I have just sent an email to OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen to inform her that I am resigning from the O.C. Public Facilities Corporation. I appreciate her faith in me, but it has become increasingly obvious to me that serving as a County Commissioner will make it difficult for me to write about the actions of our O.C. Supervisors.
I am also concerned that I might hurt Supervisor Nguyen’s reelection campaign. She needs support from area Republicans, and I have major bones to pick with the OC GOP Machine, including many friends of Supervisor Nguyen. I want to be able to write about them without any restrictions.
I also wanted to be free to write about Supervisor Nguyen’s actions without regret or constraint. I don’t know how Matt Cunningham, over at Red County/OC Blog, is able to do what he does while serving as a Commissioner for OC Supervisor Bill Campbell. Then again, Cunningham never writes anything negative about his machine friends.
It has also become obvious to me that I am spending too much time away from my family. I plan to resign from just about every committee I am on to focus my spare time on my family and on my blog. I believe that I can accomplish more as a writer than I can on a dozen committees.
By now I hope most folks realize that I don’t care about titles. I don’t care about power. I don’t care about money. What matters to me is making Orange County, particularly Santa Ana, a better place.
I will continue to support Supervisor Nugyen. However, I hope that she will do the right thing and vote to take away OC Treasurer Chriss Street’s investment authority. I will be very disappointed if she does not and will say so here on this blog. I realize they share the same attorney, but she needs to either vote against Street or recuse herself from voting due to an inherent conflict of interest. A vote for Street will be a slap to the face of the good people of Orange County, who were obviously fooled by this man.
Art you should be disappointed with her even if she recuses herself….there is on conflict for her to vote. It does not matter that they have the same attorney.
I don’t know how Matt Cunningham, over at Red County/OC Blog, is able to do what he does while serving as a Commissioner for OC Supervisor Bill Campbell.
It’s easy Art. I write what I think on Red County — including criticizing Bill’s votes when I disagree with them.
I vote what I think on the HBP Commission. Bill has never asked me to vote one way or another on an item before the commission.
Then again, Cunningham never writes anything negative about his machine friends.
Keep telling yourself that, Art. You’re comfortable living in your fantasy world, and I seriously anything can pry you out of it.
or recuse herself from voting due to an inherent conflict of interest.
That’s ridiculous, Art. That’s like saying they have a conflict of interest because they use the same bank.
Good idea, Art.
Stick to your principles.
Seriously, are you on drugs? You CANNOT deny that you ignored the Carona story about his mafia connections getting him tossed from a law enforcement association. God only knows how many other Carona stories you have ignored. You are pathetic.
As for Greer, it is absolutely a conflict of interest and you know it. Janet’s vote may result in more billable hours for Greer and that is by definition a conflict of interest.
The conflict issue gives her an out, but I would prefer she vote against Street.
Well that is a bit of a stretch on the Greer conflict issue. She is not voting on Greer….she is voting on Street. Once again she has a BS out on another hard decision that she should have the guts to make.
You are one of a kind. We know
of no one that would resign the
key to the wash room at County!
You truly set a high bar for
anyone with a drop of ethical
God bless sir!
Seriously, are you on drugs?
Art, I wonder that about you each time i read one of your posts.
You CANNOT deny that you ignored the Carona story about his Mafia connections getting him tossed from a law enforcement association.
No, I didn’t write about it, other than including those stories in the News Roundup. Like I said, I haven’t written about a number of things. I’ve have been critical of Carona on Red County, but I don’t share your Ahab-like obsession with him.
You are pathetic. Coming from you, that’s a high compliment.
As for Greer, it is absolutely a conflict of interest and you know it.
I don’t know it, because she has no conflict here. Your circular reasoning doesn’t make it so, Art. Like Flowerszzz said, Janet’s voting on Street, not on Phil Greer.
The conflict issue gives her an out, but I would prefer she vote against Street.
No, your invented “conflict” would give you an out from having to actually criticize Janet.
When I ignored the non-story about Janet’s late campaign filing you had a cow! That story PALES in comparison to the Carona story you blew off.
I am not by the way looking for an out with regards to criticizing Janet. My resignation as a county commissioner was engineered in part to allow me to whack away if indeed she votes to allow Street to continue to retain investment authority.
I will be very disappointed if she joins Pat Bates in voting to let Street get away with it, so to speak. And my readers will know it.
Matt, my integrity is not in question – yours is. You are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the OC GOP machine. Please don’t pretend to be anything else. We all know better.
You are one of a kind.
Thank God for that.
We know
of no one that would resign the
key to the wash room at County!
You truly set a high bar for
anyone with a drop of ethical
You two have got to get a grip, and raise your standards.
If Art didn’t feel he could criticize Janet while serving as her appointee on some obscure county commission no one’s heard of, that doesn’t say much about him.
It’s easy. If Janet does something he disagrees with, he writes as much. Simple as that.
Easy? If that is true why can’t you write negative posts about Carona, Van Tran, Jim Silva, etc.?
You are a shill for your machine. Just admit it. You’ll feel better.
As for raising standards, you’re a fine one to talk about that, what with your arbitrary deletion of comments. And your constant protection of truly awful Reeps.
In fact, why don’t you show some class and restore our link on your site? That will never happen because you are nothing more than a bitter hack with a crybaby mentality.
When I ignored the non-story about Janet’s late campaign filing you had a cow!
No, Art — you had a cow that anyone else raised the topic.
My resignation as a county commissioner was engineered in part to allow me to whack away if indeed she votes to allow Street to continue to retain investment authority.
If you think being on some obscure county commission constrains your independence — well, then your vaunted independence isn’t very difficult to constrain.
Why resign? What’s Janet going to do if you “whack away” at her? Fire you?
Matt, my integrity is not in question – yours is.
Only in your bitter, dishonest little mind, Art.
My independence is NEVER restrained. But yours sure is. How much do Schroeder and the other Machine hacks pay you to be their shill?
the thing with you is you define blogging in terms of bashing people. In your mind, slamming people equals being “independent.”
Have you ever asked yourself why your blog is stuck at almost same level of traffic as it was a year? 9and don’t point to that meaningless BNN ranking). It’s because your mean-spirited, destructive brand of blogging only appeals to a limited audience. There’s only so many times people want to read the same rants from you. it’s a shame, because you drag down the honest efforts of Claudio, Thomas and Larry (and Luis, when he posts).
In fact, why don’t you show some class and restore our link on your site?
Because you have no class, Art. not an ounce.
My independence is NEVER restrained. But yours sure is. How much do Schroeder and the other Machine hacks pay you to be their shill?
You are such a looney tune. You just said you resigned from your obscure commission because you didn’t want to feel constrained from criticizing Janet and other Reeps. If it doesn’t constrain your independence, then why resign? It’s not like the Public Facilities Commission is going to put a drain on your time.
What I find amazing is that even though you permanently screwed up our link, we never lost a beat. And we just finished two weeks at the top of the BNN rankings.
You can denigrate us all you want – but the Orange Juice is a force in Orange County – and you can’t stand that.
And you can knock me all you want – but a glance at our current top stories shows that 8 of our current top 10 stories were written by me. How do you explain that Matt?
If anyone is dragging down my fellow bloggers it is you, as you refuse to restore our link.
I will leave it to my readers to determine which one of us has class. But everyone knows I am my own man – and you are nothing more than a water boy for the OC GOP machine.
How much do Schroeder and the other Machine hacks pay you to be their shill?
Excellent — a classic Pedroza “when did you stop beating your wife” diversionary question.
You are truly paranoid.
You can’t stand that I have an ethical upper hand on you.
I never asked Janet for an appointment. She offered one and I accepted, and I have now come to realize that it just isn’t worth it.
I rather be unencumbered. You on the other hand appear to be hunky dory with your OC GOP machine manacles snapped tight on your wrists…
Face it Matt. You are a tool and I am not. End of story.
And we just finished two weeks at the top of the BNN rankings.
So what? You’re about the only person who thinks that ranking means anything.
You can denigrate us all you want – but the Orange Juice is a force in Orange County – and you can’t stand that.
Uh yeah — a force on the fringe, maybe. No serious person in the county takes your seriously, Art — or at least not without a mountain-size grain of salt. I would only have occasion to worry if you quit and left the blog to Claudio, Larry and Thomas.
And you can knock me all you want – but a glance at our current top stories shows that 8 of our current top 10 stories were written by me. How do you explain that Matt?
Which means what, exactly? People slow down to look at a car wreck, too.
If anyone is dragging down my fellow bloggers it is you, as you refuse to restore our link.
I do feel some regret about that, because Claudio, Thomas, Larry and Luis are good guys, and I link to their stories fairly regularly.
But everyone knows I am my own man – and you are nothing more than a water boy for the OC GOP machine.
Keep telling yourself that, Art. I don’t waste Red County readers’ time with the kind of rants you routinely direct toward me.
You can’t stand that I have an ethical upper hand on you.
Again, in your own mind…and ego.
Face it Matt. You are a tool and I am not. End of story.
Art, if you put on ruby slippers, click your heels three times and repeat that to yourself over and over…well, it still wouldn’t be true.
But I’d pay to see that.
No, you waste their time with meaningless press releases and news links. You don’t write anywhere near the original material that I do.
As for BNN, they are actually quite popular. I find their service invaluable and so do many of my readers. Even you had their link on your site until the week we came in ahead of you. Funny how you suddenly decided they were not worthy of your attention.
You are right about Claudio, Thomas, Larry and Luis. They are indeed good guys. So am I – but I don’t count in your world because I hold your dirty machine friends accountable, and you can’t stand that.
What price your soul Matt? I can sleep at night. I cannot imagine how you deal with being a complete sellout to the OC GOP Machine. Have you no pride?
I have no doubt that cross dressers are of great interest to you. And I am sure you are happy to pay for such performances. But I don’t play such games.
You prove you’re a tool every single day of the week. At least you’re consistent.
What I find amazing is that even though you permanently screwed up our link, we never lost a beat.
If anyone is dragging down my fellow bloggers it is you, as you refuse to restore our link.
Which is it, Art? Either removal of the link negatively affects traffic to O-J or it doesn’t.
I rather be unencumbered.
Which is it, Art?
You declare that NOTING constrains your independence, yet you also say you want to be “unencumbered” — which means you think serving as Janet’s appointee encumbers you.
But how can that be if NOTHING encumbers your independence? In that case, there’s no reason for you to resign.
Yet, you cite being unencumbered as a reason for quitting.
Jubal you have written at least one heavily slanted story about parks and how they can thrive b being turned over to private interests.
Refer to your story on Feathery Park.
You made the inference that the county parks could be made better by being sold off to private for profit interests.
You made that inference while you are a sitting member of the Harbors Beaches and Parks Commission for the County of Orange.
I personally find that an absolute conflict of interest to do that while you are a sitting member of the HBP Commission.
Your example of Featherly Park and how well it is ran and maintained by a For Profit Organization is IMHO a dereliction of your duty as a member of the HBP Commission.
To infer that our public resources should e turned over to private for profit interests in the attempt to improve them for public use is absolutely a dereliction of your duty as a Commissioner of HBP and I think you should resign from that position.
Poster 25,
Great point! You’re quite right.
We did lose traffic when you screwed up our link – but we quickly replaced the referrals from your site. Liberal OC is now our top referral site. And their numbers have gone up a lot, I think in part because more folks go there to find us.
Now that our new URL, http://www.orangejuiceblog.com is up, folks are finding it easier to find us.
Our numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. We have a great future ahead of us. You OC GOP Machine stooges will always give me plenty to write about.
As for why I quit the commission, I think I have explained myself sufficiently. If you don’t get it, you never will.
Jubal you have written at least one heavily slanted story about parks and how they can thrive b being turned over to private interests.
Refer to your story on Feathery Park.
Slanted? Because I wrote about how leasing it to a private operator turned it from an de facto outdoor homeless shelter to a clean, safe RV campground that families can enjoy>
You made the inference that the county parks could be made better by being sold off to private for profit interests.
You’re inferring an inference I didn’t make. Citing an example of a private operator’s success isn’t the same thing as saying public parks should be sold off.
You made that inference while you are a sitting member of the Harbors Beaches and Parks Commission for the County of Orange.
Again, you are putting words in my mouth.
I personally find that an absolute conflict of interest to do that while you are a sitting member of the HBP Commission.
Then you have a very distorted idea of what a conflict-of-interest is. It most assuredly does not include saying a private operator is doing a good job of running Featherly Park.
Your example of Featherly Park and how well it is ran and maintained by a For Profit Organization is IMHO a dereliction of your duty as a member of the HBP Commission.
How is that?
And perhaps you can tell me what opinion you think I should have regarding Featherly Park?
Great point! You’re quite right.
You have even less idea of what Anon 11:52 is talking about than he does.
Then again, you are Art Pedroza — so why should that stop you?
Oh sure Matt – you are infallible. You never do anything wrong. You don’t have Schroeder on speed dial. And you don’t shill for Carona and Silva and all your other lame Reep friends.
Go to bed Matt. We can spar some more tomorrow if you are so inclined.
I doubt your hyper-sensitive ego will let you get much sleep however…
As for why I quit the commission, I think I have explained myself sufficiently. If you don’t get it, you never will.
I know my explanation doesn’t add up, but I don’t want to talk about it anymore.
And their numbers have gone up a lot, I think in part because more folks go there to find us.
If that were true, Art, your traffic would be growing along with there’s but that’s not the case according to SiteMeter.
I think LierbalOC has grown because they’ve developed an interesting blog where one can engage in some tough, interesting debate and discussion there.
Oh sure Matt – you are infallible.
I’m certainly not that.
You never do anything wrong.
Not true either.
As for why I quit the commission, I think I have explained myself sufficiently. If you don’t get it, you never will.
Translation: I know my explanation doesn’t add up, but I don’t want to talk about it anymore.
As for BNN, they are actually quite popular.
I’m sure their traffic is helped by all the blogs that eagerly ran their BNN ranking blogad.
But I didn’t say there’s anything wrong with BNN. It is a useful blog for seeing what’s going on with other blogs.
Even you had their link on your site until the week we came in ahead of you.
We did have it up — when the ranking debuted. After a few days, though, it became pretty clear to me it was a realistic chart of blog influence and was more of a marketing gimmick, and I took it down.
What price your soul Matt?
It doesn’t have one, Art — but don’t let that stop you from slinging more “when did you stop beating your wife questions.” I don’t think you know any other way of debating someone.
I can sleep at night.
And your point? That’s a sign of a clean conscience…or no conscience at all.
it became pretty clear to me it was a realistic chart of blog influence…
That should read “wasn’t a realistic…”
Wow matt looks like we really hit a button there. maybe someone should sit in on your HBP Commssion meetings and see what you are up to there? Is there something we should know that you dont want made public?
“Now we’re seeing more of the real Art Pedroza!”
Typical Matt. You hurl insults and then run crying to mama when someone hurls them back.
It is obviously time to drop the outed name “Jubal” and go with something more descriptive of who you really are. Try “chillon.”
Pedroza says, “…I believe that I can accomplish more as a writer than I can on a dozen committees.”
ROFLMAO! Dude, get over yourself. You’ve neve been on a “dozen committees” – unless you are retroactively counting the clubs you were in in Jr. High School. You sit on two insignificant committees at the moment. One in Santa Ana and this one you are being forced to resign from. You will soon be forced to resign from the city commission as well.
Pedroza then says, “…By now I hope most folks realize that I don’t care about titles. I don’t care about power…”
It’s ALWAYS about titles and power with Art Pedroza. Art couldn’t tell the truth to save his soul.
A VERY reliable source from Janet Nguyen’s office has told me that Pedroza was given the option to resign or he would be removed from his commission seat. Why? Because she now clearly sees him as a liability to her campaign and doesn’t want his toxic fumes near her.
Pedroza has a very clear pattern of ruining everything he touches – especially relationships with elected officials or groups and committees. This comes as no surprise to anyone who knows him for more than a month, (what an ego) nor does the spin he attempts to put on it… Oh, humble and magnificent Pedroza we are not worthy to walk in your shadow – so wise; so all-knowing…
ROFLMA again!!!
What Pedroza calls “resigning” others call bein ran out of town on a rail! Good for Janet Nguyen , she got one right!
Typical Matt. You hurl insults and then run crying to mama when someone hurls them back.
???? You might try re-reading these comments.
Is there something we should know that you dont want made public?
No – in fact, there’s an HBP Commission meeting this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. The HBP Strategic Plan is on the agenda.
Truth, I was kind of thinking the same thing inthe back of my mind. I wonder what the real story is.
Two options:
A) Janet got sick of him and asked him to resign
B) Art is throwing a temper tantrum because Janet will not do what he says.
Oh and btw art…you otta go back here and see who threw the first stone at Jubal.
Truth detector is detecting truth by spreading lies.
I have not talked to Janet in several weeks.
In fact, she is in Mexico right now on vacation.
The truth is exactly what I wrote.
As for telling Janet what to do, no, I do not do that, ever. Sure, I give her advice, when she asks, and then she does what she thinks is right.
Finally, re Matt, he is a brittle crybaby. I am never surprised when he goes nuts on my blog. I am sure some of my readers find it entertaining.
Truth Detector and Jubal are the
classic guys that love going to
the free lunches! It doesn’t
matter how often they have to
“dummy up” to eat that lovely
cold chicken! No matter, Jubal
has so much time to beat up on
you that it is doubtful he is
truly fulfilling his GOP Master
Plan! Don’t worry Jubal….we
will let you know “what that
might be” … when the time is
right! In the meantime, if you
are not going to link to OC-Juice
..try not to make over two comments
a week…until you do!
OH, and you are Claudio’s bud?
Jubal went nuts? LOL…here is what you said to him just yesterday, hmmm who is off their rocker and acting like a child? Who was hurling insults like a desperate and wild man? Good gawd Art. You had a first rate temper tantrum last night.
You implied he was on drug, had no integrity, a hack, a crybaby, a shill, a tool, that he has no soul, has no pride, inferred that he likes cross dressers, a chillon, and you can not understand why he might insult you back? HELLOOOOOOO??????
Finally, re Matt, he is a brittle crybaby. I am never surprised when he goes nuts on my blog.
LOL. That’s why you spend so much time trashing me and Red County.
You could have resigned from Public Facilities Commission and no one would ever have noticed, because no one pays any attention to it.
Instead, you decide to make a big deal of it by calling attention to it in a post about how independent, selfless and above the grubby concerns of mere mortals you are — in your humble opinion.
Like the Winships said — you are one of a kind.
Here is what Matt wrote, “Art, if you put on ruby slippers, click your heels three times and repeat that to yourself over and over…well, it still wouldn’t be true.”
So of course I made a joke at his expense – and he could not take it.
Typical Matt. He slings it but can’t handle it in return.
I have no problem debating him until the cows come home. But it will accomplish nothing. You and Matt have a lot in common. You are both tools of the OC GOP machine. No wonder you are standing up for him.
Can’t he fight his own battles?
LOL everyone who disagrees with you is a tool for the GOP.
Why must everything with you be a fight and why can you not make a point without going there? I suspect this is the reason Janet asked you to resign from your appointment.