
“Haay, bring menother ‘RONA!” Thirsty Los Angeles bar patrons will be coming to OC, like it or not! Thanks, idiots who threaten county health officials!
[Update, 7/2: The state announced yesterday that, as of today, OC’s bars wave been closed until further notice. Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, and Laguna Beach (which started the trend), will apparently be closed. Beaches south of Laguna will apparently be open. though, so they can still expect a horde of Angelenos over the 4th of July weekend. That is, though, a less deadly prospect.]
[Update, 6/30: Newsom has now asked OC to provide additional health care data, and — if it’s in the same category as Riverside & San Berdoo below, to issue its own order. OC’s Supervisors presumably won’t.]
I would normally blast Gavin Newsom for the stunt he pulled this past weekend, which will likely lead to a large number of deaths in Orange County — especially North, West, and Central County. But I find that I can’t really blame him.
Given the actions of its Supervisors, its Sheriff, and its unbridled hooligans, Orange County clearly wants to have its own big ‘rona plague. People from LA want to prove their freedom by getting drunk — ideally without wearing masks. I guess that letting them come here and get smashed, delivering that county’s stupendous growth in CoVid cases to us with a shit-eating grin and a pool of vomit, makes some sense.
I’m personally a bit disappointed, as I have hoped that I and my wife and kids and grandkids could live at least until Inauguration Day. (And to be fair, the odds for the younger generations aren’t that bad.) But I have no good excuse. I can’t claim that I haven’t known for years that this county was bullfrog crazy, so I guess at some level I knew that someday the rest of the state would just leave us alone to die.
In case you didn’t hear the news, here’s what I’m talking about: Gov. Newsom has issued an order closing bars in seven counties, including Los Angeles County, unless they serve hot dine-in meals and implement other conditions that are an affront to free-dumb — and we know from what happened with the beach closures what happens next: a good portion of the ten million Angelenos flock to our bars where they enjoy the anti-social undistancing that they crave. You put enough drunk skunks into a small county and anyone who isn’t completely secluded has a decent chance of meeting ‘rona.
In case you haven’t clicked the link, here are the basics:
“The order shuts down any bar, brewery or pub that sells alcoholic drinks without serving food at the same time. Those that sell food will either be subject to the stricter dine-in rules or asked to focus on takeout and patio service.”
Citing the rapid pace of coronavirus spread in some parts of California, Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered seven counties including Los Angeles on Sunday to immediately close any bars and nightspots that are open and recommended eight other counties take action on their own to close those businesses.
The order takes effect immediately. It applies right now to seven counties that have done a bad job of keeping the rise of the ‘rona in check: north to south, they’re San Joaquin, Fresno, Tulare, Kings, Kern, Los Angeles, and Imperial.
State also asked eight other counties — Sacramento, Contra Costa, Stanislaus, Santa Clara, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Riverside — to issue local health orders closing bars.
If I were an Orange County bar owner, I flat-out don’t think that I’d open. If I were an employee of such a bar, I don’t think I’d go to work. (There’s got to be an Cal-OSHA rule about this somewhere.) We are the closest “wet county” under these rules to most of Los Angeles, and I don’t think that the sorts of people who will come that far because they desperately need the bar experience are going to be social distancing and wearing masks.
Having patchwork closures esp with nearby surrounding counties does not make sense. Between LA/OC/SD, the bulk of the population is located in SoCal, and the driving distance from LA/OC isn’t very far esp since traffic has not been as bad. Given the hike in infections, I think it is to the point where it is largely out of control and probably too late.
The statements from sheriff’s intentionally not enforcing mask usage does not help either. Laws are largely pointless if they are not enforced. Reminds me of how I drive in the carpool lane solo all the time b/c I never see any police around.
The best thing for people is the ones who are high risk to be proactive, if they can stay at home and largely avoid going to public places that is the best for them since it is clear the Government will not do it for them.
I agree with Alex. I live in Stanislaus County. We are on the “suggested closure” list. We will see if it happens. This is redneck country and “nobody gonna tell them what to do”. Last Wednesday hubby and I went to the local copy center. It’s a large space and they handle lots of work for the local businesses. There are seven employees who work there and none of them wore masks, no sneeze screens on the counters. Nothing. We are supposed to wear masks inside public places, but I guess the owner of this establishment didn’t get the memo. We will never go there again.
Hopefully common sense hit in and O C keep their bars closed
I’m really worried about all this situation
People are tired of watching looters, rioters and other selfish types, run around unchallenged, if not rewarded fro their behaviour. I’m not surprised at the one sided views on this site. But lets make sure we acknowledge just Who exactly ARE the REAL culprits?? Spikes came ONLY due to rioting, everywhere.
I’m sure you FEEL this DEEPLY.
And, because protesters generally wore masks and practiced social distancing, very few of them got the virus. (It’s been long enough now that public health officials have been able to determine that.)
Bar patrons, on the other hand, generally don’t wear masks and do not practice social distancing. One party in one bar on one night probably led to 28 infections alone. (We know people were infected; we don’t know whether their attending the bar together was a coincidence.)
No wonder you use a pseudonym. You’re welcome to comment foolishly (I presume that that’s you’re only gear) but don’t narrow your anonymous attacks down to any identifiable person of they’ll be taken down.
Awww, don’t Judge Roy Bean.
BTW the experts today at the county presentation (thankfully missing Steel and Wagner, led by the much more mature Do and Chaffee, Dr Chau, and the amazing America Bracho of Latino Health Access) say that the increases in infections are due to ESSENTIAL WORKERS who are largely Latinos that live in cramped quarters.
Didn’t stop a buncha dirtbags in the comments section from blaming it all on Orange County’s “looters” and “rioters” .. much as Anaheim Council’s O’Neil and Kring did last week.
Oh, you shoulda seen how pissed off Wagner and Steel were at being left out of that press conference. Should I show them, Greg?
It’s amazing to me that people really believe this surge is not due to the protest . Tens of thousands of people not social distancing since Memorial Day and the people going to the beach are the problem.
Them are the facts. And I believe it, we mostly wear masks at the police brutality and racism protests.
It’s parties, bars and churches.
I’ll bet that all sorts of things are amazing to you — like germ theory.
The problem with blaming the spike on protesters only is that China has been having flare ups since mid May. If you want to learn more about how protesting works, Tiananmen Square is a good example. I’m sure some has been due to the protesting but certainly not all.
The increase overall is likely due to the mass re-opening and in general poor practices in every aspect. The gym I go to at least 80% of the members don’t wear masks or wear them in such a poor manner it does nothing (not covering nose). I don’t know what their “sanitizing practices” are but the cardio equipment I use I can see has not been cleaned and I have been going now for over a week. The same thing happened at a brewery I went to, no masks, very crowded.
I’ve also been seeing more and more instances of angry outbursts regarding mask wearing. The ones that have been doing it have been white women (although I’m sure they are not the only ones, they are just the ones I have first hand observed) which really just comes across as being a silver spoon spoiled brat, not to mention embarrassing.
The reason the lockdown worked is b/c it forced people to literally do nothing and probably where we are at right now, it seems that it will probably go back to some form of that again in the future.
But, ya know, people will believe what they’re pre-disposed to believe. Protestors and Covid are both nasty (assuming you even belive in the Covid) so they MUST be connected!
Speaking of gyms though, me and Donna just went and checked out the gym we hadn’t been to since March, and it looked pretty safe! Everyone wearing masks, every other machine covered up, and a rule of HALF capacity – which they weren’t even near yet, because people are apparently afraid to go to the gyms still. We’re gonna start going again. No, I’m not saying where.
This is an election year so 99% of everyone out there on both sides are just trying to make things as partisan as possible with emotions running high it does not seem like there is any rational thinking or decision making although even if it were not election year, it is just a hyper partisan environment.
With that said, there’s still a lot of ambiguity regarding the pandemic. There are a few things that are known: attacks respiratory system, some people exhibit symptoms via respiratory tract/nose, and it is potentially airbone. Other things like surface contact are up in the air.
With that said, mask or some type of covering will generally prevent the spread due to a natural barrier esp when everyone is wearing it. I am going to guess the reason why the restaurants/bars were targeted was b/c they are social hangouts for extended periods of time that require the removal of a mask vs. grocery shopping.
The gym issue you mentioned is not surprising. There has been sloppy enforcement of the mask issue and the sheriff’s stance is only reinforcing the public’s view of not wearing them. It’s unfortunate we are at this point b/c California’s Government and businesses are largely at the mercy of the Federal Government for more money. That’s just the data and the projected $54 billion budget deficit seems to confirm this.
Instead of hammering industries, Gavin should just take counties that are not enforcing the rules to court, or just withhold State funds that is a good motivator too.
I went to a dine in place today and they were pretty strict with the policy and the people there are very good people. With the sudden closure, I’m sure a lot of the food that has been ordered that may be perishable will need to be thrown away, and unless there’s another round of PPP, that’s at least 3 weeks of weak revenue.
Note that this post has been updated as of this morning.
You’re a fn’ piece of shit.
Now if this intellectual meant “effin'” he would have used “an”, but the fact he wrote “a” makes me think he meant “fuckin’.” So, should this be trashed? And risk losing the valuable discourse?
Is that why I’ve apparently lodged in your brain?
No, I think his “fn’ piece of shit” remark is pretty funny. It probably took him a long time to think up that insightful response.
The only reason I’m inclined to keep it is his correct spelling of “you’re,” which is a real rarity among mask deniers.
Is four-and-a-half months really all that long to come up with that burn?
(Narrator voice: Yes. Yes, it is.)