Bustamante says he is for and against Carona’s immigration policy

A pajarito told me tonight that Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante, who made headlines this week by picking up the endorsement of Minutewoman Lupe Moreno, spoke to the Latino organization Los Amigos today and he repudiated what he told the OC Register earlier about Sheriff Mike Carona’s “use of deputies for immigration enforcement.”

Bustamante told the Register that “I support the Sheriff’s innovative and effective plan to remove criminal immigrants from our streets and country. I am hopeful that the program will be expanded over the coming years so that more deputies can be trained to identify illegal aliens in our jails and have these criminals deported.”

But he told the folks at the Los Amigos breakfast meeting that he was misquoted by the Register.

Which one is it Carlos? My guess is that someone who touts the endorsement of the very anti-immigrant Moreno probably does support the Carona plan. For Bustamante to tell the Los Amigos crowd otherwise is fallacious.

Bustamante is proving to be quite the flip-flopper. At the last Santa Ana City Council meeting he spoke out against the gang prevention commission suggested by Councilwoman Michele Martinez – but after Mayor Miguel Pulido said he would vote for it, Bustamante changed his mind and he copied Pulido.

Bustamante also told me, when he ran for the City Council two years ago, that Pulido was not backing him because, according to Bustamante, Pulido had told him that “there are already too many Mexicans on the council.” However, Bustamante now follows Pulido around like a lost puppy.

Bustamante also voted with the rest of the Council to levey a fee (tax) of more than $600 a year on any business that sell tobacco products in the city. But he tells my party leaders that he is a conservative. Not! And we know he has voted for two eminent domain deals that made rich car dealers even richer – at public expense. Clearly this man has no principles – he does whatever Pulido tells him to.

Is this really the best candidate the OC GOP can come up with? How pathetic.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.