Breaking: OC VETERANS WIN! Huge Turnout in Irvine, unanimous vote for Great Park Cemetery!




BREAKING: The Irvine City Council has voted unanimously to donate a 125-acre parcel in the Great Park to the State of California to construct a long-awaited Veterans Cemetery.  And if you see these guys there, they’ll be celebrating.

(Greg here — borrowing Tyler in Irvine’s story and renaming author as Admin.  Hope he doesn’t mind!)

OCVMP plotting successful offensive

OCVMP members (left to right) Robert Brower, Gil Flores, Richard Ramirez, Bill Cook, Zeke Hernandez, and Louie Quezada fall for the old “I’m done taking photos now, you can relax” trick. In fighting for a veterans cemetery, though, they never led down their guard.

This was not supposed to happen.  The OCVMP was more or less promised at various points that their struggle — in Bill Cook’s case, one that began back in 1999 — was valiant but futile, because you just don’t get past determined developers like Five Point, which was dead set against setting the dead near their new homes.  But you pack a room with enough veterans and most any City Councilmember will listen to them.
OJB’s correspondent on the scene, “Valery Forge,” reports that Jeff Lalloway committed to support the resolution fairly early on.  Christine Shea and Steven Choi have been expressing concern — I am toning down the verb used in the original report — about environmental cleanup on the site.  She is particularly … expressive … about the special committee (which ended up never giving a report) never reporting back on the cleanup.  City Staff has patiently explained that it’s the federal government’s responsibility either way.
Original story by Tyler in Irvine:
Orange County Veterans started  gathering at Irvine City Hall on Tuesday afternoon, even though the public comment period will be after 6:30 pm.

I believe these four gentleman represent all four service branches.

 Overflow seating for the expected large turnout.

I can’t make tonight’s meeting, but I already spoke in support of a Veteran’s Cemetery  for the Great Park at the March 11th meeting. I encourage you to come to Irvine tonight and support our veterans.  As Allan Bartlett pointed out, it’s inspiring to see so many men and women continuing to serve the greater good even after they’ve completed their “Service.”

I would expect the veterans to start addressing the council for an hour or more starting  around 7 pm, but this can vary a lot.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.