I’m about to go onto a series of posts about world politics, as they “suddenly” seem seem to be impinging on domestic U.S. politics in a way that no one — at least no one within Trump’s inner circle — could have foreseen. Before doing so, though, I want to offer this summary in the Weekend Open Thread:
Whether or not there was ever a “Pee Tape”,
the “Pee Tape” Theory was correct: Trump is Putin’s Poodle
The “Pee Tape” story had four main components:
- While visiting Moscow for the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant, which he then owned, Trump allegedly paid for a couple of prostitutes to urinate on the bed in Room 1101 the Presidential Suite of the Moscow Ritz Carlton, where Barack and Michelle Obama had once slept right across from the Kremlin, because even if someone doesn’t know they’re being degraded there is still pleasure to be had in degrading them.
- One or another Russian Secret Service agencies (probably the FSB, which is the successor to the KGB) — or perhaps whoever arranged the ceremony — videoed it.
- The Russian government, which we’ll abbreviate as “Putin,” has a copy of the tape and is therefore blackmailing Trump over it. (It’s worth reading the whole story at that link.)
- A conservative newspaper called The Washington Free Beacon hired an opposition research firm named Fusion GPS after it was hired by to do opposition research on several candidates, including Trump. (At the time, many conservatives thought that the best way to win the Presidency was to edge the “unelectable” Trump out of the race.) Christopher Steele, a former agent for MI6, the British counterpart to the CIA, was hired to compose a dossier on Trump based on British intelligence. Eventually, Trump was doing well enough that no Republican with clout was going to try to blackmail or embarrass him out of the race. Perkins Coie, a law firm identified with the Democratic Party, then took over sponsorship of the research in April 2016. One of the events identified and addressed in the research was “the pee tape.” (And that moves us back to point 3 above.)
The pee tape doesn’t have to exist for use to believe that the Russian government (which, remember, we’re calling “Putin,” because in effect it is) is engaging in something like what’s described Point #3 — because Point #3 above only is the Pee Tape Theory: an explanation of the political significance of the otherwise merely prurient (if that) “pee tape.”
Trump could have become “Putin’s Poodle” — as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was famously accused of being President George W. Bush’a “Poodle” last decade — for reasons other than the pee tape. One such possibility has already gotten lots of press.
Testimony by Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen — yes, the one in the role now sort of occupied by Rudy Giuliani — suggests that what Trump really wanted from Russia was approval for a Trump Moscow hotel, rather than withholding of an incriminating video. In that case, the hold Putin would have over him would be characterized as “extortion” — an illegal quid pro quo demand — of which blackmail is a subcategory. But this hypothesis of wrongful action between Trump and Moscow was first broached in the context of the pee tape, which is one of the few things that might make it seem thinkable at all.
What I think that we have to acknowledge at this point is that over the past 33 months, in a lot of parts of the world, being aligned with Russia (and usually opposed to Russia’a strategic opponent China) has been a good way to end up on the good side of American policy. And that raises the question: is Putin pulling Trump’s strings? We’ll go over the specifics in the days ahead — Ukraine, Syria, India, North Korea, Brexit — but the combined story is that that the leader of the greatest geopolitical opponent of the U.S. seems to be pulling the President’s strings — and that that rather than any single event, is what the Founders had in mind when thinking of a basis for impeachment and removal from office. (The existence of the pee tape is neither necessary nor sufficient for impeachment.)
At a minimum, it’d all wholly weird — and if that’s all there is to it then we might as well enjoy it.
This is your Weekend Open Thread, pissing you off for about a decade now. Don’t get too degraded in your comments, or you may end up despoiled.
*Pornography Dr. D? Really? Hey, this is a very busy Newsmakers Week-end. That dupe Boris Johnson failed miserably in his attempt to ramrod a BREXIT conclusion through the Parliament. Jeremy Corbin did a great job and the Scots were really funny. If Trump is Putin’s baby doll, Johnson is Trumps! They really need another General Election on BREXIT to put that wet puppy to bed. Meanwhile, we just killed about 20,000 Kurds because of Trump. The blood will be on his hands forever! We love the Kurds, our only true allies in the entire Middle East. They need to create in that 20 Mile Buffer Zone, something known as the NEW Kurdistan. Taking parts of Syria, Iraq and Turkey, fully supported by NATO and the United States. It will keep the ISIS fighters from traveling freely between Syria and Turkey, stop the pirated oil being given to Turkey in Exchange for ISIS incursions and give us Peace in the Middle East for 100 years. Then we have the RePeachMent hearings which need to go someplace. Then we have Alex supporting Bernie! This is very cool for two reasons: (1) It places the so-called Progressive Socialist Element of the Dems tied directly to Bernie, rather than someone else. (2) It will bring clarity to the process and allow Bernie to put together a list of planks for the Democratic Convention. So….pee..pee hear….pee pee there……funny article Dr. D!
A piece on Brexit is indeed coming up, ‘Ships — but I defy you to guess where I’m going with it! (Vern, no hints!) Also one on Ukraine, of course.
I don’t know what floats your boat, but I don’t consider this prurient at all. Sad and disgusting, yes, but not “pornographic.” Again, Slate thinks that this is a fake — but it seems to be a fair dramatization of what Trump either did or wanted to do, and people should come to grips with the tawdriness of the Toddler in Chief.
There will also be a piece on the Kurds and Assad. There as well, Putin’s allies win and his foes lose (although in this case it’s a bank shot.) There will also be one on Kashmir. To the extent that I don’t get to it in the Brexit one, there will also be one on NATO. I’m sure that I’m leaving some out.
AOC supporting Bernie is just a way ensuring that the torch is passed while he’s still OK to pass it. Note that the sole one of the Fab Four who isn’t endorsing Bernie (or wasn’t — not sure about Tlaib) is the resident of Warren’s Massachusetts. Just because these young women are radical firebrands doesn’t mean that they don’t know how politics is played!
*Dr. D., can’t wait for your take on these exciting issues. Boris in our mind is just a “Pretend Prime Minister”. He thinks he is, but no one else does! Heck, maybe DJT really isn’t the real Donald J. Trump.,,,,maybe he is a body double that Putin switched when he was in Moscow for the Beauty Pageant? It may be the reason why he wear Depends? Meanwhile, those India people are just too bored….and want another border war with Pakistan so they can get some free Kashmir Afgans for there wives and girlfriends. As Kali said: “Kill, Kill, Kill”…..terrible. The Progressive Sgt.s Four……are doing just fine. They will all be re-elected just to drive The Trumpster Crazy. Meanwhile, the great loss of Elijah Cummings is such another great American Tragedy….just like the loss of Anthony Scalia….. and no less terrible than the Israeli Urban Renewal that is going on the the West Bank and Gaza. And our wonderful Kurds……all so very very sad!
Harley Rouda posts his impeachment reasoning on the Register:
[After several paragraphs on how productive and bipartisan he’s been, he continues…]
The president’s invitation of foreign interference in our elections and putting his personal interests ahead of our national security is the very attack on the Constitution we swore we would defend against.
This isn’t up for debate — President Trump asked the Ukrainian government to undermine our elections while withholding military aid. The president’s acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, standing at the White House press podium, confirmed last week there is “absolutely no question” the president withheld that aid for his own political gain. It’s un-American and an impeachable offense.
Whistleblowers and top administration officials have brought to light pervasive corruption rotting the interior of the White House, State Department, Department of Energy and the Department of Justice. Many of these witnesses are non-partisan patriots who have served our nation for decades, under Republican and Democratic administrations.
As a member of the Oversight Committee, I have listened to hours of classified testimony that has shocked all of us. Witnesses detailed conversations, phone calls and closed-door meetings involving the president of the United States that are antithetical to our democratic values.
For some, this testimony wasn’t enough. An overwhelming majority of my colleagues across the aisle have shown a refusal to put country over party. Many are obstructing the rule of law because they fear retribution from our reckless president, who demands loyalty to himself, not our country.
Thousands of you, many registered Republicans, have contacted my office to request I uphold my oath to defend the Constitution and ensure that Congress preserves our nation’s system of checks and balances. In Orange County, where President Ronald Reagan launched his political career, many cannot recognize the Republican Party of today. As a former Republican, I can understand why.
The president of the United States and his administration are supposed to serve the American people. Instead, they are wasting taxpayer dollars, wrecking military and diplomatic havoc around the world, and committing crimes.
Refusing to hold President Trump accountable has only encouraged him. He has left our allies, who put their lives on the line to help fight the existential evil of ISIS, to be slaughtered in the streets. He called for the Communist government of China to also intervene in our elections. He plans to hold the international G7 meeting at his resort, lining his pockets with foreign dollars.
It’s time to put country above party and stand against a president and administration who have no regard for the Constitution. We need the Republican Party to be the Grand Old Party, not the Party of Trump.
I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and I intend to uphold that oath. America needs Republicans in Congress to uphold theirs.
Meanwhile yesterday I was invited to Newport campaign launch of Christopher Engels, a Republican who will be running against Harley, – I was lured with promise of dirt on the Steels (which I did get – I’ve got my own STEEL DOSSIER now, lol, which I’ll be working with) as well as the misimpression that these were moderate anti-Trump Republicans … they were not. They were just feeling left out by OC GOP pro-Steel machinations.
*Good for you Chairman Vern and good for Harley!
Please share your “Steel Dossier” well before election time.
After bumbling Michelle Steel’s heinous, cowardly and ineffective “plan” to house the COUNTY’S homeless in a toxic tent city right by Huntington Central Park and the sports field — she proved without a doubt that she has no business holding any leadership or representative position.
The OC Board of Supervisors also sat on a pile of money ear marked for the still rapidly increasing homeless plight and DID NOTHING to improve ANYTHING. The tragic results of Vice Chair Michelle Steel’s inaction are evident EVERYWHERE. It grows more grim daily. That is an inexcusable and very poor track record. There is no reason to expect anything different from her in congress. Really bad ideas. Inaction. That is what Michelle Steel has to offer. No. thanks!
Oh. And she is a woman.
As someone feels the need to point out constantly.
When I see a homeless man building a fort to live in three doors down from my house — I don’t really give a f*ck that Michelle Steel is female. But I DO care that she has done NOTHING to improve either one of our living conditions.
Several times recently you’ve talked about “moderate” and “anti-Trump” Republicans in Orange County. I think these are mythical creatures. I don’t know any OC Republicans who are willing to go on the record as “anti-Trump.” I’d love to see you put out a call for these supposed moderate, anti-Trump Republicans to come out of the shadows. Or publish the names of whomever you think is moderate and anti-Trump and let’s see who doesn’t immediately deny it.
I am still a Republican. I have always been Never trump. It’s not a choice.
Okay. That’s one. Not an elected. If you know an elected Republican in Orange County (or even a candidate) who would publicly join you as anti-Trump, let us know.
Probably no one. And it means OC will be blue for the foreseeable future.
The Republican party will soon be dead and good riddance. The party has been imperialist, pro-war, know-nothing, anti-science, pro-ignorance, pro-hypocrisy since 2001.
*DZ, the next election in Orange County will in fact be the tipping point. They are pulling out all the stops, using Michelle Steel and all their heavy hitters to try and upset our Dem’s who are doing a very good job and exactly what we need done. Don’t forget, being a Republican is not totally toxic. Being a Trumpster Republican however is quite toxic. The time is running out on these folks and their demise will not be noticed. Take a look and find out what Mimi Walters is up to. Look at Darrell Issa running against Duncan Hunter……ridiculous. The Republicans have a tendency to eat their own young. When they start eating their old guard you know their days are numbered. One thing is sure, we miss seeing our dear friend….Ed Royce…who was an actual old time Republican. Even Ed couldn’t stand the nonsense of a Trumpster Administration.