadium negotiations OR ANYTHING ELSE unless one of the four from the Pringle Ring agree to it.
My belief that Jordan Brandman did not write the section in red himself is in part based on the fact that, at least at the time of this point in the Council Meeting, it did not appear on Wikipedia.
OK, more seriously: this is not how he writes and I seriously doubt that he is capable of this sort of legislative drafting or confident enough to put it forward in public. (I’d love to see him claim sole authorship under oath, though.) So — who drafted it — and was it drafted at Brandman’s request or was it handed to him? … … Councilman Brandman? Are you there?
One other question (which Tait already asked a few times): why a special meeting? That part is easy: without a special meeting this week, Mayor Tait could agendize for October 8 yet another attempt to instruct the negotiators before they “open “up discussions with Arte Moreno’s team — and perhaps explore whether there are any other fatal flaws in their economic analysis — but now under this proposed rule he couldn’t do it without permission from one of the four other members of the Council who are “in the bag” and part of the Pringle Ring. Whoever wrote that statutory revision for Jordan wanted to make sure — even before the fatal flaw came to public attention — that Tait wouldn’t have that opportunity. If there’s some sort of crime of self-dealing here, the above video shows an important part of the coverup.
Jordan Brandman’s friends: if you understand how potentially bad this looks, please explain it to the Padawan while there’s still time!
This is your Weekend Open Thread. Talk about that or anything else you’d like, within reasonable bounds of decorum and discretion. There may be a Dearthwatch this week, so keep refreshing this page maniacally. (Actually you don’t have to; if I do one, I’ll post a comment.)
(standing to join ovation) well done! for everything back to ‘Angels Hell #1’ and beyond!
Glad I came here first, before starting transcription. I was going to do what you already did above!
BTW before they scroll down into the archive, would they be worth consolidating (copy) onto a site of their own? (And no, I have NO IDEA how much work that is, probably a lot!)
No, it’s not too much work to port it elsewhere; we have a direct HTML version.
BBoRW, if it’s transcribing you are willing to do, you have a ton’s worth available in both public comments and in the discussion of Item 34! Get your backhoe and dig in!
#34 first install below. Sleep now. More tomorrow. Off to Home Depot for new P95 grade industrial respirator lol.
That’s probably my favorite title among mine this year so far. Pride is so unseemly, but I can’t help it.
That second just serves to remind everyone that some of us have memories longer than that of fruit flies. This, though, could make that one look as small as — well, a fruit fly.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward join Mr. Cantor in standing, applauding, and frankly throwing roses onto the stage. Well done, Professor, well done.
I sort of feel sorry for this poor chump. All his life he’s been desperate to belong to something really important where he would be accepted. But the only one who saw anything in this cipher was Curt Pringle. Pygmalion would be proud. Just look at the creation.
In a couple of years he’ll be working a street corner.
Not only Curt Pringle saw something on this man. Frank Barbaro, the Irvine based PR political consultant Dan C, Tom Daly also did. Being the top vote getter in the last council election, 26,322 votes, made him the arrogant enforcer of Pringle and of the resort industry. All the money they poured into his campaign, is now reaping the benefits of their investment.
Yes Pringle & Co. has invested heavily in this grooming project. Perhaps this antagonism is a run up to a campaign against Tait next year.
It has been suggested. One problem for him is that there are all of these embarrassing videos around of his being huffy at Council meetings.
It wouldn’t matter, at election time we are going to be inundated with glossy mail highlighting his virtues, especially as a “job creator”.
Jus for yuks, since it’s weekend open, I found this while filing some stuff I’d mailed myself- Maybe I should forward it to Mr. Black?–mlb.html
Love the link! It’s time to tear down the Big A. What we need in Anaheim is more affordable housing… not a bunch of multimillionaires chasing around a little white ball.
How many want to take a guess and say Monsanto got this through the USDA….
“In a move decried by consumer and environmental groups as severely weakening the meaning of the organic label, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced this week that the agency had changed the process for exempting otherwise prohibited substances (such as synthetics) in food that carries the “organic” or “made with organic” label. No public comment period was provided for the changes to this policy, which had been in place since 2005.”
The ability for departments to create laws is one of the problems we have in the runaway bureaucratic nightmare that has become our govt. They aren’t even accountable directly to the people and those who are, have abdicated their power to the agencies, so they don’t have to feel the heat.
There are far too many regulations from all of the dept’s that are politically or monetarily motivated to favor one group or another.
It is one of the reasons I want to limit their powers and hold those who are elected, not only a Constitutional standard, but also a standard that says they have to legislate in a way that is understandable in language and even in form and application. It’s fair and everyone can understand it, is that really too tough?
Upholding everyone’s Rights should be the first and paramount job of the govt on all levels. Sadly it’s not. Sadly the bigger it grows the worse it gets, the more it eats, the less it does good for all of us.
No, there aren’t “too many” regulations; there just aren’t enough smart ones.
I would LOVE it if we could trust people to do the right thing, but sadly many of these businesses are run by greedy assholes and therefore the need for oversight…but I will agree there are too many and they are in the pockets of big business. I actually heard a government spokesperson admit on camera, they don’t know how many agencies actually work for the government…this pertained to the NSA.
Hi Inge, another petition regarding Monsanto:
and the beat goes on…
Beep…Beep…Sludge in the hole!.. Here it comes! Beep….Beep
34.Discussion item regarding the City Council’s September 3, 2013 action adopting 2 resolutions.
TT: ….Item 34…Councilmember Brandman asked that this be placed before 32….I agreed..This was…let me just state why I put this on..this is a discussion item for the Angels/City of Anaheim Lease.. I wanted to put this on…this came up our September 3rd meeting, around Labor Day, not a lot of public notice…I believe that the public now has had more chance to look at this, I believe this is healthy, talking about this in public for this is one of the largest City assets that we are dealing with, it involves the Angels, our professional sports team, a big issue, and should be debated in public, on this dias. I’m going to…I put together a slide…power point presentation, I’m going to go through that again..
JB: Mr. Mayor-
TT: Yes?
JB: Could we get a staff report first, since it’s an item?
TT: I asked that this be put on, I didn’t ask for a staff report..
JB: Well, could I ask if they have a staff repoort, prior to a ..presentation
TT: I’m sure we have a Staff report, and I’ll ask for it at the time. I’m making my presentation
TT: I’d appreciate it if you don’t interrupt….the chair
JB:It’s the, it’s the, it’s the ..protocol of the Council to have a staff report.. of the dias
TT: No, It’s not..
JB: It always has been
TT: Councilmember Brandman, I asked that this be put on, and I’m making the presentation, please don’t interrupt me, and I won’t inter..
JB: But I’d like an official staff report!
TT: And you can get one…believe me…
JB: I’m appealing the ruling of the chair-I’d like a staff report
(Long pause)
TT: Councilmember Brandman, you can have your Staff Report, I’d-
JB: Can I have a second for an appealing of the chair for a staff report?
(Long Pause)
TT: Mr. City Attorney, I’m chairing this meeting, I’m the Mayor, I can do it in the order I like.. Councilmember Brandman, if….you want a staff report, you can have a staff report when I call ( ) and ask for one-
JB: Mr Mayor, with all due respect, I’ve appealed the ruling, to have a staff report, I’d like a staff report
TT:I would like to ask the City Attorney if Jordan..Mr. Brandman, can.. block…my discussion?
City Atty: Mr. Mayor, Mr Brandman, the Mayor is the presiding Officer, I’m not aware of any rule of the body or resolution, and I’m sort of trying to thumb here quickly,for any type of resolution. I don’t believe that for this type of an action that it is required that a staff report be given. The Mayor is the presiding officer here, I believe, and I’m going to confirm that here momentarily, but I don’t believe that it precludes him from deciding to do it this way, obviously, you can appeal his decision to do so , and that is between you and .. your colleagues-
JB: Didn’t I just do that?
CA: I..believe you did.
(Long Pause)
JB: It’s always been the protocol of the council to have a staff report
TT: Not ALWAYS the protocol, The Council,…The Mayor is the Chair
JB: I understand, I’m not going to fight you on this, proceed with your…
LC: Can I make a compromise here? Let’s listen to what the Mayor has to say, and then, the Staff report can either support or refute his items..
JB: (mike away) Um, that’s fine.
TT: So, I ‘d ask staff to put up…a power point presentation that I put up last meeting. It’s..we have two MOU’s, and a Lease Agreement that’s already been entered into, so the Lease Agreement’s no longer in play, that’s now a binding agreement, we have two MOU’s. A little history for everybody, historically prior to 1996, Angel Baseball, (had) an agreement with the City of Anaheim. When I look at contracts and agreements, I look at what people get- what do they get, what do we get. Angel Baseball, prior to 1996 got the use of the City-owned Stadium and the Parking Lot, which is 155 acres, for their use, to play major League Baseball. The City of Anaheim got Approximately 4 to 5 Million dollars per year, which was paid by the Angels. In 1996, go to the next slide please,The City od Anaheim entered into an agreement with Disney, who was in the process of buying the Angels, contingent upon negotiating a favorable deal with the city. In that deal, some of you might remember, that was the $80 Million for Disney and $30 Million from the City, to renovate the Stadium, that they played baseball in, ( A little confusion, some people think it was $20 Million, it was $20 million in cash from the city, plus another $10 million worth of billboard, that was donated from the City, given from the City to Disney. The Angels lease lasted for 33 years, but at their disgression, and only at their disgression, they could terminate the lease after only 20 years, which brings us where we are today , in 2016. So, this is the 1996 agreement, the current agreement, this is what Angel Baseball benefits, The Angels get….they operate and maintain the Stadium, The Angels get nearly all the revenue from the Stadium, including ticket sales, concessions, signage, and advertising . They do get, I believe $2 per ticket for anything above $2.6 Million, they get ALL the revenue from the Stadium naming rights, revenue, the get the rights to use the parkinglot, and with that nearly all the parking revenue. And the Angels also got, I mentioned that $20 Million cash, and a $10 Million billboard, from the city, for the renovation of the Stadium. (Next slide please) This is what the City gets from the current lease, for the last 16 years, the Angels agree to pay for maintenance of the Stadium. This is important, in that contract, the Angels agree, to maintain the Stadium. Some people think it might be the city’s responsability, but that contract says it’s the Angels responsability. The City gets $2 per ticket only for tickets sold in excess of 2.6 Million seats (Last year that was approximately $500,000) and also gets a small percentage of the parking revenue, which, it’s interesting to note,over the last 16 years, there are also offsets that the City pays I haven’t mention here, so that revenue that we get over the last 16 years, I asked our Convention Manager, Tom Morton to give me a breakdown of that, so the last 16 years, the Stadium was essentially free of rent, the City actually ended up net -$52,000, on the lease. The City gets 2 platinum Suites and also got the team named the Anaheim Angels, under the provision that “Anaheim” shall be in the name of the team, As we all know, a court later determined , after a lawsuit, that the name”Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim” does not violate the agreement, and that’s the name of the team we have today.
So that’s what we have today. So,that “out” clause, I’ve heard some folks state that we’re pushing the Angels out, I don’t think we’re pushing the Angels out, Nothing like that. There is an ‘out’ clause that the Angels have an option, they could STAY here under all the existing terms, which has been essentially free rent, for another 15 years, actually longer than that.
03:31:44 pause
Nice summation. The trouble with appeasement is that once you give an inch pretty soon the other side will betaking a mile. Sorry for the cliche, but it’s true.
Like all bullies, Blackie knows this very well. The only question is who hired this guy and what did they hire him to do? I would also like to know his relationship(s) with the City Attorney, Moreno, and/or Pringle. These MOUs were not the product of incompetence.
Although their approval certainly was!
For less monot-, I mean variety, I switched over to transcribe Public Comments for a while, and after transcribing former Council Member Richard Chavez’ comment, I thought it was worth providing by itself- ( non-Issue related comments are abbreviated since I have about 2 hours of comments and 2-3 of Item #34 and transcribing 5 minutes takes me about 20, (even more when Brandman is talking over Tait) ) FWIW-
00:18:25 Pub Comments
Cecil Jordan, (Rev) Bible Comics progress report
00:22:25 Pat Butross, So Cal Edison New liason to City
Mark Daniels 3181 W Elmonte dr W. Anheim I stand here in favor of #34, Let’s re-open it, let’s look at it, before we make a decision. Also I noticed that its Fan Appreciation Day at the Stadium on Sunday, as an fan of Anaheim I want to stand up and thank —————————————— after their catastrophic loss
Mr. Ron Thomas,resilience to stand up after losing your son,
I hope we can all get together in the middle of the road and solve our problems, don’t divide us but unite us, lets get together as they did 150 yrs ago, to unite..not as Republicans, Democrats, independents- we need to meet in the middle, for the good of ALL of us. Thank you
27:02 H.O.M.E.,William Fitzgerald Item #9 Certification of Police Confiscated Funds as in compliance with Federal regs-many usages are not they are replacements for items in Police budget $36K for gun buyback, $70K ‘gift’ payment to (?) consultant for few hours work filling out forms Compare to Daly contract w/ Brandman for Wiki cut/paste APD increases crime to increase confiscations-when knew of Mex Heroin shipmnt, waited for street sales vs seizing immed, to boost $ seizure, not drugs, used Anh Conv Ctr to promote Drug use with Kushfest, confiscated $M strip malls due to permitted dispensary presence.
Any Anhm resident speaking tonite supporting $300M giveaway is a fool or lying about residence
30:17 Steve Arnold (OCVistrsConvBur)Linked for nearly 50 yrs, Angels are asset to City, We want stay in Anheim 20M Anh/OC vistrs annully spend > $8 Billion 25% that on Entainmt MLB tm =Anhms image as world class busness ,,,, destination 10th straight yr or more than 3 million fan draw reg season Team w modrn stadium is econom engine for loc busns and trmds source of local employmt We strongly endorse plan to move ahead——believe in evryones best intrst, strengthen Anaheim===years to come
31:41 Bob DeSereno Spoke to CC 8/20 re homelss pop in harbor /Lapalma StColl/Orgthorpe since then I see no ,progress in situation, esp in parks. La Palma park is basically a shantytown Laundry hanging in Boysen park La Palma on ground, syringes, razor bl, bullets, drug parphnla. Kids Can’t go to park Understand City seeking leased facility for housing Cost $100k If homeless occupy the park fence off /cover an area for them so kids not seeing nudity, drug use, etc Stadium/E st/ La Palma /alley Provide Porta san, wash facility, security guard against alcohol / drugs, safe for homeless children=less cost than building lease
34:36 Richard Chavez,(Former CC Mbr) Personally,I avoid involvemt w current politics of CC,but have to say was appalled at TV viewing of last CC Mtg. The Mayor was making points about Angels negotiations, about Staff work, and was interrupted not once but twice or 3 or 4 times, by Staff & Mr Black(consult)”Mr Black, this man was elected Mayor of this City-You Weren’t” To rest of CC “If you want to speak when He’s talking, push the button, and he will call on you, to interrupt him, is just WRONG.” Regardless if you agree with points- I didn’t agree with Tom all the time when we both on CC.But I didn’t interrupt him- I think that is absolutely wrong. But what it made ME think, that something is wrong here, something is going on here Why are Staff so defensive? why is CC so defensive? HOW does an MOU get written without input from the council to begin with? even though they are ‘just talking points’ If I was going to do and MOU on the Angels, before ANY discussion, I’d talk to Tom Tait, he was here last time a deal was negotiated with the Angels- He understands this better than anybody in this room. I think whats going on here is TELLING- the reaction by council, the reaction by staff is very TELLING – there is something going on, and its not right. SOMEONE is going to make a lot of money on this deal – Now I’m NOT saying the Angels should leave Anaheim, that’s not what I’m suggesting. If Arte Moreno decides to leave Anaheim, That’s His Business, you know, if could find another area that’s as wonderful as Anaheim, hey,Knock yourself out, Pal. But GUESS WHAT? there is a way to do this and the way this council is doing this .. is suggesting.. there’s some consultants that are going to make a lot of money, and it makes me wonder, who’s pulling strings, and Who is setting the agenda here-it appears there’s an agenda, and’s wrong, it’s absolutely wrong. I suggest, ..(he) suggested to wait another 30 days, before these things are approved- HE couldn’t even get a second from Council- YOU JUST SAT ON YOUR HANDS! I’m.. I think it’s wrong, it’s telling. I would have loved to have played poker with this consultant, cause you could look at his face and he was squirming, interrupting here, because there is something going on. I strongly suggest, that you slow this thing down, look at it, to give away that kind of money, is ridiculous.. absolutely..again, it makes the whole thing seem suspect. Thank You.
Wow, Richard Chavez really hit the right marks there. Well done!
Rand Christiensen 526 s ohio – Last year there was a concern in Angels Nation that free agent Jared Wolver would defect to the highest bidder, and naturally, his agent was negotiating for more money, but Weaver surprised everybody, when he proposed a third alternative. A few factors influenced Weavers decision, but when asked by a reporter why he settled for less money, he replied “How much do you need?” The City of Anaheim and the Angels are entering into Stadium and property negotiations, each party has its own objectives. Listening to each other will be the hardest part. People will call for compromise, but in compromise, both sides lose something. There IS a better way – Steven Covey called it “The Third Alternative” We should ask one another” Are you willing to look for a solution that is better than what EITHER of us, have thought of?” Our forefathers went searching for that, and left their homes and journeyed to America. The governments they lived under, and their prospects for better lives, were intolerable. They united in America, sacrificed and battled and crafted a miracle, in the Constitution. There was nothing like it, in the entire world. It was the foundation of what became the greatest country on the earth. The Constitution was a third alternative, an option for the despotism and disintegation of Europe Adam Polisky said” There are 30,000 days in the average persons life, and only 20 of them matter” Those are going to determine thefamily you have, where you live, and how much you enjoy your career. In the life of a City, the number of significant days is also few. The day the City and the Angels sign their contract, could be one of them. we need..everyone needs to put their best efforts forward. The Third Alternative for this property, will be better than both the City and the Angels have in mind. We are talking about more than land, buildings, and bushes. We are dealing with opportunity, work, and happiness. This is a time to do something Hitoric, for ourselves, our kids and our future, omething so remarkable, that others will ask themselves “Why didn’t WE think of this?” Let’s work togeter, learn form each other, and dicover a third alterantive, the BEST alternative, for everyone involved.
40:55 ,Erica Miller founding artist at the CHAMPS theater, Anaheim’s own…….theater company
Thanks for your support——–Join us Oct 5th for our opening
43:23 Jewel counselor (SOAR) support Anaheim Resort Distict Blah,blah blah statistics vomit
44:52 “We want to see an open and transparent process with community input, in a n effort to keep the Angels in Anaheim”
45:08 ZIA____ On behalf of sufferers of Mental illness in cities, Have 20 yr old schiz. son anfd 15 yr old schz daughter, suffr from vascular dystrophy, can’t walk. As u know 65% of homeless pop suffers from Mntl Ilns, yet find ways for daily survival……Most horrrified to learn of so called “quality of Life” legislation- you should all resach/learn about it its here! Cities use police to implement with brutal, sometimes fatal enforcement ex Kelly Thomas Anaheim PD says “It’s more than a banner, Make Kindness Contagious” THAT IS A LIE if City of Anaheim (supports these tactics) with (more danger than money-grab power grabbing against the most vulnerable of soicety : mentally ill behavrl chllngd veterans, childrn coming into adulthood from foster care systsingle moms displaced by severe and agressive gentrification of barrios
Anaheim seems to have every intention of going ahead with criminalization of homelessness” by calling (peoples survival skills) a blight (This is horroble) I hope you feel powerful. (LOUD APPLAUSE)
48:00 Ron Thomas (Thanks for that young lady’s powerful statement. I’m about to add to it) Last time I was here I walked outside to see a riot here. Councilmember Murray, We the people are not going to put upwith criminalizing homelessnessTell me, WHERE are they to live? Do you have those answers? I would like YOU Coucilmember Murray to live ofn the streets for 30 days and experience (those conditions) and then I want you to pass this and push fora vote and see how you feel (The prior speaker gave the perfect detaislof a Concentration Camp (Fencing around them?) Thats a concentration camp, like the Nazis The homeless Have a voice and you see Me here If you doubt, aks the (FORMER recalled)councilmembers in Fullerton (how that worked for them) You are not beyond recall. We have the vote and the numbers, even if you have the money. (PLease) study this, I will be glad to attend meetings I am in the Homeless Task Force in Fullerton, you have one here, something is not working need new ides. I DO agree w prior speaker about the needles, trash, etc vs kids safety I GET IT! but I also have answers. YOU are not seeking them Mr Tait you have my support ALL of you know how to contact me LAstly, if ANgels name includes Los Angeles, I won’t return to their games.
51:15 KM: Mr. MAYor?
TT: Councilmember Murray?
KM: I want ti thank the speakers tonite Iam not sure why the comments concerning homelessness are being ditrected at me
RT: (from audience) Its your ordinence – Your name’s on there.
KM: It is honestly not my( )sir, but happy to speak with you privately afterwards. We are working collaberatively with SocialService Organizations and Law Enforcement countywide and within the City, to provide quality programs for the homeless in Anaheim, and everybody up here cares deeply about the interests of our homeless population. Thank You
52:08 Gary Bloomfield, 64 yr resident of Anaheim, 30 yrs same house. Questions- Would YOU like to NEVER know WHO your nextdoor neighbor is? Would you like them to be as many as 120 strangers/ month?Would ypou like a hotel to open up next to you in a residential neighborhood? We nowhave all that here, called ‘vacation rentals”I called neighborhood preservation and was told “they are looking into it, what other cities do about them. Perhaps look at Seal Beach they have 30 day limit plus rules. The nextdoor house has posted rules ( the owner showed me) but rules can be broken. We have made frequent calls to the owners. Most residential homeowners can’t compete with bonus paying investors for houses, which can rent for $400-600 per nite with 3 day min Neighbhd Presvtn contradicted my statemt that Vac Rentals were commercial activity in residntl zone, well what is a hotel? The city is losing hotel tax when these folks should stay in hotels. Nobody I’ve talked to wants one next to THEM. What about YOU?
TT: Madame City Manager could I request a reporton that? That’s not the first complaint I’ve heard, sI’d appreciate a report.
54:50 Dorothy Rose, Director of the Orange County Symphony looking for donated instruments for disadvantaged kids in new MUSIC ED program taught by volunteers 1074 students 15 techers in 14 schools
58:10 TT MDM City Mgr, we have annual NAMM show, can you let them know and connect w/her
58:50 pause
58:50 Len Beckman 514 N cherry Tree On Name of the Angels team with translations of its many names and how they fit on a hat, and a letter he got from Moreno about the name. Supports keeping “Anaheim” in name, thinks process should “slow down and do it right”
01:00 Dennis Cole(?) Chairman of Angels Baseball “the angels want to stay in Anaheim and we are going to work with the city to do just that”
Comment: So, Just by that quote, we can ask Mr. Black to pack his suitcase and get the.. I mean leave town, Right?
The Council decision on Sept3, has granted sufficient time for the Council and Staff to work through all the major details. Including how to fund millions of dollars, needed to fund Stadium improvements As per the City’s request the Angels are willing to take this responsibility without the City contributing any cash. The millions of dollars for Stadium improvements however are just a portion of the dollars which are needed for this City asset. The City and the Angels are trying to extend the Stadium lease through 2057 The GLR study, which we’ve talked about before, estimates our need through about 2029. Therefore, between 2029 and 2057, we are going to need other dollars, which the Angels are willing to fund…um.. these as well. The Angels playing in Anaheim will create jobs, the Stadium improvements will create jobs, it will also create jobs for the countless businesses that want the Angels to remain in Anaheim. We appreciate the support of the Council, along with the City Staff, who have worked so hard to develop the framework for the Angels to remain in Anaheim. Tank you very much.
01:02:56 Larry Larson Oh, Linda? Before you push the button, I’d like to make an acknowledgement real quick, if you’ll let me – It’s come to my attention, that our great Mayor has become a grandfather for the first time, and I would like everybody here tonite to join me in congratulating him on becoming a grandfather. (Applause) You can push the button now-
1.03:16 Tonight I’d like to address my comments to Councilmen Brandman. Jordan, In you bio, it states you’re a businessman. I also am a businessman, and You Know as a businessman, small or large, the most important thing a businessman thinks about on a daily basis is his ROI (for those of you who don’t know that stands for Return on Investment)and when you’re going to make an investment in your business, adding capital to your business you ought to make darn sure that that investment, that capital in your business is going to turn a profit for you, and give you an ROI a Return on that Investment. The biggest asset in the City of Anaheim is the Anaheim Stadium and the surrounding property. Currently, I’m going to conservatively guestimate that property is worth half a Billion dollars, $500 Million dollars, different people can but a pencil to it and come up differently, but it’s worth a lot of money. Currently, we DONT HAVE an ROI on that property, and I don’t know what you as a businessman might think would be a reasonable return on an investment of that size- 5%, maybe 8%? If my math is anywhere near being correct and my numbers are reasonable, at $500 Million, we should be making about $25Million / yr off of that property,Were not doing that. I’d like you to think about it, I don’t know what your thought processes are, use some reasonable judgement, but that property is not making a profit for us and you know it. My suggestion might, be and legally as you know that can’t happen would be to let’s just turn that property over to Mr Moreno and let him have it. That way it gets on the Public Tax rolls, and we can make a whole lot more money, so I’d like you to reconsider your thought and think about that when you make your decision later on. 01:05:13
JB:Mr Mayor?
TT: Councilman Brandman?
JB: Just a point of information, I think our public Utility Dept would argue with you about the Stadium being our largest asset. Our public utilities Dept runs a pretty strong second, or a first on that, so…anyway. Thank You
pause +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Comment: Gee, how cute, don’t you just want to pat him on the head? PUT DOWN THAT WRENCH!
With humor that bad, I KNOW It’s getting too late- More tommorrow!
We are going to have to give you a medal. All right, maybe a merit badge. Not necessarily a corporeal one, but still good for bragging rights!
JB: Just a point of information, I think our public Utility Dept would argue with you about the Stadium being our largest asset. Our public utilities Dept runs a pretty strong second, or a first on that, so…anyway.
That’s our boy Jordan! Let the main point glide by, focus on the trivia. Unfortunately, that’s probably the only response he’ll be giving to public feedback for the entirety of the negotiations.
After “the $300 million giveaway” was “to Arte Moreno”.
Suggest transcribing before drinking from that Big Box of Red…
Cut him some slack, sir — that much exposure to this sort of video can fry the brain! He’s doing admirably, although corrections are always welcome.
OK to skip Dorothy Rose and Reverend Cecil though…
Just like on TV, the side-effects are greater and worse than the malady!
can somebody answer a couple of questions about all this for me,,,first, does this mean that i am going to lose my preferred parking spot at the stadium and, second, does this mean that they are not going to install the fast trak lane on the 405. i need to know so that i can make an informed decision on whether to continue the lease on the helicopter or simply buy the damn thing
Is this some sort of Anaheim obsessed blog?
Do you realize that there is a special council meeting on Monday morning at 8:00 AM, to further curtail the public information and discussion? After all Anaheim is the largest city in OC, experiencing controversial and far reaching issues, including the leasing of willie de ville leasing of a helicopter. Don’t you want an informed public engaged in these civic matters?
How is the new city manager working out in Santa Ana?
Anaheim is the only obsession we can discuss on a PUBLIC blog.
Even the LA Times is covering this special council meeting.,0,4821931.story
The LAT doesn’t seem to want to post my comment (which may just be a matter of balky software), so here it is:
I like the “makes the City of Bell look like Tinkerbell” line enough that I think I’ll keep using it.
Maybe it is too long …we are in the age of “twittering”. The cover-up of a potential municipal corruption needs to be documented and presented to the court of public opinion. This may restrain Pringle’s main operatives in the council, Brandman and Murray ,until we get our act together to vote them out.
It is a good reminder that Pringle is not an obscure entity. He was an Assembly speaker, a product of a political machine. As David pointed out in one his comments, Brandman is the chosen one to be anointed by the so-called “business” friendly machines of both GOP and DEMS, to keep them in charge of the largest and most profitable city in OC.
skally’s trying to shame us into covering Santa Ana instead, Vern! We must be hitting pay dirt!
as long as you do not venture under the dome down here at the coast,
willie, we need to beef up the checkpoints
As far as I can tell, there’s about 30 voices in opposition to the negotiations with the Angels and almost 7,000 supporting the Angels on that new Facebook page.
Now if we could get the rest of that 7000 to move to Anaheim, they could enjoy the TRUE Angels / Anaheim experience of wondering what shape the Angels deal finances will leave their neighborhood in over 30-66 years, instead of just clicking ‘like’ and moving on. Any volunteers?
Yes indeed, Matt-like Creature with a single-use ISP, many people would like to keep the Angels — at a reasonable cost (me and Vern included.)
Of course that astroturf “Keep the Angels” Facebook page doesn’t explain the cost of doing so, let alone the gutting of oversight now going on within the Anaheim City Council itself. So it’s sort of like putting up a page saying “Support the Flag!” and then claiming that because people like it, they also must favor your plan to dump toxic waste in their drinking water.
(In this analogy, let it be clear, the “toxic waste” is not the Angels or even Arte Moreno — it’s you and the rest of the Pringle Ring.)
This anonymous troll, who hasn’t bothered changing his “Weed Eater” handle since last time he was here, trashing Paul Lucas for his Medical Marijuana advocacy, once again shows his idiocy.
Not just falling for corporate astroturfing propaganda. But getting it all backwards. WE critical voices, and Mayor Tait, are the ones who WANT negotiations with the Angels. The Blackie-Chamber-Brandman crowd is NOT NEGOTIATING, but unilaterally shovelling.
Oh, that new Facebook page? It IS pretty great, thank you – if you’re referring to ours. But it’s only up to 135 members (after one day) because it really IS grassroots and not funded by Chamber money. But we don’t ban critical voices and delete critical comments.
Oh. Make that 141.
How many of those 141 people who are signed up for your “Keep Angels” FB page do not realize that your position is more likely to result in the Angels leaving town?
They are the Los Angeles Angels now – fans are not attached to “of Anaheim” – which is kind of silly anyway. I think that the premis of your page is deliberatly misleading.
141? Sorry, that was just a few hours ago. 220+ now. And you’re absolutely wrong that honest open negotiations are gonna make them more likely to leave, but what can I say? You consistently fall for Chamber/Cunningham type propaganda, and don’t believe the people and taxpayers should have anyone in government advocating for them against greedy businessmen.
I’m speechless! Trader Joe’s to open expired food store…
Also saw that, thought it was an EX-TJ’s guy,but I could be mistaken?
bzz bzz here it is…
Yeah, Doug Rauch, TJ’s EX-president (no clue why EX!)
I don’t think that it is affiliated with TJ’s, except that the guy that is the head of Conscious Capitalism, used to be the president of TJ’s.
The restaurant/market is called the Daily Table, and helps address the fact that Americans throw away 40% of the food that they buy. The Daily Table will be aimed at lower-income consumers in the Boston area.
I watched a program on Rauch, and he seemed to want to help people with the food issues in a caring way. We’ll see.
Back in the 70’s, when a day-old bread store (which I seem to remember sold lots of other old food) opened in our Huntington Beach neighborhood, my mom, a middle-class Catholic mother of nine, became their biggest customer.
With four brothers, we never had any food expire.
No need for Tupperware, either.
I guess that this is the best place to put this for easy reference. This is Sinead O’Connor’s open letter to Miley Cyrus. I don’t agree with her 100%, but there’s a lot of truth here. What bothers me and others about Miley’s “look at me I’m grown up now” sexy escapades isn’t an aversion to sexuality and nudity — but to women being induced into it by others — usually older men — that are just trying to profit from their bodies. In her case, it just seems especially obvious, which is why I think it strikes many of us so hard.
Here’s Sinead:
Absolutely fickin’ AWESOME!!
I could almost forgive Sinead for what she said about the Pope.
Well, this new pope she had sex with.
Hate to break it to you….