The cavalry has arrived. The OC Register reported yesterday that Carlos Bustamante had more money than God – but the anti-Bustamante hit pieces also arrived yesterday.
The first mailer is from the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC). It depicts a couple of cute little girls under the headline “Criminals,” in both English and Spanish.
On the back of the mailer, we see Bustamante in a strange pose and the text quotes him saying, “I support the Sheriff’s innovative and effective plan to remove criminal immigrants from our streets and country.” Again, the entire mailer is bilingual.
The mailer does not note Lupe Moreno’s support for Bustamante.
The mailer was sent only to Democrat households – and quite possibly to Latino voters only, but I can’t be sure of that.
The next mailer comes to us courtesy of the Tom Umberg campaign. It rips Bustamante for being a “Bush Republican.” I can hear Bustamante gnashing his teeth as he digests this one!
The mailer states, “Carlos Bustamante is a Republican who supports President Bush’s anti-education, anti-health care, anti-immigrant agenda.”
The mailer also has a line that alludes to Moreno, Tim Whitacre, and Rosie Avila when it states, “That’s why Bustamante is endorsed by right-wing Republican leaders.” Nice.
Like the other hit piece, the mailer is bilingual.
The reverse side of the mailer (which I am not bothering to scan) depicts Tom Umberg and it tells voters that he is officially endorsed by the DPOC.
Laughably, it also states, “Umberg has always stood with our community – and Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers – fighting for affordable health care, better local schools and against gangs and drugs.”
Ironically, Umberg forgot to mention in this mailer the line in his candidate’s statement that he is proud to have jailed so many people for bringing folks over the border illegally.
The mailer also fails to note whether or not Umberg has ANY Latino support,which I thought was odd. Allegedly he has been endorsed by Jose Solorio, and we know that Claudia Alvarez is supporting him. Why not note that support?
I am told that there are three other hit pieces coming soon. In the meantime, Benny Diaz’ signs have sprouted up all over Garden Grove and Santa Ana. We are watching the end of Bustamante’s political career…
Thanks Art and O.J. Blog team for telling all sides of the story in the 1st District race. That other Red County Blog will NEVER post these anti-Bustamonte mailers because they have invested too much in support of his campaign. Let’s hope it’s not too late for voters to see the truth!
I bet those rich Republicans from Newport Beach who have given the big $$$ to Bustamonte will be so angry when they see they wasted the money on a guy who is finished in politics.
A voting mailer directed towards the illegals? Those people don’t vote, sounds like a waste of money.
These are not directed towards illegals. They are directed toward Latinos that understand there is nothing worse than a Pocho/Coconut Pete Wilson style Politico.
I know child exploitation when I see it. Shameful —
Thanks, Art, for showing ALL SIDES OF THE STORY regarding this special election! Bustamante has simply been deceiving all of us by telling Republicans that he’s a “conservative” who wants totake care of those “illegal aliens”…
While he tells us Democrats that he’s the “Independent Democratic” choice because he’s done so much at the city level, blah, blah, blah…
Bustamante is simply a two-faced opportunist that NONE OF US should trust. Not in Santa Ana, and certainly not as our County Supervisor!
Poster 5,
You mean like when Bustamante took his daughter to a supervisorial debate and used her as a prop?
Art (No. 7), this is No. 5 responding. If he did that, then yes that is probably another example of exploiting innocent children. It is a tougher call however when it is your kids accompanying you to a function, however. Similarly, those candidates posing with their families, walking on the beach hand in hand, etc. Not my cup of tea, but apparently the marketers think it sells —- I tend to see exploitation, the marketers would probably say “no, it is letting people know who you are”.
BTW, anyone notice today’s press that County CEO Mauk may become the LA County CAO? Could be that whoever wins this First District election will be participating in the selection of a new CEO or, possibly participating in a Moorlach led restructuring/redefinition of the CEO role? Another interesting one to watch —
I know child exploitation when I see it. Shameful —
Give me a break! Those kids are obviously paid models, no different from kids who appear in ads for grape juice or crayons. “Exploitation,” indeed. Sheesh.
Art, you said “Allegedly he [Umberg] has been endorsed by Jose Solorio.” I can confirm this, as I was at an Umberg gathering at which Jose addressed the crowd in support of Umberg.
Thanks for the clarification. I just find it odd that Umberg is not using his prominent Latino endorsements. He ought to be plastering Solorio’s mustache all over his mailers…