OJ is a pro-reality blog. Let’s set the record straight on vaccines.
Vaccines prevent immense human suffering, especially amongst children. Vaccines are incredibly safe for almost everyone. Immune compromised people who can’t use various vaccines rely on herd immunity. Infants, newborns, and the elderly are particularly dependent on herd immunity.
If you can use a vaccine, and you use choose not get immunized, you are a selfish jerk because you are knowingly put others at risk. Or maybe you just hate kids and retirees.
True, twenty years ago, there was a single paper that suggested there may be an autism risk from the MMR vaccine. That paper was retracted: “no causal link was established between MMR vaccine and autism as the data were insufficient.” Andrew Wakefield, the doctor behind the article, lost his medical license. His science was not only bad, it was fradulent.
Meanwhile, in yet another medical triumph, a vaccine introduced in 2010 has all but eliminated Meningitis A from west Africa. West Africans may be poor, but they aren’t stupid.
The scourge of small pox was exterminated by vaccines, millions of women will never get cervical cancer thanks to a vaccine, and numerous diseases are prevented everyday by vaccines.
Yet some Californians resist vaccines. This not surprising: perfectly reasonable people can, and often do, arrive at bad conclusions. Unfortunately, this perfectly understandable human frailty means that a perfectly sensible law to increase California’s herd immunity is facing tough resistance in the legislature.
If you like the idea of kids avoiding suffering, or would rather not see folks over seventy succumb to preventable diseases, please call your State Legislator to support SB 277.
You might as well put a sign up that says: “Trolls Welcome Here.”
Let the parade of stupidity incited by this brief factual post begin.
Showing the way?
*We suggest everyone buying more Big Pharma Stocks and Adverstising these vaccines on TV……ooops….but then they would have to add all the disclaimers. Nevermind.
Not only are you an ignorant fool when it comes to vaccines, you also know damn little about the stock market.
“Big Pharma” generally avoids vaccines because the profit margins are terrible.
The Meningitis A vaccine was paid for by the Gates foundation and manufactured under contract by an Indian company. “Big Pharma” wouldn’t touch it.
Likewise, MMR and most other vaccines are in the public domain, and so can’t support the “Big Pharma” business model.
Big Pharma likes chronic diseases for rich people: Cancer, anxiety/depression, hypertension, chronic pain….
Stuff that keeps a paying customer coming back for more. Vaccines can are sold once, and then the customer never comes back.
*Golly Gee…..we are totally impressed with your years of scientific investigation into the vaccine world. When is the next conference? Can’t wait to have you attend and come back with a report.
How many vaccines do folks in China get….or India for that matter give
their kids? Probably wouldn’t matter much with someone who has as much
Merck and Bayer stock as you do.
. . .
Judge rules: non reply. Automatic F.
Not enough children in India and other developing countries are getting the Measles and Rubella vaccines.
Shame on you for making light of the deaths of children that could be avoided with proper vaccination protocols.
*Here is the US List…. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/index.html
*Notice how they all say Interim? Which means that several shots are required…
In 1989 – Childhood Vaccines cost Families $80 dollars per child. Today,
$2200 dollars……
*Another good reason for Obama Care…..eh?
$2200? What are you, insane?
Vaccinations are free.
*Yeah…with Obama Care!
Of course these folks don’t have your contacts to Big Pharma… They are just called: “Objective Observers”…get it?