Carona must go – say today’s protesters

Carona must go – say today’s protesters

Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona won’t be having much fun today, around lunch time. A group of protesters is planning to appear at his headquarters today at 12:30 p.m. to ask him to resign, for a number of reasons including: apparently he promised to serve only two terms; he has not provided much of an answer for two sexual harassment charges and an alleged sexual assault; and he promised to “walk out the door” if anyone could find that any of his reserves did not earn their badges and guns (of course only 8 of his original 86 reserves ended up taking the proper, required training).

The protest will be led by Tim Whitacre, the Santa Ana resident and Republican political activist who is advising numerous political candidates this year, including Lt. Bill Hunt, one of at least three candidates who are opposing Carona. The protest will take place at 550 N. Flower St., in Santa Ana, which is at the corner of Flower St. and 6th. If you would like more information, contact Whitacre at 714-615-1111.

In related news, Dana Parsons at the Times wrote an interesting column in today’s paper regarding Carona’s apparent embargo of the Times. I agree with Parsons – it is unacceptable for a public official to be so childish about talking to the media. Granted, the Times has done a good job of exposing Carona’s numerous problems, but that is his fault, not theirs. Parsons even mentioned Carona’s political advisors, Mike Schroeder and Jon Fleischman, and took them to task for running Carona’s political affairs as if they were working for a Congressman, not the county Sheriff. My guess is that this column won’t change Carona’s mind, but at least now we all now how petty he is. You can read the column at,0,1520211.column?coll=la-editions-orange.

About Art Pedroza