Late at night, beneath a full moon, Jordan Brandman packs up and moves to District 2!




“Were you there, Grampa, when Jordan Brandman moved in the middle of the night from District 3 to District 2?”

Why, yes, children, your Grandmother and I were both there, we took pictures of it, and Jordan even came out and talked to us!  The moon was full and high in the sky, weary from the previous night’s eclipse, the truck stood idle with all doors open as the driver muscled furniture about, and Jordan unabashedly admitted to us that he was moving a few miles west to District 2, at the last minute, to run for council against incumbent James Vanderbilt.

And he told us – Jordan told us – knowing that your grandmother and I are Democrats who disagree with almost everything he did in his four years on Council – that now was the time to be LOYAL Democrats, to all unite with each other and support him, because TRUMP.

“Because TRUMP, Grampa?”

Beneath the brilliant Colony full moon

Yes, children, it didn’t make any sense to us either.  “Trump and all those who stand with him,” were the words Jordan used.  Grandma and I looked at each other in confusion.  What did James Vanderbilt, a very thoughtful, honest and humane councilman, have to do with Donald Trump?  (Besides both being Republicans.)  We didn’t agree on every vote James had made, but he was extremely conscientious and independent, funded his own campaigns and refused pay for his council service, and as far as we could tell worked full-time representing his city.

And what did Donald Trump have to do with any of the issues facing Anaheim right now, or any of the long long list of decisions Jordan had made on council that were bad for the people of the city but good for his little clique of funders and cronies?  The hundreds of millions in taxpayer giveaways to Disney and the resort district?  The attempted giveaway of the Angels Stadium parking lot to Arte Moreno?  The end-run around the city charter to put Anaheim taxpayers on the hook for the Convention Center expansion bonds instead of the Convention Center itself?  Jordan’s bizarre last-minute Jan. 2016 attempt to put off district elections even further just so he wouldn’t have to face Jose Moreno in District 3?

In fact the closest person to Donald Trump you could find on the Council was Jordan’s close ally, Republican Racist Lucille Kring.  We have still never been able to get an answer from Jordan as to why he and Lucille agreed to make Amanda Edinger their representative on the districting commission – a woman who steadfastly opposed the districting reform that Jordan had promised the Democratic Party to support; who hated and feared Mexican immigrants so much that her Facebook page was drenched in it;  and who – surprise! – today is a proud Trump “deplorable!”

The probable sad truth is, Jordan didn’t know why he appointed Amanda Edinger, he was just following the order of somebody who wanted her on that Board. And there you get to the crux of it – Jordan always seems to be following someone’s orders, and that somebody is NO Democrat, not on any relevant local issue. With James you can always see him making his own decisions, as maddeningly slow and unpredictable as that process can be.

We wished Mr. Brandman a pleasant evening, renewed in our intention to support Mr. Vanderbilt however we could – the LAST thing we wanted to see was a return to the bad old days of 2010-16.  Plus, Jordan’s kind of politics just makes our Party look bad.

Well, I can see that story put you to sleep, children, as it always does, but rest assured – your Grandma and I did everything we could to stop politicians from giving away your birthright to their greedy buddies. Sleep tight now!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.