This is OCTA Board Chairman Gregory Winterbottom, in his natural state. You may remember him a few weeks ago, when Diana Lee Carey finished a speech with the exasperated cry, “And if I hear the term ‘locally preferred alternative’ one more time, I’m gonna have to be carried out of here by security!” and Greg quickly cracked, “That might not be such a bad idea.” After which a few people laughed, uncomfortably.
Fancying himself to be possessed of a mordant sense of humor, and also fancying himself to be smarter and wittier than any of his colleagues on the dais, this crustacean has been on the Board for twenty years – clinging like a barnacle to the hull since 1993. He treats his fellow directors with bonhomie or contempt depending on whether they agree with him, and he treats the lowly public with just plain contempt.
Wait, you say – Winterbottom? Doesn’t ring a bell. How is he on the Board – for twenty years even? He’s an elected official from where??
Nope, Greg is a “public member,” one of two “public members” serving on the 18-member Board, the structure of which Lou Correa put together back when he was a baby assemblyman.
What’s a “public member,” you ask? Oh, you’ll love this:
15 of the OCTA Board’s 18 members are elected officials – our five supervisors, and then two Mayors or Councilpeople from each supervisorial district for a total of ten, chosen in a manner you don’t want to hear about, you’ll drift off.
There is one non-voting representative of Caltrans, whose job is merely to nod menacingly and say nice things about toll lanes when asked to.
And then there are the two “public members” – named so, we assume, in Lou’s Godlike sense of ironic humor, as they are not chosen by the public, are not accountable to the public, and are the least accessible to the public. (The other one is Michael Hennessy, a real nice guy, but… it goes without saying that BOTH public members, as isolated from the public and identified with the OCTA bureaucracy as they are, are DYING to put toll lanes on all our freeways.)
Friday morning’s meeting
This Nov. 8 meeting, having been touted so widely as THE ONE where the final decision on toll lanes would be made, was PACKED with concerned members of the public and the press.

Orange Juice and the OC Register in the house, representing! (I believe I was texting Diamond here, he wanted updates)
There is nothing that disgusts and incommodes Chairman Winterbottom more than the sight and sound of the great unwashed in his hearing room, and he doesn’t much care for the TV cameras there either. So, a strategy of delay having been already settled on for various reasons, he sent out an e-mail the day before making sure the world knew that the final decision wouldn’t be made that day, and strongly suggesting that nobody should show up.
As 9:00 neared and it became obvious that public and press had not picked up on his subtle hint, with standing room only in the hearing room and the overflow room nearly packed too (Eric Bever cracked last year, “overflow room – sounds like the world’s worst restroom”) the Chairman stormed out in his electric wheelchair to hector the crowd. We will not be voting on 405 improvements today, we will be voting on delay, so you might not want to stick around. The meeting hadn’t even started. His fellow directors – the ones who were already milling about – immediately protested: These people took their mornings off work and came all the way down here to talk to us, and WE ARE GOING TO LISTEN TO THEM. Not for the first time that morning, the Chairman was slapped down.
There followed a 90-minute discussion on DELAY – very few folks on this Board are ever at a loss for words (a reticent Eastman more than compensated for by a logorrheac Spitzer or Pulido.) Pretty much everyone on the dais wanted to delay the vote. Toll supporters wanted to delay till Dec 9 (which ended up passing unanimously) so they could get assurances from the Caltrans chief that the state wouldn’t come in and take all the OCTA’s precious toll revenues should Alt 3 pass. Pat Bates thought there was enough reason, enough unanswered questions, to justify delaying till the spring, while Moorlach said “A whole YEAR would be fine with me.”
THAT kind of reckless talk frightened the OCTA brass, who protested that the projected costs go up the longer this is delayed. I tend to be cynical about such claims, which they could be manufacturing out of thin air – seen ’em do it. What really troubles them is that a one-year delay of toll lanes would mean a one-year delay of their revenue gravy train.
Then it was time for what most of us were there for – to speak to the Board about our reasons for being against (or for) the toll lanes. But before the public could get started, Winterbottom decreed: “There are so many of you here today, I’m gonna ask you to speak for just one minute each, and only on the topic at hand, which is whether or not we should delay this vote. Nothing else.”
Once again, his colleagues rose up against him, all of them looking good in comparison. Again Moorlach was first. “I move that these members of the public can speak for three minutes about ANYTHING THEY WANT TO!” There was pretty much unanimous agreement to that.
That’s when Winterbottom outdid himself: “Aw, come on, we’ve heard all these people before, we know what they’re gonna say.” PANDEMONIUM from the crowd, and the dais too! Moorlach called Winterbottom patronizing, which was a very gentle choice of words. (For the record, there were plenty of people there for the first time, and the rest of us had new things to say.)
Now we’re trying to determine: How does one remove a “public member” from a Board?
Let me get back to what I didn’t finish in my last segment: OCTA staff’s sudden lament that they HAVE to put in toll lanes after all or else scary CALTRANS will do it themselves and take all the money off to Sacramento, and what is Caltrans’ justification for allegedly threatening such an unprecedented move?
The answer would be a convenient convergence of state and federal law. The state law, less troublesome, allows single-occupant Low-Emission Vehicles (LEV’s) to drive in carpool lanes for free. But last year’s meddlesome Federal Law known as MAP-21 (acronym for Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, barf) mandates that LEV’s should not have to travel under 45MPH at rush hour, more than a certain percentage of days each month. This led to a “degradation” study [degradation being contemporary bureaucratese for “lanes that suck too regularly for Prius drivers”] showing that, indeed, our carpool lanes are “degraded.” And we have only until sometime this JANUARY to do something about it, or risk losing Federal funding!
So, even though only 1.5% of the folks who use our carpool lanes are single-occupant LEV drivers, and even though many other counties’ carpool lanes are also “degraded,” Caltrans is supposedly threatening to jump the shark if WE refuse to jump it, and impose carpool lanes on Orange County alone, to save us from violating Federal law, and risk funding.
Nine of the current Board members are new this year, have been hearing this threat for months. And most of the members, new and old, either seem to take the threat seriously, or conveniently pretend to because they really want tolls. I won’t presume to guess at this point who falls into which camp.
But, HELLO? There are a lot of loose, clanky hinges holding together this contraption of a threat.
- This threatened loss of federal funding sounds like a bad thing. Turns out to be, guess how much? $12 million. By comparison, this project is a BILLION-point-3, and please bear in mind the difference between million and billion.
- This Map 21 is not a “prescriptive” law – that is, it doesn’t ORDER us to “make toll lanes if your HOV lanes are degraded or ELSE.” It simply directs us to address the problem SOMEHOW. And it stands to reason that some of our preferred options – say, building the two new free Alt. 2 lanes and changing the 2+ HOV lane to a 3+ HOV lane (with LEV’s AND continuous access) would address the “degradation” as well or better… but OCTA refuses to study that because it’s not what they really want.
- Caltrans has never imposed on a county the way they’re supposedly threatening to now. They have ALWAYS deferred to the desires of a county’s transportation agency. And in fact, as the Moorlach reports today:
The Director of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is Malcolm Dougherty. After Monday’s OCTA Regional Planning and Highways Committee meeting, it was recommended that OCTA meet with Mr. Dougherty, which was accomplished a couple of days later. “Was Caltrans going to force toll lanes on Orange County?” Negative, was the response. To paraphrase, the message was something like, “Caltrans will collaborate with OCTA and review the many tools available in the tool box to improve traffic flow;” with emphasis on the word “collaboration.” Talk about a classic “straw man” argument! We’ve been led to believe that Caltrans is forcing the toll road solution on us, which has been an apparent misrepresentation of their position.
- We could bore you at length with all the flaws in this “degradation” study, but we shan’t. If that’s your cup of tea, again I have to recommend Diana Lee Carey’s latest letter as a treasure trove.
Is there really nothing can be done about this existential MAP-21 threat and its looming January deadline, which the Board treats as some sort of gun to their heads? (The always-confusing Spitzer glowers to the Times, “I’m just frustrated as an elected official in this county that I’m being rushed into a decision.”)
Um, of course there is, duh. Jose Solorio put it perfectly at the Oct 29 Westminster townhall: “It sounds like Orange County is being punished for a technicality, and technicalities can be fixed in the legislature. That’s what a legislature is there for.” When you hear of a rider exempting the OC from that particular clause of MAP-21 sometime soon, carried by Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) and/or Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach) remember that you read it here first. Again, duh. Why does it take us scruffy bloggers to make these things happen?
Then that gun will be removed from their head. What’ll they come up with next?
Couple more little things from yesterday’s meeting:

“YOU get a car! And YOU get a car!”
Todd Spitzer, possessing the superhuman ability to take every position eloquently, passionately, and in great detail as though he is buffeted about by multiple winds which confer on him that gift, seems to be most strongly moved by the shiny Toll Revenue vision. So he proposed (if I’ve got this right) a large confab of mayors, politicos and other interested parties from the Corridor Cities, to get a sense of what transportation projects they’d like to see in their own areas, to be funded by the hoped-for Toll Revenues.
And then, more than one local politician, when it came time to stride up to the microphone, added to their prepared comments, “We will not be BRIBED into accepting toll lanes.” That’s not what you meant to do, Todd, is it? Bribe them into accepting toll lanes?
“Just lie back and enjoy it…”
Another thing we keep hearing from toll supporters on the Board, the staff, Caltrans, etc. is that the toll lanes are going to happen, but first there must be “buy-in,” “acceptance,” “involvement,” “inclusion of the point of view” of the affected communities that stubbornly reject them.
This got me wondering: Is that how these men treat women who say “no” to them? “Come on, this IS going to happen. You just have to say yes, and we’ll make this good for both of us. Come on honey, you won’t regret this…”
Well, rather than wrap things up with a tasteless rape metaphor, I believe I’ll snag a couple good paragraphs from today’s Moorlach Update. HEEERE’S Johnny!
“Another observation is that those who have been studying this long enough can clearly see that Alternative 2 is the optimum solution and they communicated that loud and clear at yesterday’s OCTA Board meeting. But, those pushing Alternative 3, the toll lane alternative, never mention Alternative 2. Yesterday’s OC Register had a letter to the editor from the Chair of OCTA that only referred to Alternatives 1 and 3, when Alternative 2 moves traffic at the same percentages as Alternative 3.
“When recently asked to consider a modified Alternative 2, which narrows down to one lane in the northbound side of the freeway bordering Seal Beach, staff put up a slide that showed it was not as helpful as the original Alternative 2. We know that! The comparison was to be between Alternative 1 and the modified Alternative 2. The intellectual dishonesty throughout this ordeal (“decision making process”) has been astounding and heart rending.
“The best approach is to honor Measure M2 and build the one lane promised on each side of the 405 and a second lane on both sides at the same time, as some 14 to 17 bridges will be modified to accommodate the four additional lanes. With the conclusion of the West County Connectors project and the addition of four lanes, then review the status of the traffic throughput. If more needs to be done, then consider modifying the occupancy levels in the carpool lanes and move up from there.
“To jump to a toll lane alternative immediately is too severe and dramatic. The residents of Orange County pay for improvements to the County’s roads with every taxable retail purchase they make. They should be given the courtesy of a systematic approach to this matter and not be told that draconian solutions will be forced on them. Thank you, Mr. Malcolm Dougherty, for clearing the air. I look forward to collaborating with you and with my constituents on this critical public policy matter.”
Amen, John. Amen.
I asked Lucy dunn How OCBC got so much influence in giving away our freeways to a toll road conglomerate that will stick us all with the bill and take nothing but profits while we sit in traffic and pay for others to have the prvieage to use traffic free toll roads. Her response is below. v
Lucy Dunn Paul Lucas–the freeways are operated and maintained by Caltrans not OC. OC is deciding whether to do prove mental early. Business needs people and goods to move efficiently and your gas tax only allocates 37 cents to design, build and construction when the real cost is $1.19 per driver per mile of freeway. Instead of raising taxes on EVERYONE, some folks are willing to pay a toll. Almost every transportation agency in the state are planning them. So we can control our own destiny or let gridlock reign and wait for caltrans to get around to doing it. But it is our destiny. Sorry you don’t like them. I personally use toll lanes every day. I really like the idea that LA and SD folks are most likely to use the lanes and pay the tolls to benefit OC roads!
5 hours ago via mobile · Like
Yeah, yeah, we get to hear plenty of Lucy Dunn’s spin, that’s her job, she just had a big piece in the Register saying the same stuff. The woman very much irritates me.
She is forever insisting that if the people of the county were just “educated” better about the issue, they would come around to supporting tolls. Maybe we should put the toll lanes on the June ballot, give her patrons an opportunity and reason to “educate” us. Don’t bet on any minds changing.
*Remember the 73 Tollway? Public/Private partnership….then the 91 Tollway..Public/Private partnership. Now the Great Public/Private/Tollway?
Let’s see…..with a Public/Private Partnership….they kept selling the roads back and forth from the County to the Private Roadmakers and back again. This time the OCTA learned its lesson….Blame it on the State, when rates go ridiculously high or no one but the richy rich can afford the stupidity. Yep…..quite a concept to get the OCTA to pay the freight for the roadwork and get nothing in return except idle promises.
Should have let the clown make a Brown Act violation by curtailing public comment at a public meeting. Would have solved your problem for you.
Now this two-volume opus of yours is truly magnum. Well done, Chairman Vern!
You know, if Moorlach would just promise to be this sort if “green eyeshades” Republican in Congress rather than a vicious Issa, roaring Rohrabacher, caratonic Cambell, or retrograde Royce, he will not only probably get elected but would be the class of the county GOP’s delegation.
Spitzer, meanwhile, must not want to be DA as badly as suspected, given that he appears ready to let this issue destroy him.
What’s the green eyeshades mean, I forget.
I could list some bad things about John, but he would certainly be the “class” in THAT delegation!
From Wikipedia:
They’re part of the long-ago prototypical garb of the accountant. I’m happy for conservatives and libertarians (and some of us liberals too) to take a realistic and skeptical look at budgets — although often this leads to arguments between left and right on the value judgments present within them. But at least then we’re arguing about something real and significant.
Case in point: Kris Murray grilling local non-profits on August 13 over proving their compliance with city guidelines regarding their relatively small grants minutes before voting to give away great gobs of cash to the Chamber of Commerce without demanding anything of the kind. That’s someone who is not wearing the green eyeshades consistently, and so earns contempt rather than respect.
Good then. Tom Tait = green eyeshades. Sandy Genis = green eyeshades. That’s what we need on the other side of the aisle, to counteract our natural over-generosity (with other people’s money, they would add.)
So many other things that we should all just be agreeing on by now. Climate change. Common-sense immigration policy. Equality for gays. Women’s reproductive rights. An end to the drug war and a diminishing of the prison-industrial complex. War as only an absolute LAST resort. Can I get another AMEN, chorus?
In re: green eye shades: the problem is that few politicians have the patience or the ability to dig deep into the workings of anything.
At the County the Supervisors studiously avoid knowing anything, let alone in detail. This is probably why their staffs largely consist of former campaign workers instead of people with professional skills. Those who do interest themselves in details are seen as adversaries. This arrangement gives Supervisors political cover when the next inevitable disaster occurs and they can claim Captain Renault-like innocence.
Their small fry colleagues on Boards like OCTA are just glad to be there at the grown-up table.
This Winterbottom (great Shakespearean character name) has obviously bottomed out quite a while ago. He is serving no “public” purpose.
Oh, I’m sure we’ll all catch on to that particular problem one of these decades. Did I say “decades”? I meant “centuries.”
Amen. I would happily argue with someone like Tait or Genis about spending and revenue priorities — and THAT (unlike questions such as “should we let these business interests rip us off) is the sort of dispute in which compromise IS both possible and advisable.
As for what else you list: you, sir, are libertarian-flavored.
Well … I did list climate change. As in, doing something about it. That’s not “libertarian.”
True. More’s the pity.
Southern California’s economy and the loss of jobs had to have hurt the toll roads. People are still worried about their jobs, particularly since the “new” healthcare exchange mandate. Employers are laying off their employees, the economy is slowing again and the very last thing drivers will do is take a toll road, they would rather sit in an hour or more of traffic before paying any toll. stated “California largest toll-road agency, whose revenue has trailed projections for six years, is nearing the biggest default in the $3.7 trillion municipal market since Detroit’s record bankruptcy.”
According to CalTax: California’s combined local, state and federal gasoline taxes total 72 cents per gallon, the highest in the nation. (This includes the 3.5-cents-per-gallon increase approved in March 2013, effective July 1, 2013.) I believe the gas tax was supposed to be used to make repairs, and we should require that all gas tax to be used for roads and only roads.
The gas tax covers only about one-third of the cost of building and maintaining our roads, plus expanding mass transit, maybe? What happened to the rest of it?
“…plus expanding mass transit,”
When you have “high speed” rail or trolleys to no-where and regional transportation centers, what’s left for roads?
Ms Valkyrie, When the gas tax was a “sales” tax it was bound by Prop 42 to only go to state road work. It still wasn’t enough to cover the state’s needs. But it at least had to go there. Gov Brown and the State Legislature wanted to get their hands on those dollars to balance the budget a few years ago, so to get from underneath the requirement that gas sales tax be used for road work he just got rid of the “sales” tax and turned it into an “excise” tax, eliminating the requirement that it actually go to repair and build roads, and yes at 72 cents we are the highest in the country and there is an automatic raise every year now. It still is not enough and can be raided for other budget areas that have nothing to do with roads. Other tax dollars need to be used to keep our State’s infrastructure in good repair. That is why county’s, like OC, have local tax measures to try and just fix it ourselves.
Take a few minutes to complete this transportation survey.
For the past 20+ years we all paid an increase on gas tax to pay for the car pool lanes. If they aren’t used properly, they should be enforced by CHP, but are not? Adding more gas tax to supposedly make them toll roads is not the solution. Once laws are passed they should be enforced making it easier for all.
Great post Vern! Thanks for letting us cross-post it.
I know the OCTA is running a survey but we are running three polls today:
Art, your “polls” are so poorly worded (ie. they wear their biases on their sleeve) that they’re not worth the cyber-paper they printed on.
Who appointed this guy and or how did he get the job? Can he be recalled or replaced? Who has control over this guy?