Carlos Bustamante…vendido?

I could not believe my ears when a “pajarito” called me yesterday to report that Santa Ana Councilman and OC GOP Deputy Chair Carlos Bustamante was at OC Democat Chairma Frank Barbaro’s office last Saturday for a Democrat Latino strategy session with regard to the Tan Nguyen fiasco. Last night I spoke to more than one Democrat activist, at the Liberally Drinking gathering at the Memphis in downtown Santa Ana, and sure enough they remembered seeing Bustamante at the meeting.

One person told me that Bustamante was offended because a relative who served in Vietnam received one of the Nguyen letters. That’s fine – but that meeting was for DEMOCRATS. Bustamante had no business being there. Scott Baugh, the Chairman of the OC GOP, came out against the letter right away – and called for Nguyen to drop out of the race. Why would Bustamante undermine Baugh by showing up at his Democrat counterpart’s meeting?

I am told that Lou Correa was there as well – could this be yet another attempt by Bustamante to get in tight with Correa – in case Correa wins the 34th Senate District race, opening up a seat on the OC Board of Supervisors?

I have had it with Bustamante. I know that Tim Whitacre, the chair of the OC GOP 69th Assembly District Caucus, met with Bustamante a couple of weeks ago and apparently they are now fast friends. Looks like Whitacre needs to have another talk with Bustamante.

Clip and save this post if you are a Republican. Bustamante may be asking for your support in a few weeks, for an OC Board of Supervisors campaign. He does not deserve your vote. We have a word in Spanish for what he is – Vendido!

Needless to say, Bustamante needs to be removed as Deputy Chair for Santa Ana, for the OC GOP – although this close to the election I would be happy to wait until Nov. 8. Is it too late to send Bustamante and Nguyen to the Democrats? Please! They were both Democrats a few short years ago – take them back – we don’t want them anymore.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.