
Bobbit, Van Der Mark. Gracey compares herself to her fellow Ecuadorean-American, the famed dick-chopper Lorena.
So, what’s a girl gotta do to not get an OC GOP endorsement around this joint?
I was pleased to see Anaheim Mayor candidate Harry Sidhu sent packing by the Orange County Republican Party when asking for their endorsement, because of his unflagging crony capitalism while on city council, his attentiveness to every whim of public employee unions, his unabashed carpetbagging and residency fraud in constant pursuit of office, and his impersonation of a military veteran at the last Anaheim Hills Fourth of July parade.
I was equally pleased during a couple of previous election cycles when Lucille Kring was laughed out of the same room for her similar kleptocratic record as well as her staggering record of lying to people for votes (and making drunken offensive statements.)
But apparently if you pal around with avowed white supremacists to disrupt a Santa Monica Committee for Racial Justice meeting, if you write that the dumb “colored people” at that meeting were just following the orders of the “elderly Jewish people” there, if you assemble and propagate a collection of Holocaust Denial videos, if you publicly obsess every day over “Creeping Sharia” and the dangers of Islam in America, all while trying to get a seat on a Huntington Beach school board, you are GOOD TO GO!
So, where DID this bombthrower, this Gracey (Larrea) Van Der Mark come from, why is she running for a school board position in a district where she has no children attending, a job for which she has no qualifications and for which she’s never shown any interest, and what the hell does she want? Orange Juice Blog readers deserve an answer!

A long, long, time ago…
Of Ecuadorean-Mexican heritage and lacking a high school diploma, Gricelda Salazar (as she was then known) first pops up on our radar in 1999, in the inland-empire prison town of Chino, sued for divorce by long-suffering George Salazar with whom she’d had a son (she’d had a daughter with a previous guy.) I’ll post some of these documents below, but you could click now and see how she stalked him after their separation, ten miles from her home, telling him things like, “I can have you killed and nobody will ever find out how,” “I got you now motherfucker,” and “I’ll cut off your balls – remember I’m part Ecuadorian” (in reference to the Bobbitt case of a few years earlier.) Mutual friends concur that she “needs psychiatric help.” More bizarre psychotic behavior. She falls into a trance when she hears the word “hypnotized.” (Is this still true?) Colorful stuff.
George won custody of their son. But even ten years later Gricelda was violent enough for him to successfully get a restraining order, throwing objects at his head and possessing an unregistered firearm.
At some point she made her way to Surf City, married some guy called Van Der Mark, and developed her eccentric set of preoccupations, morphing into one of those puzzling dark-skinned defenders of the white race. Almost nobody calls themselves racist or anti-semitic any more. But some people – like Gracey – become overwhelmingly fascinated with different races and religions – which ones tend to be easily manipulated, which ones tend to do the manipulating, which ones get special treatment at the expense of white people and Christians. Normal people call that pre-occupation “racism.” And “anti-Semitism.” And “Islamophobia.” But you say potato, I say potahto…
Speaking of potatoes, Chris Epting. The former journalist can’t not stick his foot in his mouth when there’s a controversy like this in his adopted town. In his missive defending Gracey from the widespread opprobrium to her anti-Semitic comments, he urged Gracey’s political patron Councilman Patrick Brenden not to give in to public demands for her removal from a finance commission: “Please do not give these dishonest cowards the pound of flesh they desire.” At some base, animal, brainstem level, does Chris actually know where the expression “pound of flesh” comes from? And just FELT that it was an appropriate, maybe even witty way, to defend an accused anti-Semite?

Happy with her new friends, disrupting anti-racists in Santa Monica. 1. School Board candidate Van Der Mark; 2. Vincent James Foxx of Red Elephants; 3. Jerry Wayne Thomas (investigated by FBI last month for publicly wishing for Obama’s death in Anaheim); 4. Johnny Benitez of Proud Boys and Rise Against Movement; 5. Augustus Invictus (Charlottesville.) Six days before the Charlottesville murder.
Yeah, sure, you say, but how did Gracey get involved with the Huntington Beach’s Ocean View School District? And you may also be wondering, why is this little Surf City district continuously in the news, why is it constantly at a boil? Well, time for a new sub-heading:
The Anti-Gina.

Gina will hate this, but I think HB’s alt-right sees Gracey as the “equal but opposite reaction” to Gina’s very existence.
As this blog as well as the Weekly have long documented, Ocean View School District first became newsworthy four years ago when the Board, under the leadership of charismatic liberal Gina Clayton Tarvin, finally began to aggressively defend the mostly-Latino Oak View neighborhood and elementary school against the neighboring, unenclosed, malodorous and unhealthy Rainbow dump (now owned by Republic.)
This united what had arguably been two factions of the local Republican party in smoldering resentment of this crusading, press-attracting female – the klepto/business/Chamber community in defense of one of its largest members, and the Haters of Mexicans who correctly saw her as a defender and organizer of HB’s biggest barrio.

Gracey, how she looks now, to the left, keeping our borders safe from you know who.
It’s unclear under which rock the OC Taxpayers Association discovered Gracey when they wanted to send a female jihadi after Gina, but when they deposited her into their designated slot in the school district’s “Measure R Oversight Committee,” a local star was born. The Anti-Gina! An equally in-your-face, equally implacable, equally female zealot – who cares if she was marginally literate, someone else could write her important stuff. So, in the HB alt-right lizard brain, the white defender of the brown underclass was now balanced off by the brown defender of white privilege!
And so, the neophyte political/racial extremist stumbles from controversy to controversy, but keeps coming out on top. A couple weeks ago, as I mentioned, the OC GOP endorsed her run – something I didn’t think was gonna happen – endorsed her over three fine Republican candidates. I think it was the enthusiastic backing of fifteen-term Wingnut Albatross Dana Rohrabacher that did the trick. Oh, I’m feeling another sub-heading coming on, aren’t you?
Dana, the Boil HB Needs to Lance.
I’m only beginning to recognize how desperately Orange Coast Republicans are clinging onto this epicly embarrassing fifteen-term Congressman. His going down to Harley Rouda will be one critical element of the Republicans losing their Congressional majority, and Trump experiencing TWO LONG YEARS OF FAIL. And it’ll mean so much more… OC rejecting climate change denial. OC rejecting immigrant-bashing. OC GROWING UP.
It didn’t have to be this way, exactly. Scott Baugh offered Orange Coast Republicans a dignified way out, but the creatures of habit and loyalty who populate the Grand Old Party rejected the respectable upstart, so here you-all are. Stuck on the fringes with Dana.
I think it HAD to have been the warm, damp support of Dana, the OC GOP’s desire to please him, that clinched the endorsement for Gracey. At least when Scott Baugh was in charge there, he used to sideline loudmouth racists like Deborah Pauly and Dean Grose. But everything is worse with Trump at the head of you guys’ Party, and Dana is your new normal. Sucks to be you!
I’d hate for Gracey to get onto the OVSD school board, and double the disruption that Norm Westwell already makes there. And if you’re in the district you should vote for Souders, Singer and Briscoe. But nothing is more important down there than for Harley Rouda to show old, CRAZY Dana Rohrabacher the door, so that the 48th Congressional District can finally be a mature and sane community that can hold its head up with pride.
“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things…” – 1 Corinthians 13:11
The coolest thing is that we can all go down to the Registrar of Voters in SA and Vote….right now. Let’s get all those young first time voters out there…kicking it ….OK?
Omg. Has anyone tried that, “hypnotized” prompt lately? Maybe it still works.
That would really be something if she got elected and when on the dais people attending school board meetings could say, “hypnotized” during public comments and she would fall into a trance.
So. To recap an HBCF current post and ongoing campaign attack angle;
Everyone should always believe the victim no matter what.
Except when the victim is Gracey’s ex-husband.
Then even with restraining orders granted against her and custody being awarded to him and sworn corroborating testimony — you should not believe the victim.
But also you will not have a chance to make up your own mind about this because we will keep it and all other information we deem negative censored.
It’s for your own good! Just like when Gracey had a fiery desire to burn copies of the Quran, Teen Vogue and Cosmo on the state beach. It was for your own good! And then you would be thwarted by having to read whatever you want whenever you want on the internet for free like most people under the age of 30. So that would really show them!
It takes a lot for a woman to lose custody of a child. As a mother, I can’t even imagine how another mother could let that happen. And she doesn’t even have a high school diploma? Why would I want someone who doesn’t even have a high school diploma in a decision making position over my child’s high school education? This makes no sense. I want more for my child than this.
Ed Laird is paying for her canvassers. One of which came to my house, couldn’t explain what “small business” she owned, or how they were friends. I asked her if she knew Epting or the psycho Denise Kavanaugh, and she went blank.
Ed Laird! Besties with felon Dave Garofalo. Top aide to the reptilian Tyler Diep, who sacrificed his own wayward son as a fake candidate so that Tyler could be sure of making it through the primary. I have a story about all that coming up to! Colorful stuff, again…
Nancy Tuyen is a fake account.
P. Francis, however, is real!
Jeez, people use handles. Who cares, unless they’re lying bigtime or slandering somebody. Plus I think I know who “Nancy Tuyen” is anyway. Who are you?
You may refer him in second person as “Your Holiness” and describe him in third person as “the Pontiff.”
WHo are you and how do you know that? Feel welcome to email me or Vern to explain.
Ed Laird with his abysmally dyed hair. And equally unpleasant spirit. He is the kind of person you look at and try to picture as a child. And think, “How does a little boy turn into this creepy man?” What HAPPENED there? Just meeting his eyes gives you a shiver like a snake slithered over your foot.
Yes, people are curious about the “business” she owns. What business owner doesn’t bring their business up by name, constantly? Maybe not during an election but all the years that she was ubiquitous on social media. Presumably, a business requires a business license and could be looked up to end the mystery.
That business is called “Select Services”. Claiming to be a property management company, but not found anywhere on the internet. Plus, she almost never leaves her house. (Unfortunately, I live across the street from this abomination).
I’m disappointed in you Vern, you’re promulgating the lies that Gina & her Disciples started in order to keep their OVSD Mafia intact. Here’s the truth-http://www.michaelhoskinson.com/we-have-a-cancer-in-hb/
You were classy enough to be silent when they smeared me in 2016, I guess the “civility” portion of the show is over.
I read your article a long time ago. I respectfully disagree that Gina is a cancer. Keep up the civility!
Michael u are a moron.
Michael you are the only cancer in HB. Everytime I see a story about Gracey I always see you in the comments sections trying to change the subject. You and Gracey are meant for each other……maybe you can be her 5th husband.
Or her 2nd fuehrer?
Now I know why people mock you behind your back Michael Hoskinson. You are a nut.
I have watched in real time the attack by Gracey and her gang of mean girls. It’s how I met Gina! I watched how she defended herself with class. It was almost like she was channeling Michele Obama’s statement, “when they go low, we go HIGH”. The group has been vicious, and would go to any lengths to disparage Gina.
I have also sat back and watched how Gracey defended one of the Proud Boys who is well known as an alt right, white supremacist.
I am not registered to vote in OC, but if I were, and if I could, I would be out canvasing against Dana, and Gracey. We already have chaos in the White House, we need to do what we can to kick those who support that mess to the curb and get back to a more respectful and commonsense course of action with representatives that work for the people not for the corporations and Russia.
Oh, Michael Hoskinson. Remember when Chris Epting thought you were unfit for office? I do. And there are all his written statements you can look up for a refresh. Didn’t he even speak at a city council meeting about you? I do not see you calling out his labeling of you as a conspiracy theory nut case among other things as a “smear job”. Nor him a “cancer”. Is that because it was all true? Or are you scared of him?
Though it is heartwarming to see you girls made up.
If Hoskinson, Epting, Chuckie, Domnic, Norm, Daly, and the Kavanaughs all disappeared, would anyone care?
Some web hosts would miss their business.
If they all left then Gracey would have no one to tell her what to do? She might look for a new sugar daddy and move back to Chino or Maywood.
You’re coming off as sexist now.
And unless you’re in a place with two other people sharing an IP address over a five-hour period, you’re not actually helping out the side of truth of reason — because I WILL call out your ass for sock puppetry. Just use the power of one voice, if that’s all you’ve got.
(Yes, I have used multiple names at Chumley’s grotto over the last week or so, because he thinks that it’s fair to attack me and block me from commenting to defend myself, and that’s the greater sin.)
Nancy Tuyen,
Are you new to this blog and fb? I’ve seen you post and ask to become friends with a lot of new people. It’s strange as some of these people have been blocked on fb. Coincidence?
So a woman who demonizes Muslims, hates those who don’t speak English and hangs out with people who have been arrested for violent bigotry wants to run for school board. What could possibly go wrong? Her apparent running mate touts faith above all else within the school system. Here it is folks, the takeover and dumbing down of your kids education. You’ve been warned. You’re about to become a case study in what not to do. I feel sorry for any kids in OVSD should that duo win. Kiss critical thinking goodbye.
*Welcome to Trump World….where the Rubbers meet the Rode hard and put up wet. Hope Hicks, Nikey Haley and the Black babe….all had to take a knee for the Grand High Leader. One thing is certain…..nothing is ever off the table and on the floor….that can’t happen.
I am not sure that I entirely follow your drift here.
A post is now circulating from “Gracey’s best friend of ten years” In which she says that she is Muslim and goes into a long, repetitive, unwieldy written testimonial on Gracey’s behalf. But Gracey was passionate about burning the Quran in that imprudent proposed book pyre event all over facebook and reported on by OC Weekly.
These are the kind of after the fact clean up attempts that just do not make any sense.
Speaking of curious religious testimonials has anyone reviewed or gotten the transcript of that HBCC meeting and secured confirmation on the rabbi’s name and community or synagogue they were representing?
I saw that post. It was … very, very weird. Maybe the woman is exactly who and what she says she is — but in that case, she’s sort of “Kanye-level” misguided.
I don’t know all of the rabbis in OC by any means, but I can’t think of a one among the ones I do know who would come out for a white nationalist. Feh.
Gracey is a raciest and she is proud of it (but hides it from the public) . She was pushed into running for the OVSD by her racist friends because of her Latino heritage. She has mental issues that should keep her away from kids,
Lol. Me neither. I also don’t know many Christians who would be very happy if their, “best friend of ten years” was gung ho to incinerate bibles on a public beach in a “Burning Degeneracy-CA” event. I would think a large part of a healthy, true friendship would be a mutual respect for each others’ most sacred beliefs.
Notice they never ever deal with the photographic evidence of her associations with violent white supremacists as they can’t explain it away. You think all that’s going to go away when she’s on the board? No way. She’s been laying low but she’s coming hard once she’s elected. Everything she wanted before in terms of curriculum changes and refusal to educate undocumented children is what she still wants. Nothing has changed. All these people say she’s a nice person because they’re exactly the same as she is. They’re all right wing bigots.
Gracey, Gracey, Gracey. Out speeding thru Huntington Harbour arguing with your (apparently intoxicated) Van Der Mark husband and hitting a dog. And, unsurprisingly, yelling at everyone that it was the dog’s fault.
This is the context in which folks say, “Checks out.”
I stupidly left something out of this story that seems really relevant – Gracey’s expressed enthusiasm for burning books she disagrees with. Does that sound like school board material – a book burner? Here are the screen shots, captured from her Facebook wall (and of course, since scrubbed away…)
Note – Kosmo, Vogue, Marx and the Koran!
Well, that doggone liberal media.
Ah, the decline of “Western Culture” the great fear nurtured by the least cultured people imaginable: NAZIs and white trash and a few million Bible beaters – the new tyranny of the minority.
A public book burning would violate all sorts of stuff in the HB Municipal Code, although in HB maybe you can do it with a permit.
Poor deluded creature considers what is legal instead of what is decent. And that’s the real decline going on: the self-satisfied elevation of ignorance and the complete absence of civility.
You would think one who is running for office would be service oriented. She couldn’t even be bothered to put the dog in the car and rush it to the vet. Do you really think she’ll serve students? She will serve nothing but her own agenda as she’s demonstrated time and time again. Be aware Huntington Beach. Your kids are going to get what you settle for.
She and her comrades spout off about freedom of speech and seek to suppress it at every turn. The way the doxx anyone who stands up to them is disgusting. And equally sad is that they don’t trust their kids or the way they raised them enough for them to encounter contrary opinions and stand strong.
Just like she did at Marina, she pulled her kid out of school so he wouldn’t have to see those awful protesters. And she’d rather burn books than have kids have the critical thinking ability to weigh them on their merits.
Here’s your school board candidate folks. Those GATE parents are going to be super pissed when they realize how their kids education is devalued by her. Kiss college applications goodbye as she and her train of fools devalue critical thinking.
Yes. The inclination to burn books should be a stand alone deal breaker for a candidate seeking a place on the school board. The craving to burn a specific religious text should be disturbing to any American in any context. This country was conceived and founded out of a longing for religious freedom. Why is that concept so challenging for these, “patriots”? Oh. That’s right. Gracey said she never finished high school. So maybe she never actually learned that. Although just yesterday in the newspaper (Daily Pilot) her education level was listed as, “college”.`
An additional really disturbing element to the whole proposed book and magazine inferno were the extended graphic discussions of teen sex. The adults on those threads who were so eager to engage in detailed conversation about minors and anal sex was beyond normal boundaries. The Proud Boys monitor their masturbation. With each other. There was a definite impression that these men (and some women obviously) who apparently read Teen Vogue were really stimulated by the “conversation” about “degeneracy”. It was about children! And it was really nauseating.
Still doesn’t add up that a practicing Muslim would be okay with a long term close friend embracing a public Quran burning.
And the dog. That poor animal and those poor people. So tragic. Why didn’t Gracey and her husband stick around to help? It shouldn’t have mattered where blame lay! A decent person just driving by would have stopped and helped their neighbors. They could still make it right. Or try to.
Yes that “mountain really is” my dog was the one who was hit by gracey’s husband and still never an apology nor care in the world… as my point on the nextdoor just an insensitive asshole. Immediately after she hit the dog both her husband her argued with us and my neighbors instead of saying “sorry” “are you ok, is the dog ok” not a check up nothing. Just proves my point even more of what an insensitive asshole this person is. Claims she has video and says she will post it, but that video will only prove she was speeding and that she argued right after. On 3 different neighbors cameras… pathetic, wheres the video???
Hi Kayvon, I’m sorry that this happened to you. I hope your dog gets better. You should contact the police or even local media to expose her.
Have 3 different videos of proof. Cant believe this person is going to be a public figure for children.
Heartbreaking. I am so sorry. Please know that your pain is felt deeply by others who empathize. I can’t even imagine having that anguish compounded by hostility. I just keep hoping they will end their combative stance with your family and come to you in peace to make amends.
I know Huntington beach is full of people who support Gracey’s hate ideology……but do you think she has a good shot at getting elected ?
Betcha if the Alizadeh family was white she would have handled it differently. I feel so bad for the nonwhite kids if she’s elected.
I really hope that doggy is doing as well as possible be given it’s trauma.
Guess HB City Attorney Gates’ wife Kelly Gates is taking the heat for the Gracey fundraiser. Wonder why it’s taken so very long to state it was all her? Why not immediately clear that up? And what about the actual things her husband said in praise of Gracey at the event?
Simply impossible to believe that Briscoe left, “very, very threatening” cell phone messages and law enforcement took no action. Ditto that this is the first we are hearing about that and the “very, very inappropriate comments” made by Briscoe. And we KNOW these Justice Kavanaugh supporters would never believe any accusation against a man with out irrefutable proof.
Maybe just say it was your event and trust that it’s enough or share these recordings and other evidence. Or just go back to tackily grubbing money off residents for your unopposed campaign.
Nancy is Epting
Nancy Tuyen, on this thread? Doesn’t make sense, that was a voice of reason. Who knows, maybe he’s using that name now though.
Thanks for bringing up this story again, that was a fun one! And we won, for once…
What are all these online, uncredited stories popping up today, linking to this one, a pretty flattering and non-judgmental portrait of Mayor Gracey suggesting her as Trump’s VP?
Ah – turns out it’s Gustavo’s new effort at the Times! Weird…
I think Gracey will love this piece.