Anaheim has been Issuing Fraudulent Street-Sweeping Tickets.




First, know this – California Vehicle Code section 22507.6 provides as follows (our emphasis):

“Local authorities may, by ordinance or resolution, prohibit or restrict the parking or standing of vehicles on designated streets or highways, or portions thereof, for the purpose of street sweeping…

No such ordinance or resolution shall be effective until the street or highway, or portion thereof, has been sign-posted in accordance with the uniform standards and specifications of the Department of Transportation, or local authorities have caused to be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to the street a notice not less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size, with lettering not less than one inch in height, setting forth the day or days and hours parking is prohibited.

“As used in this section, ‘entrance’ means the intersection of any street or streets comprising an area of restricted parking for street-sweeping purposes on the same day or days and hours with another street or highway not subject to such a parking restriction, or subject to parking restrictions on different days and hours.”

Intersection of Omega and Belhaven – no signs are posted anywhere on this block.

BY LAW, Signs have to be posted at the entrance of every intersection.

Thus, Allied Security, Anaheim Police Department, Anaheim Public Works, and The City of Anaheim have been issuing illegal parking citations for many years.

On any given day throughout Anaheim, there prowls a street sweeper doing its sweeping, and close behind them follows Allied Security issuing citations, ignorant of or indifferent to the law.  I’ve been investigating an area in Anaheim for the last year which I and my neighbors have received countless street sweeping tickets, at the intersection of Omega and Belhaven Streest.  Belhaven does not have a sign posted entering thru Omega (although there is one on the other side, entering from Ball Road.)

Signs are required at every street intersection in order for a citation to be valid.

I’ve had my car towed for those unpaid tickets, and received no response from the city manager’s office to my complaints; and the Anaheim Police would not release my vehicle until I paid those illegal tickets. Many of my Anaheim neighbors have had the same experience.  So I’m fighting APD’s illegal towing, and as of this writing I’ve  received even more tickets which I’m also contesting.

Money-Generating Scheme: How Cities and Tow Companies Rake in MILLIONS.

Getting a parking ticket is pretty common for most of us.  But now our problem is that we don’t bother to check local laws, or specifically State Laws, when it comes to vehicle codes.  This is where the cities, security companies  and tow companies make their money with tickets, paid or unpaid.

It seems to have become the norm lately for most if not all citations to be issued by a third party. This is usually  a Security Company that comes into contract with the City to issue citations on the city’s behalf.  But cities and their contracted third parties are supposed to be in compliance with State Laws in the California Vehicle Codes.

Fradulent Parking Citations Issued By Cities Make Millions in Revenue. This is APD Officer De La Luz, Badge No. 14

Allied Universal, the Security Company contracted by the city of Anaheim, has no knowledge of or interest in our State Law. The Security Guards are rude and unprofessional, sometimes actually giving the middle finger to the victim getting the citation. When you ask to speak with their supervisor, they’ll blow you off too.

Most victims of a parking ticket pay it off without even wondering if it was legitimate or not. That’s how the city generates most of its revenue.  The prices on these tickets vary, but multiply that by thousands of victims, day after day, and cities’ revenue hits millions of dollars in legitimate and fradulent citations.

Another thing – if those tickets are not paid in time and accumulate. CVC does have a statue where a vehicle can be towed if it has 5 unpaid citations or more.  Note – this applies only to legitimate citations, NOT fradulent ones like Anaheim has been issuing to its unsuspecting residents.

So once you have 5 or more upaid citations, your vehicle gets inpounded by predatory Tow Companies, in conjunction with the police department. When your car is impounded there are high fees to recover it whether it’s a good tow or a fradulent tow.  The City Police Department charges you a fee for a release form to take to the tow company, but before you pay the high fees you have to pay the parking tickets, fraudulent or not, or there will be no release. Once you obtain the release form, you take that to the Tow Company, for which the starting fee is about 500.00 plus other taxes and storage fees. You’ll pay close to 1200.00 to the tow company in order to retrieve your vehicle.

In addition there’s the theft by tow truck employees that occurs on a regular basis. Items that come up missing can range from electronics, vital documents, cash, etc…..

Legitimate Country City Tow Company commiting Fraud and Theft in order to generate their revenue, violating State Laws but upholding their contracts with the Cities.

Update: Anaheim targets this author with Illegal Fraudulent Tow.

Even though Anaheim City officials have been made aware of the fraudulent citations, they went ahead with this wrongful tow, violating my 4th Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure, as well as the California Vehicle Code.  The Anaheim City Manager’s office as well as the APD have been made aware of this Illegal Tow, and they still haven’t responded.

Public Works officials refuse to give copies of the citations and photographs to cross-reference on two addresses that are in question, claiming that the Ticket Devices that Allied Security uses to print and issue the citations don’t update the addresses automatically, or that sometimes they malfunction with the GPS. Those devices apparently need the GPS to be calibrated.

And what’s the real reason they won’t give copies of the photographs? In my case I noticed a few discrepancies between the list I printed out and the list that the APD gave me.  Once again these issues were not addressed.  I feel that in the course of the input into their system, the addresses were tampered with.  And maybe that’s  the reason why the public works officials will not give copies of the photographs taken by Allied Universal Security when the citations were issued.

Now it’s probably time to notify the State’s Licencing Board for Security Companies, so their investigators take a look at the illegal activities of Allied Universal Security.

cross-posted from Igmar’s blog “The OC Reporter” at

About Igmar Rodas

I've been an Activist on Police Misconduct since the early 90's as a result of several cops in Hollywood beating up a homeless man on Hollywood Blvd. I was a Journalist in High School and has kept it up until now. I'm an avid Professional Photographer which now most of my photography skills I incorporate it into my Journalism. I collaborate with the ACLU on Issues of Civil Rights Violations in Orange County, Made a Bicycle Municipal Code obsolete in Santa Ana when it was used to target the Homeless and Low Income people in Santa Ana. Now I'm focusing and Investigating Anaheim's Citywide Corruption.