(Image borrowed from “Crime Online”)
“What a piece of work!” gets about one-eighteenth of the way to describing Deputy Marshal Ian Diaz. News last week is, he’s FINALLY been indicted, by a Central California Grand Jury, and arrested, for all the sick and twisted deeds that MOST unbiased people already figured he was guilty of.
This is an Anaheim story, because not only did many of the initial events take place here, but last month we Anaheim taxpayers had to pay out “an undisclosed amount” to Woman 1, Michelle Hadley, for being framed and wrongfully imprisoned for three months:

From the April 27 agenda.

Hadley, framed and wrongfully imprisoned for three months.
But why are we Anaheim taxpayers on the hook for a US Marshal framing his ex and getting her wrongfully imprisoned for three months? Because four of APD’s finest detectives, (Michael Cunha, William Segletes, Michael Lee, and James Pewsey, the latter of whom was later awarded 2017’s “Detective of the Year”) took their fellow law man at his word, despite a lot of evidence pointing to him as the culprit. Another casualty of the “Blue Wall of Silence.” Add this settlement to all the other settlements and judgments we’ve been paying out to APD victims’ families.
If you haven’t been following this crazy story or need a refresher on the things Ian and his wife Angela (Woman 2) did to Hadley before Ian decided to blame everything on Angela, there’s my old 2019 piece or there’s this or this.

Angela – thrown under the bus by husband for 5 years.
High points – motivated possibly by scaring Hadley out of any interest in the Anaheim condo they’d bought together, Diaz and his new wife Angela began fabricating ever more baroque threats and sending them to Angela from identities made to look like Hadley’s. That wasn’t enough – the couple began using Craigslist to make it look like Hadley was sending out strange men to fantasy-rape Angela.
And true to plan, Ian ran to the law, marveling to sympathetic APD that he had “never seen anything like this!” during all his time investigating threats as a Marshal … “At what point does this girl [Hadley] get arrested for sending this shit and hiring guys off Craigslist to rape my wife Angela?”
So that happened, and the equally cop-credulous DA Tony Rackauckas got Hadley locked away. Three months later when the ruses keeping Michelle in jail began to fall apart, Ian threw his wife under the bus, blaming it all on THAT evil genius. And that also flew. The red flags pointing to Ian the whole time, Ian the known Craigslist addict with professional experience in creating Virtual Private Networks, are too numerous to mention here.
Well, finally he’s indicted – and remember there will still be a trial – here is his indictment. And people, including other cops and DA’s, need to stop saying, “That guy wouldn’t do that – he’s a cop!”
I have a question, when I was 9 years old I was sexual abused and sodomize. Now this was done by a 16 or 17 year old. The perp was caught in the act, by family members who instead of calling the police. They beat me in order to cover up my injuries then left me at a hospital. They told my family that I had fallen down the stairs… long story short this person is now in a position of great importance and has a lot of support around him. What should I do. I am 33 years old now, thanks
I don’t know whether this falls into a statute of limitations exception, but it might.
You should probably contact the District Attorney’s Office in the county where this happened, and possibly the local police as well (or Sheriff if they patrol your areas.) There are Facebook groups and such for survivors of childhood sexual abuse; they can probably give you better guidance — including about extended statutes of limitations.
Ian Diaz is in federal prison already.
This piece of shit (Ian Diaz) assaulted me in 2015. He likes to choke women out. I never reported it. He would trade cars with me from time to time also and I would drive his Black MR2 or Audi. I took him to my brother in laws dealership to buy the Audi… He was going to Fullerton College to study Law Enforcement. This happened in Fullerton, CA. I would like to know if Michele ever reached out to me. Someone did… He pursued me on line on POF.
AND THEN TWO YEARS LATER – finally Marshall Ian Diaz convicted, getting up to 20 years! Takes that long of a time when you’re a cop.
Scum bag Ian Diaz sentence to 10 years in prison.
For a better look on this “outstanding” citizen