Longtime Anaheim Latino Activist and head of Los Amigos Dr. Jose Moreno spoke yesterday at the Democratic Party of Orange County meeting, which was a little unusual because even as a Latino leader he has long refused to join the Democratic Party. And then this happened.
Believe it or not (and you should, because it’s true), I had no advance information that this was coming. When Jose said that he was going to make an announcement, I fired up my phone and was startled to find myself documenting some real news. Like several other Democrats in the county party, I’ve spoken to Dr. Moreno numerous times about joining the party — not in the pro forma “hey, when you gonna become a Democrat?” way that some have done, but in a more challenging and incisive way. Jose has always had considered, and not entirely gentle, reasons for his disappointment in the party — some of which I have had to concede even which choosing a different path. To me, this change of heart was completely unexpected — although I think that I should have seen it coming, for reasons very different than others may think.
I think that his decision makes sense — and not because he’s completely abandoned his previous reasonable critiques. Nor, in my opinion, does it necessarily mean (as some seem to think) that he has decided to run for City Council this year rather than for reelection as a Member of the Anaheim City School Board.
Maybe he will run for City Council now, but I don’t think that that’s the basic reason for the change. (I think that his better chance to win is in 2016, if that matters.) A run for City Council this year would give him a better forum for which to campaign for District Elections — but that doesn’t require him to become a Democrat. He could distinguish himself quite well as the only non-Republican running among the leading candidates for City Council. (Donna Acevedo is a Democrat, but much less widely known than Dr. Moreno.)
Dr. Moreno explained his change in registration this way: the local Democratic Party has shown some life and new strength in its focus on oppressed communities. He mentioned the DPOC’s strong stance for District Elections — largely achieved through the work of Jeff LeTourneau, Gloria Alvarado, Carina Franck, and myself — and DPOC’s stance in favor of the LGBT marchers in Westminster’s Tet Parade, where LeTourneau, Alvarado, and Mike Kinslow spearheaded efforts. This is very gratifying for the reform caucus within the DPOC to hear — but, alas, we are presently out of power and our influence has been waning while that of Business Democrats has been rising. (Sorry to say so, Doc!)
I think that the reason that Dr. Moreno has decided to take a stand now is not because being a Democrat is politically useful to him in Anaheim; rather, it’s because, in Anaheim, the Democratic Party is where he can be politically useful. And figuring out where he can be useful is a consistent theme in Dr. Moreno’s career.

Dr. Jose Moreno speaks to the Democratic Party of Orange County, as DPOC Secretary Anita Narayana looks on, and announces that just minutes before the meeting he had re-registered as a Democrat.
Anaheim politics, I think more than in any other place I’ve known, is divided into a 2×2 grid. You have both Republican and Democratic parties with some history of success, but each one right now is divided in two, between what I would call self-service and stewardship.
It’s not hard to find people to identify with each position within the Republican Party. Mayor Tom Tait has been the major (well, sole) proponent of wise stewardship on the City Council, putting the long-term interests of the public ahead of both personal and private gain. Former Mayor Curt Pringle, and his spokesbot on the City Council Kris Murray, have been the main proponents of pie-in-the-sky proposals that borrow enormous amounts of money to be repaid at a premium in the far future, promising dubious payoffs for the public today and tomorrow, that in fact only have a few guaranteed outcomes: the developers, construction contractors, and middlemen get rich. It’s this serving the business community and their agents (such as uber-lobbyist Pringle) vs. serving the public both now and in the long-term future that create the rift within Anaheim’s GOP.
The same split occurs within the Democratic Party in Anaheim. The insider party among Democrats — often called the “Business Democrats” faction, was once represented by Tom Daly, and is now represented on the City Council by Jordan Brandman. Both have had enough sway in the Council Chambers and among party regulars over the years that their positions have often, and often perversely, because known as the Democratic Party positions — because most party members from Fullerton, Irvine, Huntington Beach, and beyond have only the vaguest idea what is going on in Anaheim. (To this, I can personally attest.)
Anaheim has its share of reformers as well — Amin David, members of OCCORD and some from (the multipartisan) Los Amigos, and Joanne Sosa come to mind. I and other reform Democrats have spoken on these themes at the City Council, but we come from out of town. Many of those who have sounded like the strongest Democrats have been those who, like Dr. Moreno himself before Monday night, have rejected the local Democratic Party itself. And you’ll notice one theme here: none of these people have been on the Anaheim City Council. To find an actual reform Democrat who knows the way to the party headquarters in Anaheim’s elected office, you would have to go to the high school board, where Al Jabbar serves.
(I’d have liked to say that former Councilmember and Mayoral Candidate Lorri Galloway could be the Democrat on display in the Reformer box, but while she was good on police abuse of power issues in 2012 she has been almost entirely AWOL on the major good governance and economic stewardship issues of 2013 and 2014. She was on the right side of the GardenWalk Giveaway issue when last on the Council, but that’s quite a number of giveaways ago on which she’s had no comment — or at least shown no leadership. Her candidacy seems centered on the safe and misty issue of how Anaheim needs a female Mayor — something with which her opponent Lucille Kring would agree. Why Galloway has not been taking the lead in bringing this issues to Council has been a continuing mystery to me — and by now doing so may simply be too late.)
So this has left a major gap in Anaheim’s Democratic Party. It’s a leadership gap that Dr. Moreno can fill.
Mohandas Gandhi famously said: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” The change that Jose Moreno has wished to see in Anaheim starts with a more vibrant and functional reformist Democratic Party. And so he has decided to be the change he wishes to see — which means that now he has to be a Democrat.
I don’t know if one has to go an inch beyond this reason to explain Dr. Moreno’s new party affiliation: he’s needed, and he’s needed now. We Reform Democrats who are working on Anaheim economic stewardship issues have needed an eloquent moral force on our side to rally us from within our own party.
We needed one; now we have one. Whether ascends to City Council this year — or in 2016, as I suspect — he’s now ours. He’s the change we wish to see in Anaheim politics.
I can see why you’d say that, but look at it this way: just as reformist Democrats should welcome the strengthening of the position of reformist Republicans, so should reformist Republicans welcome the strengthening of the position of reformist Democrats. In Anaheim, you guys are way ahead of us, and Dr. Moreno coming on board our team changes things.
As for any electoral concerns you might have: I asked him last night about whether he was running for Council and he told me that he has pulled papers for School Board. He neither winked at me nor nudged me; my sense at the time was that that’s the default plan and how he is leaning. He may be reserving his options for now, but I didn’t get the sense that he’s being coy. Anyway, if he did get elected to Council, he’d be great there.
Why isn’t your party running any candidates for November? Republicans are contesting each other in all races and yet the DPOC hasn’t shown a pulse in trying to exploit a schism. It’d be perplexing if it wasn’t predictable.
As I think you know, to the extent that I could ever speak for the DPOC, I definitely can’t do so now. However, I’m better placed than you are to say whether the DPOC has a pulse: on what did you base your assertion that it doesn’t? Any facts at all?
As Democrats (I won’t say “DPOC” because for the most part it doesn’t generate the candidates) are “running candidates for November” in lots of places, I presume that you’re just talking about the Anaheim City Council race. Here’s my sense of things. One faction in the Democratic Party — Jordan Brandman, conservative trade unionists, etc. — are perfectly happy to see Kris Murray and Gail Eastman win. (Actually, they care 100 times more about Murray than Eastman, which is sad for Eastman.) Another faction in the Democratic Party is pretty happy to see Tait’s position on the Council strengthened, meaning (at this point) rooting for Vanderbilt and Pettibone.
If Moreno runs, everyone will support him publicly (although the Pringle Ringers may try to undermine him privately.) I’d like to see Donna Acevedo on Council — so, uh, there is a Democrat running for Council — but she just may not have the resources. That’s the big problem for Dems in this Council race — it’s going to be very expensive and, barring a Moreno run, our limited resources are likely to be taken up elsewhere. Solorio’s tanking in the SD-34 primary did not help encourage spending outside of Sharon’s area of the city.
So: we’re not trying to “exploit the schism” because — as is the point of much of the article that you just may or may not have read — we have our own schism.
Here’s a question for you, though: why aren’t Green Party candidates running? With 79 men on the Fullerton City Council ballot, I’d think that as the only woman running Jane Rands could waltz into office pretty easily this year.
Perfectly happy? Brandman has endorsed both and donated to both. Real party man.
Some in the Business Faction are beyond perfectly happy. Some are perfectly … on second thought, I’m going to suppress a joke here because of the disturbing mental image it evokes.
Distilling the Bloviator:
One set of the Dems is cool with the Republican council majority
Another set is cool with a Republican Tait slate coming to power
And Acevedo is running but as a grassroots working-class candidate who just happens to be registered as a Democrat.
Welcome to the party, Jose!
Gabby — if I were writing my comments to you alone I could use grunts and snorts, but I was trying to convey information to others at the same time.
Shorter: stay in the shallow end of the pool.
He has until August 8 to change his mind (again).
(Which reminds me, Donna — take a good look at what I wrote about the Anaheim City School Board race.)
Careful Mr Zenger—meetings with this mama is risky —if you don;t kiss her cheeks she will never leave you be! Seems the other blogs should promote her cause ,too. Thought she had friends there as well….
Welcome Brother Dr. Jose Moreno. Thank you for noticing the hard work local democrats within our county central committee have been doing. It is well beyond a pleasure to have you at our side in the march toward the Beloved Community.
Mr. Kinslow, it’s really too bad so many of your trades union brethren are marching to orders issued by the Anaheim Kleptocracy. Almost kind of tragic, in a funny sort of way.
Mike is one of our best Dems, David — someone who is getting his hands dirty all the way up to the biceps in order to clean up county politics. Feel free to treat him with the according respect.
Great. A reforming Democrat. Never heard of him before. Maybe he can tell us his opinion of those other bastions of integrity – Jordan Brandman and Tom Daly.
Now I really do want to know how he feels about the lockstep unions and their complicity in the massive Anaheim giveaways. But I’ll hold on to that respect thing until I hear what the gentleman has to say.
Not everyone lives on the blogs, Zenger. Mike has been part of the party’s consumer protection and environmentalist and disability movements. He’s not so inclined to slag people publicly the way you appreciate, though, but his actions speak louder than words.
You said the guy was past his elbows cleaning up county politics and now you are saying no, he’s really working for consumers, the disabled and the environment. If that’s what you meant originally that’s what you should have written originally.
I didn’t ask him to “slag” anyone. I asked for his opinion on Daly and Brandman – two Democrats who are deeply involved steering the future course of the Beloved Community. Guess I should have added Pulido and Agran to the list.
Jose!?!! Wait! What!?!?! Gee Golly fricken whizz no wonder people we’re looking at me funny! It all makes sense now. And Greg, I try to read your comments but it is hard when I can’t stop laughing… All Cynthia said was dammit! God forbid she wright a book.
Stop trying to read my comments, then. I don’t want to feel guilty if you hurt yourself.
I ACTUALLY am at a loss for words. Occasional Reagan nostalgia aside, I knew he was not about to reg Rep. But what has changed!?!?! Btw, where is the video? That might help haha.
Well, recognizing that you are at a loss for words is the first step in the process. Step 2 is: when you re at a loss for words, stop typing.
oh that’s rich! No but really, I want to see the video, donde esta?
Are you talking about the video embedded in this very post?
yes, yes i was, not there
Uh, I can see it. What browser are you using? Can others see it?
Here’s the video URL, if you can’t:
You ok, Daniel?
Mr. Zenger, I would be happy to meet with you in person and discuss this.
(Zenger’s comment has disappeared)
I have to admit that the absolute elation I felt while learning of the welcome addition to our reform movement was somewhat dampened as I listened to Chairman Vandemeir wring his hands while bemoaning the fact that we have not found a “magic bullet” to assist with voter registration.
Now call me an idiot, but I could have sworn that just moments before I had heard one of the most prolific progressives in the county explain that due to overt progressive Democratic Party community organizing around district elections, he found a home in the party.
Perhaps if the chairman would spend less time attacking community activists like Julio and Tefere and perhaps if he didn’t illegally strip his adversaries from committee chairmanships and membership, he would see that the “magic bullet” he seeks is there to be had. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!
Okay, Mr. L, I’ll try you: what sez you about the problem of Democrats (often with the help of the egregious Lucy Dunn) start acting like a lot of the local GOP grifters?
I have in mind: Agran, Pulido, Brandman, and of course Tom Daly, the corporatist, soi-disant “moderate” Democrats who have been documented handing out phony no-bid contracts, stonewalling investigations, knee-deep in conflicts of interest, etc., etc.
As far as i can see the only thing separating the behavior of the two parties is that in OC the GOP has been in mostly charge.
When you say “reform movement” what do mean?
Since the last election for chair of the DPOC between Henry and myself, there has been a concerted effort to do away with blanket support for business Democrats who ignore the marginalized residents of their districts. While we fell short of besting Henry, we have majority control of the E Board and and a forceful presence at the Central Committee level.
Henry’s recent complicity in the removal of Greg Diamond’s Vice Chair office was a disgrace and amounted to little more than placing the party up for sale to the highest bidder.
You and I are in total agreement when it comes to who should be the party standard bearers. Hopefully Mr. Vandemeir will realize that by any measure of evaluation he has dismally failed to lead the DPOC in a positive direction and will therefore not stand for reelection.
“You and I are in total agreement when it comes to who should be the party standard bearers.”
If you are referring to me, I’ve got to say that your “standard bearers” are none of my business. However, your dichotomy is not the same as mine. You see “business” Democrats as bad because they don’t seem interested enough in an ultra liberal vision of social and economic equity.
My dichotomy has to do with people who seem to have gone to school on the local GOP bag men and want to play that game – Daly and Agran and Pulido spring immediately to mind. For me it’s distinction between honest, up front government and government run by politicians for the benefit of their pals.
That’s why I take phrases like “political reform” as essentially meaningless until somebody provides some specifics.
The common thread between LeTourneau Democrats and Zenger Republicans is that we see way too much of, and fight against, the use of government to further enrich the already wealthy and well-connected in this hinky county.
After that, we can disagree on just how much “social and economic equity” is too “ultra-liberal” or not.
Okay, there’s more we agree on. The secrecy and discouragement of democratic participation. The lawlessness. And also, the draconian abuse of the law against people who are hurting nobody. I could probably go on.
Basically a good summation.
I do look askance at “political reform” that is merely a veneer, but is really just a promotion of a political agenda. That’s the challenge I have dealing with reform issues like district elections in Anaheim. To me it is a generic reform – a better way to encourage broad-based representation and neighborhood equity; and of course a way to possibly get a better batch of candidates.
Those who fight the fight as a political turf war are just wrangling like two junk yard dogs over a bone. There is very little “reform” about it. (And yet I am thankful for the ACLU lawsuit even though I disagree with its focus – one can remain pragmatic).
The many of the same prominent Democrats who want those districts have become completely silent on the vast Arte Moreno heist or the ACC bond hocus pocus; my guess is we will hear nothing from here on out from Galloway or Moreno on these topics – yet stopping these things are absolutely fundamental to start reform.
I would like to see the ugly turf battles fought out between the Cunninghams and the Chmilewskis – as proxies for their bosses until the latter go to jail or just fade into irrelevance.
Flip flopper.
How can you trust someone who flip flops for personal gain?
Ok, kind of agree, but … wait … where is the personal gain?
The gain comes from the ability to run for higher office. But I don’t see any flips or flops.
For whatever reason the dude went NPP; but my hunch is that he was a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat in everything but name.
Of course it’s getting hard to tell what anybody really stands for – especially those in the Pringle Stable. Those are all horses of the same color.
As far as anyone can tell, he is not running for any higher office. I see no reason not to take him at his word, which was that the increased democracy of district elections was so important to him that the DPOC backing that (and the OCGOP not) was enough to make him choose that party.
He still does have till the 8th to decide to run for council, but from my talks with him I think his heart is still on the school board. In which case there’s no “personal gain” from his adoption of a party.
Unless you count the personal gain of having us talk about him a lot.
“…the DPOC backing that (and the OCGOP not)…”
And yet Baugh of all people stated that as a resident og HB he supported district elections! I don’t know why the GOP didn’t go for this unless they were impressed by the hysterical brayings of Cunningham on behalf of the Kleptocracy – which is pretty hard to believe.
Anyway it’s not too late, Moreno’s decision notwithstanding. Fortunately the election takes place before Ackerman takes over.
P.S. Shall we ask Gustavo and GSR to weigh in on the Moreno thing?
GSR’s been around already. Gustavo can’t stand the dude (mostly because Moreno has criticized him.) Hello ‘Tavo? Let’s tussle!
Zenger —
The only thing I weighed in on was observing the lack of Dem candidates in the council race while Republicans eat each other.
For Moreno as a Dem? I listened to his KBEACH college radio show and he spoke in the identifiable catch phrases and perspectives of the late Brazilian radical educator Paulo Freire who wrote the classic “Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” No problem with me there. That was an incredibly important book for me when I read it at 18.
Observing him in Anaheim, however, he’s been soft on police, speaks out of both sides of his mouth, lies, never lives up to his leftism and hangs with the progressive Dem clique anyway, so the re-registration comes as no surprise to me.
There is something in it for him: It’s the only way he can get elected to council be it in 2014 or 2016.
That’s about all I care to say about that. You asked for my thoughts and that’s what they are.
Pringle. His security guard fiasco is still required training for poll workers at the ROV.
Maybe a new party can be formed for those types, like the “Jerk Party”
I read the OCDEMS are going to name a street after Greg Diamond:
After all. To read his positions like the fundemental Christian viewpoints are ABSOLUTE.
Yo… where’ve you been, good to see you. Although, i don’t see the justice of your critique. You and me and him all have strong opinions, as it should be.
I had banned him a while ago; I’d have to look back at exactly what precipitated it. Now I may just spike his anonymous attack. My question is, how did he get back?
Vern, if you know who this guy is, please post the information. I’m not going to punch at a phantasm — but if he’s going to pull this sort of bullshit I am going to punch.
I can introduce you to him, but don’t you think you’re overreacting? He’s accusing you of intolerance of alternate viewpoints. I don’t think that’s true. But what’s the big deal? Let’s talk about it offline.
I agree, I wouldn’t sweat this one, Greg.
Also, nameless, you meant Fundamentalist and not fundamental. Very different things.
Five-year-old boys sometimes need a spanking — and ideally it comes before they break a window or shove little sister into traffic. No one here has been more dedicated for a longer time under more different names to the dark art of character assassination than this guy. I’m not “sweating” a damned thing; I’m pissed off and ready to get aggressive about it.
Vern, if Dr. D wants to go to the mattresses on this, perhaps we ought to have a dedicated discussion on the rights and responsibilities of commentators on this site. Given what I’ve been seeing over at Spam-a-lot and recent changes at the Voice of OC, it would appear to be timely.
Who wants to take point? NOT IT!
I’ve been setting forth what I see as a reasonable rule for literally years now: you can be anonymous, you can unleash vicious attacks, but you can’t do both at once. I feel more strongly about that then nameless (why I’m still honoring his “right” not to be connected with his other pseudonyms, I do not know) does about his having a god-given right to do so.
I was doing a little research on one of the Water Board candidates for my recent article and came upon a story from the archives. The story itself, on an apparently corrupt (and of course unpunished, because Rackauckas) deal from the City Clerk’s office in 2010, is fine; the comments section is, in my opinion, corrosive. Here’s an example of what OJB’s comments used to be and could be again.
Is that what you want? An echo chamber of anonymous voices pushing what may or may not be legitimate attacks on someone? (In this case, I’d say that they probably are legitimate, but they just as easily could not be.) Is there a damn thing being said there that would not be better said under someone’s name — even if it’s one person collecting others’ anonymous comments, so that we have some point of contact and context? It’s one thing if it’s legitimate whistleblowing, but most of this is just piling on, rabble-rousing, and whooping it up with insults and condemnations and other emotional appeals to give the sense that more of the public is up in arms than might so. This is what Cunningham and his collection of human pustules do and we’re right to have contempt for it.
As an Admin I may know whether all of these comments came from the same person — or even from the post’s author (which in this case they did not) — but the reader does not. The point of this is to make people wonder who among them may be slagging them behind their backs while being sweet to their faces. I have no respect for that and feel no obligation to tolerate it. (If Vern decides, in response, not to tolerate me, that’s his choice.) What that does is not only to make the blog comments section really unpleasant for other than true believers, but also make the game of politics not about who can compete better, but about who can cheat better. To. Hell. With. That.
Okay that’s pretty good.
You know your blog is a worthless piece o’ crap when the best comment is something like:
August 1, 2014 at 3:35 am
how to get baby to sleep through the night
Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads and hypnosis recordings.
Children who receive the ideal amount of rest are more happy and
also have sharper minds. An e-mail alert will be sent to you, if the above techniques to get them back
to sleep won’t work.
Forget Roseanna, just try reading the pro-o-o-o-z-z-z-z-z-z.
Having just dipped my toes into a nearby sewer, let me say a few more words about this:
The point is not to do the same thing, better, with opposite intent. The point is to not tolerate it.
Me? Is that what I want? No. Absolutely not.
Perhaps we should be a little more proactive than booting individual comments. We welcome your anonymity. We welcome your assholery. We do not welcome both at the same time.
No, I’m not overreacting. It’s not this comment in particular, it’s his whole track record. It’s his absolute commitment to his supposed right to throw stones from the bushes while wearing a hood. I know that that has a long history in the OC political blogosphere, but it makes discussion pretty much unreadable; it reduces everything to character assassination. To hell with that.
I don’t care as much about what he does here after the election, but between now and then he’ll just poison the comments section with his cowardly bullshit. I have a problem with people doing violence to others — physical or verbal — while hiding behind anonymity and making people wonder who around them the vicious asshole really is. Unless you’re ACTUALLY doing the equivalent of fighting against the British Redcoats, which he’s not, choose one or the other.
I think this move is all political, to maintain his position on the board and quite possibly take a run for a council seat.
It is my understanding that jose took a punishment(loss the endorsement of the teachers union)for voting for the charter school option for parents. Without this issue being an immediate political liability, he stays NPP.
The reasons jose gave for switching, where issues the Dems already owned( district election in Anaheim, etc.) but I’m the only one who sees this. Really!
Look for him to submit a last minute filing for the council.
Single-use anonymous IP address there, Ryan! Like it? Let’s clap for what, so far as you know, is just a paid-for slam by Matt Cunningham.
This isn’t whistleblowing; this is putting on a ski mask before clubbing someone. We don’t need this crap. If the person wants to give “his understanding” — which we can’t evaluate outside of his identity — and his predictions, let his or her identity be known, at least to the Admins who can decide whether to let it see the light of day. If not, we’re really not worse off for not seeing it; someone with more guts could produce the same (mostly worthless) comment.
I never knew people were using different screen names to comment on this or any other blog. How do they keep all those fake names straight? And I didn’t know they had throw away IP addresses.
Do you think this behavior is just a sign-of-the-times? If you watch FOX or MSNBC you will witness nasty behavior from the anchors…to name a couple… Sean Hannity, Chris Matthews. I know the difference is they do not hide their identities, but they are also paid to be “dramatic and argumentative.” The average person is afraid to go public with their opinions out of fear, ex: losing their job. If you Google someone’s name or screen name (If they leave enough comments on varies social media sites) their name will pop up.
I have no problem with people giving their opinions anonymously. This knifing people anonymously is something different. The fact that it often seems to be done for pay makes it worse. I don’t like it generally; in an election season, I have no tolerance for it. I hope that you wouldn’t either.
If Vern is correct that it was Anaheim Republican/NPP/Pedrozatarian Jose “Joe” Moreno slagging Dr. Jose Moreno — the guy with whom voters often confuse his name (and the main reason that he gets some votes) — slagging his namesake here, then you hardly need a better example of why anonymous attacks are often self-interested and just plain wrong. We don’t have to provide them a forum; they can do it elsewhere if they must.
Greg… this seems to be the new way when it comes to politics. It’s no longer about being a public servant and taking that office as a responsibility. People who run should feel honored and humbled that the public trusts them to do the right ting.
Don’t PACs operate the same way? They hide behind the scenes and pay for ads to discredit their opponents anonymously? I didn’t know commenters could be paid but now that you mention it, it makes sense.
I completely understand when I talk with people about voting and they answer me with, “I stopped voting.” They are sick of the corruption and nasty behavior. They choose to ignore what’s going on and live their lives. Isn’t that the goal of some though…to make people stop participating so the ones in power will continue to rule?
Maybe politics now requires people who run and win, to sell their souls to the highest bidder?
I don’t understand that attitude, Inge, because it means saying “let the people who don’t care about corruption, or who even actively embrace it, make all of the decisions about who will lead us.” It’s self-indulgent.
Greg… I agree with you. Although, I understand their frustration. Basically, they raised the “white flag” and surrendered. The people I talk to work fulltime, are raising kids and are trying to pay their bills. There is so much information these days and finger pointing and not enough listening from all of us… we are all guilty of tuning each other out when the subject is one we are passionate about…instead of listening and trying to understand where the other person is coming from… we are thinking about our rebuttal… it’s just too much for the average person I talked to.
It’s too much drama. Everything these days is a crisis. I think they are burned out.
I admit there are days I have to take a “time out” or I would …
Hey “Joe” Moreno, aka “ayepolitico,” the guy who ran against Tom Daly, is that really you? And if so, why are you using a throwaway IP address?
It’s me Vern. I don ‘t understand what you mean about using a throw away up address. I am using my iPhone. You guys are sometimes create your own mysterious. I guess
I don’t understand what Greg is saying about School board member Moreno giving me votes as I think voters are more educated then that. But, if he wants me to personally show school board member Moreno and his followers how educated the voters are about the differences. I like that suggestion.
Really? You don’t understand? Is that your final answer? You’re not being even a wee bit disingenuous there?
Vern, could we put a poll in the Weekend Open Thread asking how many people here think that Jose “Joe” Moreno has gotten any votes due to voter confusion between him and Dr. Jose Moreno? Maybe also a specific question about whether people think that that confusion was decisive in his finishing 2nd in the 2012 69th Assembly District primary?
First if all, primary voters are high propensity voters. They are more educated than you conveniently like to give credit. I would assume that I probably have a significant amount of family members and friends who live in Anaheim. I actually grew in the central OC and have been a baseball coach, soccer coach and board member in a few soccer organization. Kids and their parents don’t forget who was their coach.
Then, lets not foget my additional friends I have been able to make through other community organizations. I would estimate I have about 700 friends on Facebook who are either anaheim business owners, involved Anaheim community members or just friends who reside in Anaheim.
You can speculate about who many votes I received from a person that shares my name but I think high propensity voters are smarter than you think and I have a history that goes back 44 years, more than you and Jose combined.
But, I would really like to put to rest your continue belief that Jose’s name ID helped my previous short lived campaign run and I think I know how. Thank you!
Jose… if your basing who will vote for you by the amount of Face Book friends you have, I say, your are a little naïve. Just because you might have been my kid’s coach doesn’t mean I think you are qualified to hold political office.
Fine, we’ll put up a poll. I vaguely recall that at the time even your pal Pedroza recognized your sharing a name with a prominent community leader was a reason that you would be more likely to win. Bur I will leave it to others to judge your candor and analytic chops. Let the survey begin!
Sorry about any typos.
BTW: I still don’t understand about that IP address stuff. That seem to be directed to me. What was that all about?
Don’t worry about it.
When someone posts a comment slamming someone under what appears to be an unfamiliar pseudonym, I sometimes run their IP address through a search to see whether they have posted here before. Usually, they have not — and generally, they never do again. Hence “single-use.”
That was your first post under this IP address — usually a sign that you fall into that category — although as I recall you have posted here before. Of course, I was not insulting you personally, as from your post it was not clear to me who you were. Vern used the term “disposable” and also recognized your email address.
I appreciate those who volunteer their time for their community. Especially those who have done it without expecting anything in return. I think those who just run for a political office after moving to a district don’t really know the district and more often will not represent it well
I was mearly stating that to don’t forget your baseball coach.
As for number of FB friends I believe it better than having none. I’m sure you will disagree.
What I’m saying is this… Face Book friends are just that. They are not real friends in the real meaning of the word.
Yes, volunteering is definitely a good thing and it would be great if more people did that. I volunteer at a local hospital but that doesn’t mean I am qualified to be mayor or director of the hospital.
I think the problem with our political system is that we vote for candidates who are political people with ” pumped up” titles who have no history of volunteering in their community.
Spot on! As long as one can point to a log of volunteer hours they can do whatever they want with the awesome power that is the state.
Don’t worry about numbers, demos, comparative analyses, and other data, just smile and do nice things for random folks, not arbitrary at all!
In all seriousness, governing is a science, but it is not as complicated as limiting government.
Greg: Are you saying that my comments on this thread are “slamming” to school member Jose? If so, wow.
A poll here would not be an accurate measurement.
It’s hilarious that you think Republican primary voters would unknowingly vote for a candidate who they think is a school board member but would not know he is a doctor in Chicano studies. Please!
(1) I said that I look things up when they are “slamming,” but I should add also when it appears that someone is asking others to believe things that would hinge on their own credibility without providing their identity. Your comment — which was effectively as anonymous as posting under the name “John” would be — set off the alarm bells. Let’s take another look at it.
(2) A poll here would be an reasonable measurement of what people here thought. (To do it right, I would have to perhaps contact everyone by email, to alert them to it, but I won’t.) That general opinion among disinterested persons would be superior to your own biased opinion.
(3) Go look up “name recognition” and explore a little bit of its impact on voting. Don’t even try arguing about this again until you’ve done the basics. Why do you think that that white guy in Arizona changed his name to “Cesar Chavez” a few months back before trying to run in an election there?
Joe, by pretending that you don’t know how sharing the name of a more prominent figure might help your campaign in an overlapping area, you’re really damaging your credibility here. But it’s your credibility to squander, so do as you wish.
I had no intent to slam anybody, just trying to explain the events that happened and how I believe they will unfold up to the filing period.
I didn’t read all of your last comment, including its analysis as I know what I wrote and my intent.
Too sensitive.
Take care
Let me just add why I think he switch makes it so despite the problems of not having the teachers union endorsement he is a elected incumbent and now must have the democrat party assistance , despite the teachers no confidence. The democrat party have to support him now. It’s a political move.
Your email address, like your IP address, shows up automatically.
So in the comment below this one (if I understand it correctly) you accuse us of conspiracy theory, but in this comment you explain your conspiracy theory that this was necessary to win the support of teachers unions. That’s ironic. One thing I can tell you, though, is that whatever Moreno runs for he would have had teacher’s union support even if he were still NPP. I don’t think you understand the dynamics at work here.
Anyway, aren’t you much more of a charter school proponent yourself?
I added my email address so I did not intend to hide behind anything.
Vern knows my email address.
You guys at adding to that show about government conspiracy
Running a dude with same name to draw votes away? That’s a pretty cheap trick, even for the Kleptocracy.
Or, as we used to call it in Pittsburgh, “standard practice.”
Jose’s doing it is one thing. Jose’s denying that he knows very well that’s what he’d be doing is in some ways worse.
In the words of the Chronicler to the Kleptocracy:
“I don’t really know Joe Moreno personally, other than that he is a conservative Republican, active volunteer, a nice guy and family man with six children.”
I don’t know him but I sure know a lot of complementary things to say about him. Those boys sure love shimmying up the greasy pole.
They hate Dr. Moreno very much, so they’ll promote the Joe the Quack Doctor. Four years from now, I predict that they will hate Dr. Moreno even more — if they continue to be active in politics at all.
Reports are now coming in that Quack Jose Moreno, who probably has a clear path to the Anaheim Elementary School District Board based on confusion with Doctor Jose Moreno, is now going to file for City Council to run against Doctor Jose Moreno. We can all look forward Quack Jose Moreno’s explanation of how he made this decision completely independently of Doctor Jose Moreno’s now-presumed-likely decision to switch races.
Quack Jose Moreno, sadly, suffers from a bad case of chronic loose lips about his motivations — as shall be documented.
Y’all are not giving voters enough credit. It’s a little confusing from my perspective, but it is ultimately not very difficult to differentiate the two men.
This is also not a shock. Not just coming out of the blue, Republican Moreno stands to gain as much as Democrat Dr. Moreno. I can’t Imagine that latter entering the race without the expectation that this would be very difficult campaign. Any word from Jennifer Rivera?
Serio? Not giving the average low-information voter enough credit, even though blogger Lamb is confused. Is this the Republican line now?
This is a tried-and-true dirty trick and of course it bleeds votes from the real Jose Moreno. Look up “The Wrong Don Yarbrough.”
“Jennifer Rivera’s not here anymore, Mrs. Torrance.”
Daniel, don’t be so adorable. Consultants charge big money to try to generate smaller ways to screw over opposing candidates than running someone of the same name.
Luckily, we here at the OJB Head Office have several available antidotes. I’m sort of hoping that they do try this stunt — especially given that I think that I can link it to at least Kris Murray.