My co-blogger, Claudio Gallegos, already wrote a post about the anti-war protest at Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez’ office today, but I wanted to add my perspective, and pictures to the subject as well. Read on…
Well, my counter-protest fizzled. I showed up to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
“I just hope that in leaving we don
What a bold statement. I’m happy you had so much fun eating in front of hunger strikers. They were only requesting an end to a war of aggression, a war without cause. Such a man, I’m sure that Gandhi would be happy to see the way an OC democrat behaves. SAD clown.
Poster 2,
I had that coming. Look, I really expected these people to be total nut jobs, but they turned out to be nice folks.
BTW, I am not a Democrat. I am an independent and a recovering Republican.
I am glad that the protest against Sanchez is over. On to better things – such as protesting Campbell, Royce, Miller, Rohrabacher, etc.
“I am glad that the protest against Sanchez is over. On to better things – such as protesting Campbell, Royce, Miller, Rohrabacher, etc.”
You thought we were nutjobs all along because you insist that we were there (Sanchez 6 and this week’s hunger strikers) to protest AGAINST Sanchez. Why is it so hard for you to believe that we were demonstrating FOR something versus against someone?
Time is of the essence. If we had more time and organizers with intestinal fortitude, we would’ve done hunger strikes all over the county, in my humble opinion. For lack of both time and human resources, we had to direct our energy where we thought they’d be most fruitful. We want Rep. Sanchez to be steadfast in her anti-war stance, in her vote and in her leadership among the Dems, Blue Dog and non.
Now that the DOD doesn’t want any more C-17s, how will she vote in September? It’s anybody’s guess. And because we have to guess and because we don’t want to leave it up to chance, we went ahead and vocalized our demand for de-funding combat ops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It’s indisputable: polls posit that the US-American public want the occupation to end already. I doubt her constituents will retaliate against her (and go as far as voting for a Repub such as Van Tran) for voting NO on the supplemental. It’s fallacious to say that our demos will help Van Tran win her seat. Slippery slope there.
However we slice it, we must end the occupation now. If we support our troops, we’ll bring them home and out of harm’s way. If we want a stronger economy, we must withhold monies for war and reallocate them to education and social programs. If we want respect from the world community, we must respect the rule of international law and diplomacy.
I am truly impressed. I was disturbed enough by the fluent jingoism of the attack you posted here yesterday, that I forwarded it to every peace activist I could think of late Thursday night. I didn’t think it all that likely that your last minute blog post could really marshall many counter protesters, and I knew it was also unlikely to boost anti-war protester numbers (I was stuck at work too), but I thought MFSO needed to be aware of the disparaging spirit you were drumming up. You actually used the rhetorical style of implying there should be doubt that the MFSO really have families in the military, after all, as you put it, they only “say” they have families in the military. Who knows if they really do, right? Nasty tactic. And it amazed me, even on this blog where the rhetoric often goes to name calling.
I came back to your blog tonight reluctantly. I figured you or Claudio would be out name-calling and distorting again. But then here’s this retraction/apology. And here’s you and Claudio separately relating stories of the way in which the MFSO people challenged you but provided you a forum in their demo to make your arguments. Imagine that man. Sh-t, maybe they really are the “nut jobs” you called ’em, after all they gave YOU their forum! ๐
The MFSO-OC group is one of the most hopeful projects in this miserable misbegotten decade. But they can’t do everything. You and Claudio have each insisted they should stage protests at Republicans’ offices (which they have told you they have done–with limited resources). A SUGGESTION: you guys stage one on Republican turf. Call for it here on the OJ blog and then organize it. I bet you’ll find an MFSO contingent there.
Anyway, good post.