Wow! From Jason Young at Save Anaheim — and please click that link for the graphics:
Sources tell Save Anaheim that OC GOP Chair Scott Baugh asked Kris Murray to remove his name from any future campaign literature. Clearly the Republican party isn’t happy with Mrs. Murray’s crony capitalist ways.
Scott Baugh, you have surprised me! I didn’t think that the GOP’s ire at Lucille Kring’s challenge to Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait would reach these heights. I wonder whether similar retractions of endorsements by Shawn Nelson and Todd Spitzer and others will follow. (Personal note to my opponent Tony Rackauckas: I hope that you won’t retract your endorsement of her until after our June 3 election. I’d appreciate the anchor of Kris Murray being firmly attached to your ankle until then. Cordially, etc.)

“You don’t like my supporting her running for Mayor, Chairman Baugh? Well, there’s NOTHING you can do about it, because you’ve ALREADY endorsed me — and THAT can’t be undone! BAUGH-HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Here’s the problem for Murray: with Republican James Vanderbilt apparently running for Council, the GOP has an easy way out: endorsing Vanderbilt and Gail Eastman to keep both factions happy. That drives a wedge between Eastman and Murray. I don’t expect to be endorsing any of them, so long as a couple of viable Democrats run, but I can distinguish between who’s a leader in pillaging Anaheim (that’d be Murray) and who’s a mere follower (Eastman) who might someday listen to reason — and while she’s been a reliable vote would not be the kind of precision tool for Curt Pringle’s tinkering that Murray has been.
Nice find, Jason Young! Now that you’re publishing again, back onto the blogroll with you!
Update: As some have inquired, here’s the Murrbot’s list of endorsers on her invite to her April 2 fundraiser:
I’m still laughing.
hilarious! baughh……..who cudda thought of that? what’s next , sheeple? making fun of names is so fun! did it in grade school?
If you think that Baugh is the target of derision here, you need to read more than the title and the photo caption.
It was a really lousy pun.
Anyway, you can bet the real reason isn’t opposition to crony capitalism. There’s a wheel within this wheel.
I might wish to seek your advice about many things, Zenger — but assessment of humorousness is not among them.
You’re a better observer of the OCGOP than I am, though, so if you think that there’s a deeper angle here suppose away. It’s a blog, after all.
Maybe you should reconsider. I read the headline three times before I got the joke. Free tip – If you have to explain it, it wasn’t funny.
guys, I think deadwhitemale was reacting to the “BAUGH-HA-HA” comment.
Of course deadwhitemale has been getting more elliptical, sloppier, and less comprehensible recently so I could be wrong. Probably comes with the rigor mortis, gringo pallor, and huge hanging balls.
Knock knock.
Anchors away!
That was funny.
You are telling two elected officials who share the same partisan views to reconsider their endorsements meanwhile how many Democrats do you suppose are obediently supporting the Republican, Eastman.
Senator Lou Correa(D) is in Eastman’s corner and it wouldn’t surprise me if Assemblyman Tom Daly(D) is there again.
Murray was more political than Eastman, Murray built Republican relationships, Eastman made community relationship but I’m guessing nobody liked the crony capitalism crap.
If the OCGOP leader’s request to remove his name is based on the crony capitalism, I think it would be foolish to not endorse Murray and endorse Eastman. I highly doubt your thinking here is correct.
What’s likely to happen?
Murray and Eastman will play the fear factor with the district elections issue. They will ride the coattails of the Anaheim voters denying district elections on November’s ballot. Voters won’t care what is right but what their gut says will happen after reading all the scare campaign information coming about District elections.
So with all the “viable candidates” from all the groups who oppose the Pringle machine agenda but supporting november ballot box district elections who do you suppose will get the most votes?
I’m not telling Nelson or Spitzer what to do; I’m wondering what they’ll do. The only person I encourage to do anything is Rackauckas — and I hope that he stands by his robot.
As for Dem electeds endorsing Eastman — yes, that is sad. But it’s not as sad as some of them endorsing Murray!
Wow… which Dems have endorsed Murray? I need to know so I can put them down on a list lower than Baugh.
Starts with Jor, ends with Man.
Oh, God. Him. JUST him, I hope. I haven’t thought of him as a Democrat in years.
I’ve updated the post with a graphic for her April 2 fundraiser, showing the host committee and the honorary host committee, all of whom we can presume are endorsers. The top line has a Baugh-shaped hole in it.
Other Democratic endorsers are Jim Adams of the Building Trades (who perhaps is just doing his job) and Ernesto Medrano of the Teamsters. I don’t know the party affiliation of Bill O’Connell, Mario Rodriguez, Jill Kanzler, and some others.
Indeed. In fact, he’s endorsed both incumbent Republicans. Cut them checks, too.
Nice to know that those donating Democrat dollars to this individual can rest contently knowing that a piece of their donation got handed straight to two Republican candidates.
I’m all for independent thinking– but seriously? Guy won’t even give ONE challenger in his party a chance? Real team player right there.
He’s not running for anything this year. Well, I guess that if Pringle drops out he could run for Mayor, but that would lead to big splosions, initially of Jason Young’s computer as he turned out DVDs for voters of Jordan’s impressions of Bette Davis and Joan Crawford from the dais.
(Note: do not criticize unless you’ve watched as much Anaheim City Council video as I have. Jordan’s “NO WIRE HANGERS!” face when criticizing Mayor Tom Tait was especially good.)
He should run for mayor. He’d love telling everyone how often he had the floor . . .
I would love that. Galloway vs Brandman vs Tait. Would throw “Democrats” into disarray. What would Dan C do?
I don’t know — revise downward his estimate of how many people attended Galloway’s fundraiser?
“if Pringle drops out”
I think you meant Kringle.
Kris Murray is awesome! She should be re-elected.
“Clearly the Republican party isn’t happy with Mrs. Murray’s crony capitalist ways.”
Right, because that never happens anywhere else.
Now I’m hearing OC GOP chairman Baugh is turning against Poseidon? Something is happening over there. I need to get more details.
Kris Murray is hot. I should know because I am too! She should be re-elected because no other candidate has this quality. Peace!!!
Whoever wrote in “Diamond for D.A. – because he knows how to use a landline!!!!!!” — I thought that that was funny. (It may have been trashed because you used a faked version of my e-mail address, which is not cool.) At any rate, it’s not that I know how to use a landline — but that I was using the landline, at that moment, to offer pro bono legal advice to help victims of Hurricane Katrina navigate the process of dealing with FEHA.
I do still remember the agony of using dial phones — but not of phones with cranks.
And there I was, so sure that voting involved a dartboard. Oh well, lose a bet, learn something.