
facebook.com/studiosplatter/videos/10221365636583156/UzpfSTEzMzI4NjAzMzA6MzExNDg3NDAzNDM4OTM1/ In a Long Beach store, a blonde woman (technically not Lucille Kring, but this graphic is more fun) raged and allegedly pepper-sprayed at customers over her declared right to shop without a mask. A young woman planted her feet and dra-a-a-agged her out of the store. Don’t do this unless someone is actually assaulting people — e.g., pepper-spraying.
This story from two weeks ago slipped through the cracks during the mad dash to finish coverage of filings for the fall elections; as it’s now an election story itself, though, it’s time to revisit it. (I was reminded of it due to the recent altercation shown above about masks and fits, that you see in the graphic above — which I’m sure gives many of us some satisfaction — which is much more fun than a photo of an elderly female councilmember with Photoshopped Covid balls coming out of her mouth.)
Here we go! Summary-execution fan Lucille Kring made some news at an Anaheim City Council meeting two weeks ago today when she explained why people shouldn’t wear masks: dental problems, including cavities, gingivitis, and halitosis. (Those last two are gum disease and bad breath.) She suggested that anyone unfortunate to be watching the broadcast should “keep that in mind while you’re snuggling up to a mask.” (Note: if you are indeed “snuggling up to a mask,” you’re doing it wrong. They’re for your nose and mouth only. No tongues.)
The response from the dentistry community was swift. The LA Times quoted Orange County Dental Society President Dr. Ramesh Gowda as expressing a stinging rebuke, without Novocain:
“There is no scientific basis for that,” Gowda said. “My request to all the nonmedical people who don’t have the expertise, please check with the proper authority. … It is not fair for any council people or anybody without any knowledge just to assume things and to make recommendations. Leave it to the experts and follow the guidance of the experts.”
That certainly drills down to the root of the problem!
Dr. Shruti Gohil, associate medical director of Epidemiology and Infection Prevention at UC Irvine, said if masks caused dental issues then surgeons and other medical professionals would have a higher incidence of them because they wear masks daily for prolonged periods of time
(The article notes elsewhere that they do not. But they leave out any discussion of halitosis! The LAT clearly needs to do a follow-up.)
“Even dentists wear masks themselves all day long,” Gohil said. “This flies in the face of any type of known information and really is concerning to me.”
(Oh, Dr. Gohil, you haven’t even scratched the enamel of what avoidance of known information is conerning about Ms. Kring!_
Gowda, noting that he and his two physician sons wear top-grade N-95 masks for 7-8 hours a day without showing signs of gum disease, put Kring under with this observation:
He added: “Look at how many people have died, look at the vulnerable population. … Isn’t it our duty to be considerate for them? All the healthcare workers ask is to wear a mask. As simple as that.”
Pro tip for Dr. Gowda: if you’re trying to convice Kring of anything, two words you never use together as “considerate” to the “vulnerable.” She quickly rinses such words in her brain, and then spits into a cup, without swallowing anything.
Now this would just be a funny story about how continually dim Councilmember Kring is, except for one thing:
She is running for a seat on the Anaheim Elementary District School Board, where among other things she would be making decisions about whether kids will be forced to attended classes during a pandemic and, if so, wear masks, as well as engaging in social distancing.
(Kring has not mentioned the medical consequences of “snuggling up to” social distancing, but given this track record she might believe that it causes children to develop myopia, eczema, and flatulence.)
Kring is running against a perfectly good — and apparently sane, prudent, honest, and unstupid — former Loara High School history teacher and current Cal State university professor, incumbent Board President Jose Magcalas. A quick look via Google and at his Facebook page show an appreciation of virtual schooling and social distancing in his district, so it seems highly unlikely that he is anti-mask, anti-science, or anti-courtesy.
Magcalas would seem to be a shoo-in for this election except for one thing: this district overlaps the northern section of Anaheim City Council District 4, which Kring has elected for far too long, and Kring will probably post material giving what she hopes are credulous voters the impression that she is running for re-election. Bear in mind that only one person has the right to use “Re-Elect” in their materials for this race — and it’s not Kring.
Magcalas does not yet have his website up — so there may be a volunteer opportunity there. (Contact his campaign, I suppose.) But mostly, this race will be won by those talking him up with voters, door-to-door or by phone. (Finally, something upon which District 4 candidates Annemarie Randle-Trejo and Jeanine Robbins can agree!) Keeping Kring far away from any more reins of power is part of our definition of “civic improvement”!
To be on the school board?
How many children did she have?
Why would Lucille want to be on the School Board?
Two main reasons: to help Pringle get more charter schools, and to keep from sinking into total drunken irrelevance in her twilight years.
I don’t understand.
Praising summary execution and perpetuating medical ignorance doesn’t scream “good decision maker for our children’s future?”
And exulting that “we’re not the City of Kindness any more” doesn’t warm the cockles of a parent’s heart?
My guess is that it comes with medical insurance.
Yes, she presumably has Medicare, but those transplant waiting lists can take a long time. Better to have a backup.
*Just so you know. Lucille is wonderful. Lucille is also a very dutiful Republican that has to follow the Party line. Scott Baugh and the boyz call the shots…..but we can tell you that Lucille is actually a very real person…but has to play the party game to stay in the game.
You can fault Lucille for a variety of issues, but the truth be known, Lucille does a lot more good than bad. When you guys get elected and get hose late night phone calls about “whatever”….you than can castigate our dear Lucille. Lucille is a honey and we can’t be convinced of anything else.
That’s because you’re senile.
They probably think Scott Baugh is still OCGOP chief too.
The question was not why she is running for the school board?
The question is why she had no children?
THAT I would file away as “nobody’s business,” Denis.
*OK, proving once again that that misperceptions and misrepresentations….happen every day in politics and the tactical workings….we can say this: Lucille (who we love) probably doesn’t need to run for School Board…but the Party Hacks have driven her into that corner for the time being. It was like when had to run again Wagner for Assembly….a joke. OK, what Lucille needs to do is run for either The Water Board or the Sanitation District. Both of these have less platform for visibility….but would be great “Public Service” which isn’t bad for Political Building Blocks.
The “Party Hacks” only exist in your mind.
They didn’t exist when she ran against a popular incumbent Republican Mayor and they don’t exist today.
The idea that she’s anything other than a selfish politician is absurd. The record is abundantly clear she says what she wants, does what she wants, when she wants to do it.
You continue to smoke the wrong type of Left Wing Lucky’s. We have no clue what your source is, but if there was a “smoke filled room”….you probably would need a “seeing eye dog” to make it from one side of the room to the other. Ah,
but the “Party Line” always a guarantee of future employment, so we can’t fault you for “keeping up appearances”. So, we must ask, because as you say there are no “Party Hacks”….which moneyed person in the OC could call either a Lucille or even perhaps a Mario and ask them to do something? You will not answer, but this is fine….all those listening know the answer. We can say no more!
Blah blah blah, senile senile senile.
*Better to be senile and inquisitive – than be ordered and snarled by Blind Obedience to the Company Flag!
Be Best, guys.
I dunno, Greg.
This individual, or individuals, have called me a Trumper and “Left Wing” within the span of seven days.
If the shoe fits . . .
There are perfect consistencies. Gibberish cantilevered off nonsense, and of course, the loyalty to anybody who bothered to talk to him.
What Would Melania Say?
Anyway, it was directed towards both of you.
And everyone who reads you knows that you’re neither lef-wing nor a Trumpublican.
JM_Sebastian doesn’t get to comment here anymore. Don’t be like JM_.
(Vern, check the trash to see why.)