Rosie Avila responds to Tan Nguyen and his attack dog Tom Fuentes

Avila responds to Nguyen and his “attack dog,” Fuentes

Apparently there is a letter being circulated via U.S. mail by the Tan Nguyen campaign asking for local Republicans to endorse the former Democrat, according to a supporter of Nguyen’s GOP opponent for the 47th Congressional District, Rosie Avila. To add insult to injury, the letter is from Nguyen’s “senior advisor,” former O.C. GOP Chairman Tom Fuentes.

My sources indicate that Avila is Avila is outraged that Fuentes is implying that she would consider dropping out of the race for Congress in the 47th District. Her campaign indicates that she has over one hundred volunteers signed up who are “ready to hit the streets.” Also, Avila’s fundraising efforts have been successful and are picking up steam. Moreover, as previously reported here in the Orange Juice, Nguyen’s campaign is in debt and Avila has more money than him in the bank.

Avila has fourteen years of public service, as an elected official in the district. She has run in four elections within the district and each time she has won and won big being the top vote getter. In her first election she beat out three incumbents, landing her picture on the front page of the O.C. Register. She even garnered more voted than the infamous Nativo Lopez although he outspent her by a margin of 12 to 1.

Avila’s campaign points out that she has a great reputation and name recognition, and has written numerous editorials giving her exposure throughout Orange County. She has a proven track record, having ended the failed bilingual education, with a little help from Ron Unz, and she exposed corruption engendered by Lopez and then helped to recall him.

Avila also brought in a proven phonic reading program, to the Santa Ana Unified School District, and helped to kick out fuzzy math. Moreover she pushed through a requirement that all eigth raders take a U.S. Constitution Test. Avila is also proud that Madison Elementary, which serves very low-income students, had it

About Art Pedroza