Janet Nguyen – the top GOP pick for Correa’s supervisorial seat

This week we have looked at the possible Republican candidates for Lou Correa’s seat on the OC Board of Supervisors, and we also scrutinized Mark Rosen, the Garden Grove City Councilman who is the leading Democratic candidate. I realize that all of this conjecture is premature, given that Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher is working hard to take out Correa in their race for the 34th Senate District, however, where would we be without conjecture?

So, now let’s take a look at the leading Republican candidate – although she has not announced for the seat, unlike her colleage Mark Rosen. I am talking about Janet Nguyen, who like Rosen serves on the Garden Grove City Council. She has a lot going for her, including:

  • Over $100,000 in her campaign account.
  • A great ability to raise money – she raised a large amount of money in short time in her abbreviated Assembly race.
  • Her strength in the Vietnamese community, which gives her a natural voter base.
  • She is the 1st woman elected to the G.G. City Council in 35 years.
  • She is the only female candidate being considered so far.
  • She has not voted affirmatively on eminent domain, although in fairness to Rosen, she has not had to vote on eminent domain.
  • Nguyen has experience at the county level, having worked for a former Supervisor.

Nguyen has been a loyal Republican, whereas her main GOP competitor, Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante, only recently converted to the GOP in 2004. If Bustamante runs, all he will do is split the GOP vote with Nguyen, and guarantee a Democratic victory. Bustamante is far too green for this race. Let’s see what he is able to accomplish as the OC GOP Deputy Chair for the 69th Assembly District. If he actually helps other Republicans to win in Central OC, then we can talk to him about running for Correa’s seat. Honestly, I am not sure he could even be reelected to his council seat. Of course, Jubal over at OC Blog is already waxing poetic about Bustamante’s chances.

In related news, our friends at OC Blog also think that Bruce Broadwater is the Democrat to beat in this race, but I don’t see how that could be true. Rosen has already shown that he can count Republicans amongst his supporters. Broadwater is yesterday’s news. I don’t see him getting any traction in this race. If our Democratic friends are in their right minds, they will show Broadwater the door and get behind Rosen. If current trends continue, he will also be able to count on a lot of GOP support.

The only other Democrat who might be able to contend for Correa’s seat is outgoing Santa Ana Councilman Mike Garcia. His stock has skyrocketed since Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido forced him out of the mayoral contest. Latinos love a martyr! Garcia would run circles around Bustamante.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.