CA State Senator Pan is causing quite a stir up Sacramento way. We have had the Granny State, the Nanny State and now we have the Toddler State! What next? Let’s see how over-reacting can kill. Some kids from Indonesia arrive at Disneyland and go to New Orleans Square and suddenly we have a major outbreak of German Measles in Southern California and around the world. Yeah, remembering getting measles back in 1949…..was a terrible experience. Then in 1968, got the 3-day Measles in Sitges in the Costa Brava of Spain. Thought we were going to die. Big red splotches on the chest and back and a 103 degree fever. Went to the medico, then to the hospital in Barcelona. Was put at the head of the line, because we were foreigners. Put us in a room for three hours. No doctor. Left, and walked past the 1200 people in line waiting to see a doctor. Got back into the VW Bus determined not to die in Spain. Drove to Cannes, France where there were no doctors either. The splotches went away and soon the fever disappeared. Now we are considered a 3-Day Measles survivor. Senator Pan wants a law to make sure kids get 62 different Vaccines before they go to school. Pan is a Pediatric Doctor, deeply affected or impacted by the ideology of Big Pharma. Really Doctor? Did they ever cure Infatigo? Just checking. How about Malaria? Parkinson’s? Just checking. By the way, how many people died as a result of this Measles outbreak at Disneyland? How many parents and kids and parents will be affected by your legislation? How many of the 62 Vaccines should be required again?
Suzanne Summers is not the only one with doubts about Vaccines for kids and adults, the additives in our food supply and why Big Agra refuses to label GMO foods, Pharmaceuticals and Beauty Products. Many parents have started to ask questions about why too many kids suffer from Autism, ADHT and other maladies that most kids never experienced before 1969. These parents want to know why they have to take the “Full Monty of Vaccines” for their kids, starting when they are sometimes less than a year old. There is no International Concensus on Vaccines and their applications to young kids. Obviously, all the major childhood diseases should be considered, like Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Plague and Polio. You know the things the English and Americans, put in blankets and gave to various Indian Tribes to defoliate the area for more settlers to inhabit. Heck, what about the DDT, Methyl Bromide and Vikane they use to get rid of Termites in those Quonset huts in the Central Valley, before Cesar Chavez. Of course back then, they just shot that fumigant right into those living quarters, while the people were still sleeping. Sort of like what the Nazi’s did to the Jews at various locations throughout Europe back in the day.
One thing is for sure, no one has done a 20 year study to determine the negative effects of Maxi-Vaccines on pre-school kids. Senator Pan better get his list of effective studies up and out to the public, before he requires every California baby to step up….before they can go to school. How about a Cancer Cure Vaccine first Pan? How about a Heart Disease Vaccine or an Obesity Vaccine? Have any of those handy? Our country is becoming more like Nazi Germany every day. In the name of SAFETY – Legislate Pharmaceuticals, Legislate your Gun Rights Away, Legislate your Freedom to say the truth. What’s next, Legislate the thought that you can ask viable questions?
In the meantime, where is the Legislation to save the lives of our two wheel neighbors that ride bicycles, motor bikes and motorcycles on these very dangerous roads in California? Senator Pan, if you really want to save lives, try co-sponsoring a bill to require that neon colored clothing, gloves and helmets be required for every biker in California. People that wear black, dark red, brown or even grey outfits on our streets are being killed by motorists and truckers every day on the roads of California. At dawn or dusk , is not the only time that these crazy folks are in danger. On open highways with brush or trees or these folks cannot be seen, much less in the cities with a required three foot barrier on narrow areas or areas with parked cars. Dark fast bikes, Dark clothes equal Dark Results! Too many deaths are occuring every year in California. Senator Pan look at the numbers and compare those deaths to the deaths attributable to Measles. Should be a pretty quick excercise….eh? Sounds like you need a few Amendments on that Vaccine Legislation sir.
Bicycles and Vaccines….you pick!
*40 total cases of measles from the Disneyland contact. 131 for the entire country. Bad Legislation………how many kids died…again? Maybe another Risk Assessment is in order….ya think?
. . .
I stopped reading at German Measles, which is Rubella.
Get it right, ships. The risk assessment here is the measles is the most contagious disease ever encountered by man. It’s risks are substantively higher than any imposed by its vaccine.
I’m sure this is going to attract the nutjobs, so I’m out. Get your shots or stay home.
Cyclists don’t need to wear neon. Bikes can have lights, just like cars do.
How many of the 62 vaccines should be required? about 80.
Public health officials are very conservative in which vaccines they promulgate.
These diseases have ravaged my family in living memory. Uncle Philip still has a limp from his polio, for example.
2 in every 1000 kids who get Measles — the most contagious disease known — will get encephalitis.
I knew a young man who died from encephalitis at age 19. Here in California. Five years ago.
Vaccines are an incredibly great technology. They are cheap, (almost) harmless, and prevent a staggering amount of human suffering, especially amongst children.
But they only work if *everyone* uses them.
“How about a Cancer Cure Vaccine first Pan? ”
We already several of these
and more are in the pipeline.
Not only is this a deeply ignorant post, it’s harmful.
Shame on You.
Agreed. Nice reply.
*This all goes to show that the Big Pharma Lobbyists are doing just fine. As ones who had every known vaccine up until 1967,,,,,,,and served in the US Army to make sure we got them all………the ones we got in 1955 were Yellow Fever, Small Pox and Plague. Which got us through all the locations in Central and South America. Then we got the slam duck eight out of Basic Training. We understand you love your medical professionals. We understand you do not have any children with any health problems. And we understand that it is you or anyone that does not inquire into things that is the dangerous ones.
*Oh yeah, we failed to mention dead Lock Jaw vaccine…..and then years later having a near death episode with the live virus equivalent? Nevermind, you are totally sold out for the Farm Subsidy’s….we get that.
^^^ does this mean you contracted tetanus?
Every ten years, bro. Get er done.
Is there a malady called “lock keyboard?”
If so, please contract it.
*NO RC, when you get a live Tetanus reaction, your tongue swells up and blocks your air passage. If you don’t get service quickly……your heart rate goes to 250 and you simply die. No biggie, evidently you believe.
Can you imagine why the Sansom Client took allergic reaction tests way back in 40’s. Do baby that get these mega-vaccines get the same treatment? Perhaps, it will be easier to ask your pediatriction to give your baby that test BEFORE you shoot up….to see what happens….in a day or two or maybe years later.
*By the way, had had 6 different dead virus tetanus shots prior to going the full monty…..with Unannounced Live Virus Vaccines. Any Vaccine you take – you need to ask whether it is Live or Dead Virus and how long any bad reaction might take……in that event.
I put that in Google translate to try and understand it. It was rejected.
Only part I got was about tetanus. I dunno if you got it, had a reaction to the shot, had a reaction to getting sick, or just got stung by a bee with tetanus. Might help to clear that up. All of them sound pretty bad.
In any case, get a booster every ten years. You still need it, even if you did get tetanus.
” We understand you do not have any children with any health problems”
I DO have a child with a substantial health problem. eff u. Thank god her vaccinations are all caught up.
As for your ongoing and deeply ignorant rant, never forget:
“There is no shame in being ignorant. Only in remaining that way.”
tyler, do not go into the big top. There are three rings of stuff going on, lots of noise, clowns everywhere, monkeys, dancing poodles, a big brass band and a guy with a whip and a gun. No one will hear you.
On the contrary: as one who believes that the cure to wrong speech is more speech, I think that the comments here testify to the efficacy of “more speech.”
Like it or not, the Winships’ position is one widely held in and around OC, and one that hasn’t really had a strong proponent in our posts since Inge left. Ignoring it and sniping at it among your own intellectual tribe doesn’t work to advance your position. Perhaps engagement might.
^^^ well done.
tylerU….very sorry of any health problems for youngsters…..touching. We are only here to remind you…..that “one size does not fit all” and there are no “single bullet theories” that have ever made sense. Go online and see what kind of vaccines our soldiers are supposed to take before going to the Middle East and in other areas more Tropical. Then ask yourself just one question: “Why does my child need anything more than that?” If you can answer for each of the 62 various vaccines that are provided for pediatric care and understand that perhaps giving those all in one go…..may not be the best..unless of course there have been studies which support the long term affects. But hey, your children, your family, your parents and your pets are all your own responsibility.
*tylerh, just in case you wonder why your comments are being lauded by RC and Dave the Pretender…..sadly their baggage can’t be carried all in one load. They have lots of written history you can pull up; with their questionable, self centered agenda for America.
Now I’m confused. An agenda involving sculpture and brewing?
No not tylerh. You mean Toby Tyler.
It probably has less to do with my one world government and more to do with you confusing the measles with rubella.
Ryan, have you heard about my self-centered Agenda for America? I hear you have one, too and I’d like to learn more.
My plan it to extirpate every idiotic post on every blog in the country. And I’m starting with this one.
Dave the Pretender
“If you can answer for each of the 62 various vaccines that are provided for pediatric care and understand that perhaps giving those all in one go….”
Children are not given 62 vaccines…they are given approximately 14. And they are not given “all in one go.”
Stop spreading myths!
“Infatigo”…? Ya think? Bikes are OK, just the fools who ride them need protection. Their heads need it, otherwise…..brain damage……..ya think.
And the editor needs to read this stuff before us unsuspecting(? ya think) readers stagger through the weeds….the illustration is misleading……just sayin
Vern doesn’t pay me enough to read everything here. (In fact, he doesn’t pay me at all.) If you find a good graphic for this story, post it and one of us can swap it in.
I think Paula is saying that the post is illiterate, incomprehensible and not even funny. And if you pick up the tar baby in the first place you are in for trouble.
Done. This charming (non-vaccinated) kid on a bike gets across the devil-may-care, details-be-damned, party spirit of the piece.
*ES – are you really Boxcar Willie? We love him. Sitting out by the rails, around the trash can fireplace, talking it up with like minded pals…..as all the big trains roll by at high speed.
Nope…not Boxcar Willie.
Now enough speculating over disease, medicine, big pharma and Dr Ozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
My head aches
*This has been a good post and we got some real reactions. Perfect……and we even had the inordinate ability to draw from our vert own: Experts in the Fields!
*One more thought: Dr. Oz actually offers good effective solutions to a whole bunch of maladies. Kevin Trudeau is still in jail, because he came up with effective cures and less expensive ways to save lives. Ah, but then why shouldn’t everyone just buy off the AMA rap music?
*How many vaccines are required to be in the Armed Forces again? How many
vaccines does Senator Pan want our 2 year old to get? Question things….truly….
it won’t hurt.
If your child is getting more vaccines than this…..you might want to ask why?
What the shit are you talking about?
There’s a question for you.
Your stupid, little non-study is from 2011. And it’s nothing but pure speculation. Sure, go ahead, ask questions…ask ’em until you’re blue in the face. Question whether or not the earth is round if you want to.
This study, however, is not speculation;
Anon…are you really ALWAYS on the wrong side of everything? Amazing coincidence. “The Guardian”…..the Edward Snowden rag? Oh really, outing the outliars……. ADHT….Autism…..only 2%….. We see….you are probably the same guy that writes that Dr. OZ should lose his teaching credential and his Medical License. Let’s just pretend we only have ONE question: How many Grammar School kids are on ADHT Drugs or are taking prescription drugs for other mental disorders? Look that up and get back to us.
Speaking of the wrong side of everything . . .
ADHT is not a thing.
Keep drilling. You may hit something.
I’m trying to take you seriously here, but your mumbo-jumbo makes it extremely difficult.
Are you saying that a study of over 90,000 children, which the Guardian merely reported on (you could find the story reported from other sources…go ahead, I dare you), is wrong?
*We are always wishing to be helpful…..here is the entire list of childhood issues which can be traced back to 1989, when children’s vaccines went from 8 (seldom injected at the same time) to today about 16 are given 3 times each with an eventual total of 57. They don’t even get Malaria, Lyme Disease or West Nile Virus vaccines…….either. But hey, they are from the CDC and they are here to help protect your children. There are 212 additional required vaccines in the pipeline with will come out in the next five years. Senator Pan and DeLeon are on the wrong side of this legislation and hopefully parents will call them on it – hard and often.
*This is a nice info piece you might enjoy about the numbers and how
much they cost.
*For those who really want to know:
Contrary to what state legislatures may lead you to believe, no one has the legal or moral authority to force you or your child into receiving a vaccine. While the State has the legal authority to fully establish the use of vaccines, to receive a vaccination treatment requires your voluntary and informed consent. Therefore, despite the tricky wording of school officials and mainstream public health workers, there are a number of ways in which you can exempt yourself from receiving the ‘required’ vaccinations as set by school districts and workplaces.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/how-to-avoid-mandatory-vaccinations-through-exemption/#ixzz3Y0FdRfuQ
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*Big Pharma cannot be sued for errant vaccines according to CDC rules. Big Pharma makes about one Billion dollars a year for each vaccine required to be given children and that is why the approx. 212 additional vaccines will be coming out swiftly in the next five years. Each one approved from the CDC, AMA and NIH no doubt without any long term studies to support their veracity. How many vaccines do European kids get? Never mind….you guys only know about what is happening on your own block….right? Who washed their car yesterday anyway?
*Just in case anyone wants to see what EU kids get…
Iceland gives 11 total and has the lowest incidence of baby deaths in the world.
Denmark and Austria give more but spread them out until age 18. This link you can check all the EU Countries and compare their various vaccine schedules for children or adults.