Daucher blowing thousands in the primary – what is she afraid of?

I met with Lupe Moreno, the conservative Republican candidate for the 34th Senate District, tonight and she shared with me some of the mailers that RINO Lynn Daucher has been sending to unsuspecting voters in the district. I’ll say this for Daucher’s handlers – they are very good liars. The mailers make it look like Daucher is the conservative, when in fact she is a liberal.

Take a look at the mailer on the left – it mentions that conservatives including Ed Royce, Van Tran, and Chris Norby are all backing Daucher. Disgusting! Santa Ana Council Member Carlos Bustamante also sold out to the Daucher machine. I guess I won’t be supporting him for the OC Board of Supervisors after Supervisor Lou Correa wins the primary and goes on to defeat Daucher in the general.

Some of the GOP squishes I have battled over the years have also stepped up for Daucher, including pro-PLA Ken Maddox (pictured below) and Jim Morrissey (who was famously retired by Correa a few years ago after outspending Correa by a huge margin).

The most ridiculous quote in one of the mailers features Tran saying that he supports Daucher because “of her commitment to fighting tax increases on working families.” Who is he kidding? Daucher voted against repealing the car tax – but I guess all is forgiven now, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the guy who fought to repeal the car tax, is now backing Daucher. Good grief!

Moreno tells me that she has received about 18 mailers from the Daucher campaign. My sources tell me that Daucher is desperately trying to raise more money. What is she going to do in the general, if she makes it, and the cupboard is bare? Nice plan Team Daucher…I don’t think Correa has anything to worry about.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.