Now that the Bowers Museum has relented and will allow Santa Ana residents to see ALL their exhibits on the two free days they are allotted per month, isn’t it time to give Santa Ana residents a discount on the days that aren’t free?
The Bowers currently charges adults $17 each during the week, and $19 on weekends. Students pay $12 during the week and $14 on weekends. That is outrageous! The City of Santa Ana owns the land the Bowers sits on – and all the original buildings. And we the taxpayers pay for ALL of the Bower’s operational costs – $2 million per year.
My preference is that Santa Ana residents should never pay to go to the Bowers – or should be allowed to go twice a month for free on any days they choose. But at the very least residents should get a substantial discount the rest of the time – half off or more!
Of course it is unlikely that the Board of the Bowers, which is composed of rich people who don’t live in Santa Ana, will do anything to directly benefit our people. Instead they will continue to celebrate taxation without representation as they gleefully use our money to maintain their playground for the elite.
Let your Council member know how you feel about this continued highway robbery! Give the Bowers a piece of your mind too, at this link. In fact you can email the President of the Bowers, Dr. Peter Keller, at this link.
Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez actually wants to raise our taxes in order to hire more cops. Let her know you rather use the money we are GIVING to the non-resident Bowers Board. In fact if we throw out the Bowers we can build a nice park on their current site, or sell the site and use the money to build more libraries.
It’s our land. It’s our tax money. We have no say – but we do have the right to vote the current City Council out if they don’t start listening to us. Councilman Carlos Bustamante is up for reelection next year. Throw him out. Alvarez is termed out but she wants us to vote for her for the First Supervisorial District. Don’t do that! Vote for Supervisor Janet Nguyen instead. Mayor Miguel Pulido is up for reelection next year. DON’T VOTE FOR HIM! Send these people a message from the voter’s booth. They’ll get the idea sooner or later…
You are a shamless shrill for Janet. Janet’s days are numbered, particularly if Dunn decides to take her on.
As for Carlos, I think it’s high time he be replaced. He’s a rubber stamp for the mayor. They both should go.
Poster 1,
Would you actually vote for Alvarez instead of Nguyen? It doesn’t look like Dunn will be running – so those are your choices.
Absolutely I would vote for Alvarez.
She has showed herself to be fearless against the mayor’s supporters and the Martinez cabal.
She is surprisingly fiscally conservative for a Democrat, often requiring staff to justify contracts and expenses.
She picks one side of an issue and is able to clearly state and justify her positions.
She is a member of the Santa Ana community at large, acccessible and involved. She understands district 1’s demographics and their concerns and needs.
There are lots of other reasons to support her.
Dear 9:29 aka Claudia’s mom: Love your loyalty to your daughter but I don’t think the voters will agree with your opinion about your mija!
Art: you are just bitter about being an outsider of real politics, so you write things of no value to pretend you really know something. If you are serious about politicking then get out there in the real world, otherwise you can have no gripes because you don’t know how politics really work. You try to make a name for being a griper, but accomplish nothing in the real world. How pathetic. Keep on saying how great your site is, although your contribution is just aesthetic.
Poster 5,
I have been an insider. I chose to walk away from the OC GOP Central Committee.
To be honest with you, I am getting a lot more done now that I don’t have the red fetters on.
BTW, “aesthetic” means: “having a sense of the beautiful.” Sounds good to me…But I think Villaraigosa is a lot more aesthetic than I am… 🙂
How many of this blog’s authors took advantage of this opportunity and went to Bowers yesterday?
Poster 7,
I worked all day, rushed to my four year old’s preschool to pick him up at 4:30 when they called to say he had a fever – then went to a meeting at city hall that did not get out until 7 pm.
This is what is stupid about the current Bowers policy – you get two arbitrary midweek days to go – why not let us in on a Saturday – when we have time to go?
The Bowers better change – the people are going to demand it…
Perhaps you chose to walk away because you were ineffective. If you believed you were effective, and then walked away, shame on you, and those like you. You talk the talk, but won’t walk the walk.
Poster 9,
Ineffective? Are you kidding? The GOP slate of City Council candidates that I recruited in Santa Ana helped to defeat TWO of Miguel Pulido’s puppets. I would not call that ineffective.
And I was the ONLY Latino to be elected to the OC GOP Central Committee last year.
As for walking away, I realized that most of the people on the OC GOP Central Committee don’t like Latinos. I was wasting my time there so I chose to move on.
Quite frankly it was the best decision I have made in awhile. In fact after I left this blog took off – it is now ranked #3 on the BNN statewide political influence list for blogs.
Say what you will, but this blog affords me more opportunities to foster change than my membership on the OC GOP Central Committee ever did.