Most of us have done something like this: We’ve taken a large group of friends or colleagues out for a nice celebratory meal. We’ve hosted grandly over the table as the food was served and the wine flowed. Only to suddenly realize that we’ve just blown through all the money we set aside for the mortgage. The waiter delivers the bill in a black leather folder and it silently, stubbornly sits at our elbow… but we’re too afraid to even glance at it. Worst of all, what will we tell our spouse?
Well, the City of Costa Mesa had a 60th Celebration “Kick Off” Event, over seven months ago, and we still haven’t seen the final bill.
Originally the City Council , led by Mayor Jim Righeimer, voted to outlay a preliminary amount of $125,000 for the celebration of the city’s 60th anniversary. The fiscal impact analysis stated that the budget would need a total of $315,000, but only $125,000 would be needed from the City’s General Fund. Most of the remaining money would be raised through other revenue sources and sponsorships. The initial preliminary budget provided to the public painted a “pie in the sky” portrayal of large donations and fundraising opportunities that would fully fund the event with a tidy sum of $13,575 left over.
The Main “Kick Off “ event took place at the end of June, a little before the OC Fair was to begin.
The three-day event closed down Fair Drive and took up a good portion of the OC Fairgrounds Parking lot, right across from City Hall. $154,750.00 was budgeted for tents, stages, entertainment, rides, security, lights, power, booths, fireworks, the list goes on…and on.
Now, the City of Costa Mesa USED to have a fully functioning print shop with an accomplished graphics department, but that was dismantled under the Righeimer regime as too “costly and unnecessary”, so a special Graphics artist was “outsourced” for this project ($6,000.) The “Commemorative” magazine another $20,000. Banners, flyers, and stickers,and bill inserts for another $32,000. Souvenirs-$20,000, with a caveat that they would be revenue-generating. Initially, an additional $94,025.00 was budgeted to cover these additional costs. After all, any great event needs proper PR and Marketing.
Costa Mesa City Staff recommended that they channel any funds related to the 60th-anniversary celebration through the Costa Mesa Foundation. The Costa Mesa Community Foundation is made up of a group of appointed, respected, active residents.
A 60th Celebration Committee was appointed using a broad diverse section of appointed residents willing to serve in a non-partisan “shoulder to shoulder” effort to pull this event off and make it a great success that the City could be proud of. Everything seemed to be in place with public oversight and input established to monitor and run the event.
Some residents, early on, had been hearing rumors being swirled that everything was not going exactly as planned or promised, but it wasn’t until mid-July, a few weeks after the event, that the first story broke publicly. On July 11th, reporter Bradley Zint from the Daily Pilot wrote:
Concerns raised about Costa Mesa’s birthday party:
“City’s 60th anniversary bash had its ups and downs; financial reports aren’t due in for a week or two, officials say.”
Now, many of the complaints at this time were pretty benign. Volunteers being mistreated, running out of cake plates, falsely advertising the Foo Fighters as a headliner, and a lack of financial reports. At the July 11th 60th Committee meeting, City CEO Tom Hatch praised the event and assured the residents that the numbers would be released and finalized in another week or two as invoices were still coming in. He went on further to forewarn that the event might incur the Costa Mesa Conference and Visitor Bureau to incur “some shortfall in revenue”.
Concerned citizens, following up on rumors swirling about the cost over runs, submitted Public Records requests as early as July 23rd. Those requests included:
- Copies of RFP’s and bids for contracts issued and considered but not issued
- Executed copies of contracts with all amendments including food concessions and entertainment
- Invoices and payments for all contractors
- Staff time spent on the project including overtime
- Public safety staff time spent on project including overtime
- Records about ticket sales for concert and VIP areas including free/comp tickets
- Budget information and records for the event
On July 25th, city CEO Tom Hatch informally communicated to the citizen who’d requested the documents that “the city will need more time because not all of the invoices are in yet.”
A “Wrap Up” meeting, some called it an “autopsy”, was scheduled to review the event and discuss it’s downfalls and successes with all the volunteers present in the City Hall chambers.
That meeting was scheduled for August 8th,…..but this autopsy never came to be.
On Aug 6th, the two city employees principally responsible for organizing the event were placed on paid administrative leave.
The Potstirrer, Costa Mesa’s ever diligent observer, broke that news here: More Trouble Brewing At City Hall?
On that same day, August 6th, acting City Clerk Brenda Green asks for an additional 14 more days to assemble the records because “the extension of time is reasonably necessary for the proper processing of the request, requiring multiple levels of review and examination of potentially voluminous amounts of separate and distinct records.”
Unbeknownst to anyone at this time is that six days earlier, on July 31st, Costa Mesa’s CEO Tom Hatch ordered an independent forensic audit of the 60th anniversary event finances claiming, “This was the day that he learned about concerns that some city policies and procedures may not have been followed”. This is 8 days after the formal public records request, which were requested by the public for the very same reasons Tom Hatch claims he initiated an audit.
Now on Friday August 9th employees are seen transferring boxes from City Hall to the Costa Mesa Police Dept. Calls start going out throughout the city to the residents who had been following this. It was again reported by The Potstirrer: What Was Removed From City Hall Friday?
Six days later on August 15th, the City, facing enormous scrutiny and questions by local reporters, finally, and formally announces that the employees were actually placed on leave.
Now others begin to also ask requests for the public documents and contracts regarding the 60th Celebration.
Nick Gerda of the Voice of OC specifically requests contracts and invoices pertaining to the Food and Beverage component of the event. All Food and Beverage for the Celebration was given to the company KB Events.
This was dictated to the 60th Celebration Citizens Committee, by Events Coordinator Dan Joyce. Many on the Committee at this time were somewhat disconcerted that the decision was made “for” them. At this same time it was also made clear that all entertainment would be handled by an unknown entity, Sun Group LLC.
KB events is the company partnered by the wife of GOP Chairman Scott Baugh, a close friend of Costa Mesa Mayor Jim Righeimer, with whom he shares office space. Further investigation of KB Events led this writer to discover that the partners also included an entity solely named as CAA Event Industry- Food and Beverage Events.
Local insiders reviewing this information have been led to suspect that the CAA entity is actually the California Apartments Association. A known Lobbying Political PAC supporter of Baugh and Righeimer, with large political donations made towards candidates and the failed Costa Mesa “Righeimer” Charter in the last election.

Ed Reno with Speaker Boehner, Chairman Shuster, Scott Baugh and artist Gary Kutscher in Speaker’s private office with Speaker’s “living biography” painting in background.
KB Events partner and spokesperson Gary Kutscher confirmed that preliminary profit and loss numbers from the event were emailed to City on Aug. 6th, just hours before the two city employees were placed on leave.
On Aug 29th, the Register‘s irrepressible insider columnist Barbara Venezia wrote about the swirling controversy: Politics or missed communications for 60th party costs
It wasn’t until five days later, on Sept 3rd,that CEO Tom Hatch finally made a statement and the City “lawyered up,” refusing to release all the Public Documents pertaining to KB Events and citing ongoing personnel and police investigations. VOC’s Nick Gerda recapped that here: Costa Mesa Won’t Release Records on GOP Chairman’s Firm
This statement was made 42 days after the first public records requests were submitted by the residents back on July 23rd.
At this same Council Meeting, CEO Hatch, for the first time, declares he “ordered an independent forensic audit of the 60th anniversary event finances on July 31, the day that I learned about concerns that some city policies and procedures may not have been followed.” This was the first public announcement of this, even though he ordered the audit 34 days previously.
He went on further to declare that he had initiated new precautionary measures, such as:
- A refresher training course for all employees involved in purchasing
- Establishing a Purchasing Quality Control Committee, headed by the city’s finance director, Purchasing Department personnel and other city departments representatives.
- Reviewing the city’s current purchasing policies
- Reviewing the processes for engaging the Costa Mesa Foundation, used for the administration of the 60th anniversary event’s finances.
- Meeting monthly to review the city’s purchasing records and provide another layer of quality control to ensure implementation of municipal policies and procedures.
CEO Hatch ended his statement requesting the public’s “patience” through this process.
……..and so we waited.
Barbara Venezia, her interest now piqued, starts doing some more digging around the Entertainment portion of the event and Sun Groups lucrative contract. (A little known fact is that Barbara’s tattoos are from a storied past working with a top back East show promoter… back in the day). Barbara knows a little about the entertainment business, and she asks some very good questions, such as: “How did Barrera secure this gig for his company?”
“Nothing I read here would’ve convinced me this was the guy or company that should have even been in the running for an event like the 60th Anniversary…”
“Which begs the question — how did he get Barrera get his foot in the door?”
Each and every few weeks another City Council meeting, and more and more warrants and bills were being paid by public tax dollars with no public records of contracts or invoices provided to the public.
On Oct 14th Roland Barrera, the SUN Group LLC sole “no bid contractor”, chosen by the City to provide all the entertainment , buys a local bar and turns it into an exclusive “speakeasy.” Casa Trades Avalon Bar’s Punk Past For An Upscale Speakeasy
Barrera is quoted in the article, “You can’t cater to the masses and maintain quality.”
September, more bills being paid… we waited.
November. Wait… Wait.
Then in December this happened……
“A local businessman, Roland Barrera, who was paid tens of thousands of dollars by Costa Mesa to act as a consultant during the city’s 60th anniversary celebration is suspected of participating in a Ponzi scheme that cheated a Newport Beach man out of millions, according to a lawsuit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission.” – Daily Pilot
By Dec 23rd, the Daily Pilot gets impatient and starts counting up the amount of money paid out through the City using the warrants posted in the public records. The amount is nearing $400,000, on a party that originally had a working budget of $154,000.
In this article DP Reporter Jeremiah Dobruck states, “Over a period of more than six months, the city paid Barrera’s company almost $127,000 — more than the entirety of Costa Mesa’s authorized allocation.”
Still we wait some more.
This month (January) … Costa Mesa City Spokesman William Lobdell: “”The results of the city’s audit of the 60th anniversary celebration finances should be available by Jan. 15.“
So we waited some more.
January 27th – Our beloved Potstirrer asks, Where Are The 60th Anniversary Documents?
At the writing of this blog posting, this Costa Mesa resident has been waiting for the release of the public documents for 190 days.
…..but I am beginning to lose my patience.
More to come….
As Tom Petty said, ‘the waiting is the hardest part.’ This can’t possibly end well for the people running this fiasco, can it?
Not all of us have an alcohol problem where we spend our mortgage money in a bar without our spouse Greg……..Must be a drag to have those problems….
I would think that with all of the contacts that you and West have, you would know what really happened by now….
BTW……How many tickets did you buy for the celebration?
I also wonder how you came to the conclusion of the pour rate that you have quoted before in other posts…How would you know the answer to that..
All of this writing over the last 190 days about this, is as nauseating as the Fairview Park piece where you went homophobic about The Little Shrimp in Laguna, and blew off the slur as a joke…..
Hey Greg! You have a fan!
Your confused Vern….I am no fan of either of you….Thanks for posting anyway….
Ooops, my bad! LOL
Vern…at first I thought he was talking about you. I don’t think I, or my spouse,…..especially my spouse, has EVER been to dinner with Ken Nyquist.
As for “pour costs”, well, twenty years working and managing Bar restaurants gives me some insight. A 49% pour cost on keg beer is a huge red flag. Someone is either lying, or stealing. Average pour costs on kegs should be around 79%. Reliable non-profit leaders, within the City, with decades of experience running similar events, within the City, and with strong ties to the 60th Celebration committee, were shocked when that 49% number was revealed.
And that number came from KB events….it’s off the profit and loss sheet they provided to the City.
Hey Vern…….what exactly is my “contract” that I have again?
See, that’s how you know you are doing something right. When they accuse you of actually being paid to do it. Because that’s the only way they can do it.
Ken….I don’t get paid.
That was free…….you’re welcome.
You wonder how much Geoff West is compensated for his diligent reporting?……Have invoices?…….Proof?
Because that’s all we’ve been asking for.
Invoices and contracts from billings being paid using public tax dollars on public contracts……or lack of contracts.
Talk about baseless accusations……you’re full of them.
Ken’s full of it of course, but I think he typed AND meant “contacts” … didn’t he?
You’re really going off the deep end again here, just like you did with your extreme, baseless accusations against Geoff.
It’s beyond the pale.
Who is this Ken guy anyway? You guys know him?
At least he’s not the usual anonymous rock-thrower we generally get.
It is a refreshing change in that respect.
Contacts and Contracts in Costa Mesa might be the same things…..
190 days and counting.
Hey Gericault! There’s an app for that!
When Righeimer and his developer buddies come for the trailer people, their attitude will change. In the meantime a cup of coffee buys their loyalty.
Great piece G. Ridge, keep it up!
yep, it said contacts, not contracts. ridge brings up getting paid because he and his ilk think anyone who posts contrary to his group is paid by the ocgop, constantly asking “how much did you get paid to write this?” as if only paid people could disagree with him, no matter what the local election results continually should show him.
most likely, the event ended up costing the city 80K (400k expenses, 320k revenues), the delay is probably being caused by mediation with the employee on leave, negotiating how much the city is going to pay him if he chooses not to return to his job. (His assistant was recently reinstated to her job, why did Ridge leave this fact out of the story?) There are many invoices showing payments to a law firm specializing in employee mediations. Baugh probably made very little or no money on this but did it for good PR and to pay back a city that elects Republicans to all the elected offices.
We have a bunch of pony boys in Costa Mesa, many with seats on boards and commissions, who pledge their fealty to Righeimer and Baugh instead of the citizens. We will remember them long after Righeimer is swept out of office. One in particular recently made fun of a widow whose husband’s ashes were stolen out of her house. He tried to take attention off the fact that Righeimer’s policies resulted in not enough police to do a quick investigation.
no matter what the result of this, the Costa Mesa residents should be in a forgiving mood towards councilwomen Genis and Leece, who voted to fund the event, praised the event, and apparently did not give much oversight to some potential problem areas identified early. If an employee goes rogue, there is not much one can do except after the fact. It looks like a full scale investigation was done. Unfortunate if there is any wrongdoing, hopefully not too expensive a lesson in what new policies need to put in place.
When they call you to testify before the Grand Jury, be sure to blame Genis and Leece. That’ll exculpate the real culprits. Have you thought about going back to retail?
wholesale only baby. ten million minimum
“They tried to make me go to retail, I said ‘no, no, no!'”
I read that story on the burglary, very sad when one’s personal space is invaded in such a way. Of course, the anti Righeimer crowd immediately forgot the poor victim and went into full blown political attacks on the Mayor who has had great success. And success makes them angry. How could Righeimer be blamed for a burglary? Burglaries are down 25% in Costa Mesa year over year. Crime in total is down 12%. Good job by your dedicated officers. Unfortunately, there were no fingerprints left at the scene according to police and thus no detective would be assigned without much to go on. Is Righeimer to blame for there being no fingerprints left behind?
“Reported” burglaries. Or, technically, “reported and recorded” burglaries. Have people given up on the police by now? (Have the police given up on the people?)
The report was finally released Thursday, right at the close of business. 1,051 pages! I wrote about it:
The Executive Summary – I linked to it – will curl your hair.. Well, not Vern and Greg… Staggering admissions and costs. More than a half million for a little party! Yikes!
I do look forward to reading it — maybe, in your honor, while taking a hot bath in a bubbling cauldron! (Soap bubbles in a bathtub count, right?)
84K net cost is the bottom line.
Over a thousand pages released and Jim Fisler has already passed his professional judgement that there is nothing to see, everything’s normal and it’s time to move on……
The rest of us are taking more time to look at this…’ll be hearing about it soon.
84K net cost is the bottom line.”
Liar. Is this you Fisler?
Riggy’s brand on your butt is strong.
The bottom line is where $500,000+ went and what the city got for $500,000+
Ken Nyquist is an angry man. Having been his neighbor for some years now I can tell you that he is certifiably a nut case.
Yep… good description…
Roland Berrara is being indited by the SEC read their press release! For his involvement with a Ponzi scheme snd recruiting investors locally here into it. His bar Casa got launched because of it. Sounds like total scum bag stuff to me!!!