
This map, where brown represents swing states, uses data from fivethirtyeight.com and interactive software from 270toWin — thanks to both sites!
Have you been wondering how the race for the Presidency really stands in a world where we still have the Electoral College; rampant vote suppression; and a Justice Department, judicial branch, and police, armed Executive Branch agents, and armed and crazy private militias potentially prepared to preserve the Trump Presidency by any means necessary?
Oops, sorry — go lie down for a while with a cool washcloth on your face until you’re ready to come back and see how it might work out — and how, if at all, Biden can win.
Joe Biden’s “base” of states (including DC and single EV vote districts for these purposes) is: Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Illinois, southern Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connectivut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Manyland, and DC. That gives him 183 EVs to start with; he’d need 87 more to win outright.
Biden has polling leads of at least 10 points in four additional contests: New Mexico, Virginia, Maine’s statewide EVs, and Colorado. Winning those, which is a safe bet, brings him to 212 EV — and needing 58 more to win.
(Let’s note right here that polls of likely voters only gives you the number of voters who think that they will be able to vote and will have their votes counted, which is not necessary the number for whom both will be true. So: polls are fallible for more reasons than just sampling error and bad luck!)
Biden also has leads of at 9 points in New Hampshire, almost 9 in Michigan, and 8 in Minnesota; winning these states would bring him to 242 EV. And then, it gets a little tougher. Biden leads by 7 in NV, 6 votes from which would bring him to 248.
Then things get even tougher. Biden would need 21 more EVs to tie, and 22 to win, from these swing states. which listed in order of his current margin: Wisconsin (10 EVs, 7 point lead), Pennsylvania (20 EVs, 7 point lead), Omaha (1 EV, 4½ point lead), Florida (29, 3½ point lead), Arizona (11 EVs, 3 point lead), North Carolina (15 EVs, 2½ point lead), and OH (18 EVs, ½ point lead). He currently leads in them all — but none of those leads seems safe. He trails in northern Maine (1 EV) by ½ point. Theoretically, Georgia (16 EVs, Trump by ½), Iowa (Trump by just over 1 point), and Texas (38 EVs, Trump by 3½) are in play. Eventually Texas and Georgia will be — which is the moment that Republicans decide that they want to get rid of the Electoral College — but I doubt that Iowa pr Texas will vote blue this year.) Georgia voters may plan to do it, and think that they’ve done it — and that would be huge (though not itself decisive) — but I think that vote suppression and maybe worse chicanery will prevent them from being counted in the blue column.
Florida going for Biden would do it alone — but they are suppressing votes like mad there and I don’t think he’ll get it.
Pennsylvania is his best bet to get almost there –and it would suffice if he wins the Omaha and northern Maine’s EVs. Or, he could win with Penna and Wisconsin. But state officials are ready to cheat in those states as well — which brings us to Arizona.
Adding Arizona to Pennsylvania gives Biden the win even if he loses Wisconsin. In fact, with its one more electoral vote, Biden could also afford to lose one of the single-EV districts.
But what if Biden loses Pennsylvania?
In that case, Arizona ensures that it’s not over. It and Wisconsin give Biden the tie; either Omaha or northern Maine get Biden to 270.
So, you Southern Californians who want Trump defeated: unless you think that one of the other swing states is a cinch for Biden to move off of 248 EVs, Arizona is the nearby place to put your efforts. They need help with calling voters and with personally preventing election intimidation. (Click that link for more info.)
Unfortunately, thanks to Trump, I have to tell you to do what I’m doing before (if all goes as planned) I drive out there for Election Day: ensure that my wife and kids can find my completed will. Sadly, things this year have come to that.
What’s goin’ on with those gold states in the South East?
The increasing tendency to politically sort based on population density and educational attainment.
You mean, wny aren’t they red? From south to north:
Florida requires no explanation: it’s been a swing state for most of the past two decades.
Georgia has a growing and increasingly activated Black population.
North Carolina, pretty much like Georgia, and like Florida also a swing state (though not for as long.)
The real Trumpster states are Indiana, Ohio and Florida. If you listen to their rhetoric it just goes to show why no one wants to move to Terre Haute or Cincy. “He is the greatest President in American History….we love him….we used to be Democrats but no more we are now in the pocket of the Great Interrupter.” Thank you Ma and Pa Kettle….we get your message loud and clear. How bout those boyz in Michigan? These Trumpsters think they will be getting Pardons after the election. Maybe so. The White House for sure….has more Corona Virus than in China…..and more drugs than they make in Mumbai on a daily basis. Meanwhile we do have a couple of questions. What ever happened to Brandishing a Firearm in Public? So, you have this Black Lives Matter Protest and three cars pull up and load up their AR-15’s by Proud Boyz or others. What ever happened to Inciting a Riot? Guess the Supreme Court gave everyone Open Season on anyone! And by the way, we guess that after The Trumpster gets re-elected that virtually all Amendments to the Constitutionl will be over-turned. Guess we will be going back to the Articles of Confederation…….Put the rascals in Stocks, and Burn the Witches of Salem again. What would the Pilgrims do? Make all the Indians slaves and give them Smallpox Blankets for the winter. Yeah, the good old days when women never had the right to vote and the Blacks were only worth half a vote …..
*Amy Coney Barrett…..is up for the Supreme Court of the United States tomorrow…via
the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Lovely Lady has seven children and many beautiful daughters. We just want to know one thing: Is she going to advise her daughters to take the Birth Control Pill? Use rubber Contraception? Use the Rhythm Method?
*Yeah, we forgot some other questions the Judiciary Committee should ask the Nominee: Would she advise her daughters to use an IUD, Diaphragm, Anti-Spermicidal Cream or the Morning After Pill? What about a fetus terribly deformed at birth? Things like that.
That all falls under “None of our damn business.”
*Trumpster! You are only Immune from the Truth!
*Stop calling Ryan a Trumpster. He LEFT THE GOP because of Trump. Don’t you read anything he writes?
*Once a Trumpster…always a Trumpster. You can kiss him if you love him
Chairman Vern, but don’t expect the real Conservatives of Orange County to listen to his constant Clap Trap! Little Shit Remarks? Really? If he starts calling you names maybe you will change your tune. If not, you are a sadist. Nothing about that guy is kosher. Sorry we have a difference of opinion on character assessments. Or should we be simply Politically Correct and say: “Not our cup of tea!”?
He was NEVER a “Trumpster.” In fact, people like him and Cynthia were dubbed “Never-Trumpers.” I don’t know why you guys have such a hard time grasping this, or anything regarding Poseidon.
*We want to see his Biden/Harris sign on his front lawn.
Then we will be convinced. Track record says everything in spite of your defense of the indefensible.
How do you know whether there already is one? He’s been very open about his position on Trump for years now.
This has a very good graphic presentation of where the swing states now stand.
It’s clear from this graphic that Arizona *alone* isn’t Pennsylvania insurance — Arizona and Nevada COMBINED, with 17 total electoral votes — can do just enough to make up for a loss of Pennsylania’s 20 EVs to carry the day, bringing Biden to *exactly* 270.
If you’re walking or making calls for a candidate in OC, that’s great. If you’re not — or if you are and can spare some time — you should be making calls into our two closest neighboring states, and consider joining their election protection efforts.