I need to get out more. Apparently there are violent street gangs in San Juan Capistrano and Mission Viejo, of all places. But yesterday a Judge approved a gang injunction that should help law enforcement officials check the tide of gang violence in their area.
Plus, “The judge was expected to approve another preliminary injunction against a rival gang, the San Clemente-based Varrio Chicos, later today,”according to the L.A. Times.
“The injunction, approved by Judge Daniel J. Didier, means that alleged members of the Varrio Viejo gang will be arrested if they are seen associating with one another, wearing gang clothing or making gang handsigns within a 161/27-square-mile area in San Juan Capistrano and Mission Viejo.”
Of course the gang members and their families did not take this lying down. “Those named in the injunction against the Varrio Viejo gang held a protest march late Thursday in San Juan Capistrano.”
And check out the comments made by Genaro Garcia, a 16-year-old high school junior, who “said his name was among those listed in the injunction.”
He said he feared he would get arrested even if he tried to comply with the order because his family lives in the middle of the restricted zone and his friends are on the list. “We’re locked up in our own neighborhood,” said Garcia, who said he has been in and out of juvenile detention since age 12 for burglary, trespassing and probation violations.
Wow! How can this creep even show his face in public? He feels wronged by the gang injunction, but he admittedly has been committing crimes since he was 12 years old? I’m guessing he won’t be noted as “most likely to succeed” in his high school yearbook. If he even bothers to stay in school.
Why isn’t the City of Santa Ana pushing for more of these gang injunctions? Surely we have a bigger gang problem than south Orange County does. Once again our Mayor, Miguel Pulido, and police department are asleep at the wheel.
The Orange County Sheriff has not been able to stop the car thefts at the “Shops of Mission Viejo”. Look at last years and this years statistics. They might just open their eyes to this gang problem.
During the last Mission Viejo Council election the car thefts information was conveniently “covered up” by the local assigned Sheriff and politicians.
We now all see our Sheriff in a little better light now–to busy in the back set of his limo with Russian interpretors.
Jack Able
Mission Viejo
There are gangs everywhere. san juan is among the most violent. walk through san juan and then go write how ” theres gangs on san juan capistrano?” surprised.
try living on a shipyard in Portsmouth Virginia. san juan is not a dangerous place. im not sure why people in southern California think its da…oh…that’s right, because they live in southern California and that’s all they have seen of the world. makes sense now.
sjc is a neighborhiid just compact with raza, its active more than some od thdead smalerhoodsin sa/ ahm, andim telling you this aboutmy ops fuck san pan
Most crime in South County is caused by hispanic gang members from Santa Ana and other places. Santa Ana is ground zero for criminal gang membership and activity. Illegal immigrants fuel gang membership. Want to stop gang violence, seal the border.
Give me a break. These pillow biting South County busters wouldn’t last 5 seconds in Santa Ana. A weak group of Camp Fire Girls from Anaheim could make these punks from South O.C. cry like the little ninas they are. ! If they were real men then they wouldn’t be hiding like little muchachitas en Mission Viejo. I bet they use rub on tattoos and learn their “gang “signs” watching music videos. I’m much more afraid of the Mountain Lions and Coyotees (the animal kind) in South Orange County than I am of these little B*T*H*S!
Ive lived in Santa Ana and LA and South county and its all you gansters are the same quit acting like SA is so special punk
santa ana. only so cal kids consider santa ana to be dangerous
Ah come on Art.
The only reason that Santana even bothered with the Santa Nita gang injunction is because mayor pulido needed the area cleaned up to bring in Chiva’s.And your blogger Sean Mill thinks it’s a good idea to screw under all us chicano’s because he wants the stadium built so as to enrich himself and his pal Tinajero.who do us chicano’s turn to for help?
Who’s asleep at the wheel??? The guy who doesn’t get out much. Santa Ana already has gang injunctions.
Gangs are an insult to the Latino community – just another sub-culture of criminals. I say put ’em in the chipper – they are a threat to everyone, not just to those in the barrio.
Sad case: a regular teenage boy (not in a gang, no affilitation, wrong place/wrong time) in OC happens on a gang murder, sees a gang kid being beat to death so he decides to help save the victim. The boy, not knowing what’s really happening, drags the victim away trying to save his life. He is now a witness, not to mention the horror of seeing the victim with his head bashed in. So what happened to the regular kid – covered with blood and brain matter, he flips, has severe PTSD, is hospitalized, ends up in a boarding school for the emotionally disturbed. He will NEVER be the same.
I say death penalty!!
And the case? The cops have it as unsolved, no real rush to investigate – who cares its gang kills gang. No loss. But what about the witness, the boy who tried to help? Where is justice for him?
i really wish our government will allow our military to bring the hammer down on these gangs. how many of them are illegal immigrants? essentially they are invaders to our country. once we pull out of Afghanistan, we should focus our military might entirely on pulling these pathetic scumbags out of their rat holes. so cal is one of the safest and nicest places in the world. lets see how these tough little thugs hold up against trained military. im not just talking national guard. i mean block every road with tanks, and break down every door in every neighborhood, grab these little scum bags by their hair, and pull them out of their homes and treat them as we would any insurgent in Iraq. obviously law enforcement isn’t enough, and i say if we want to fight for our country, we fight these little spoiled dirt bags who feel they need to ruin otherwise safe neighborhoods. they are clearly a threat to normal people. whats funny is i bet they think they can take our military. shows how ignorant they are.
sure… but most of them are not illegal immigrants.
i don’t care if they are illegal or not. they don’t belong in our society. i think military force is just the wake up call these brats needs.
hows the situation now? its been 8 years now
Where there are Mexicans, there are gangs.
Where there are White people, there is the clan.
As long as Sean Mill will harass Pulido over the gentrification there will be the GANGS in Santa Ana.
After all Sean is a product of the gang gravitas council members.
“Illegal immigrants fuel gang membership. Want to stop gang violence, seal the border” What a load of ignorant crap. Can you back this up with FACTS? Stats? In other words, back up your hate speak with proof! Or just shut up and keep your self-loathing and cry baby fear to yourself.
SSsssshhh!!! You’ll wake up the pro-illegal crowd with all this gang talk! I expect them to drop in and assure us that illegal immigration has nothing to do with the massive presence of Latino gangs in Santana! Viva La Raza and Nation of Aztlan!
After all, the gangs aren’t the problem, those crazy racist xenophobes who fight illgal immigration are!
Oops, I forgot – they’re not actually criminal gang-members, they are disadvantaged youths who need better streets, bigger TVs, playgrounds, cushy jobs, and all of us to STOP demonizing them! It’s not their fault they are cold-blooded murderers, it ours.
Looks like you have it all figured out. That is as much as your brain can deal with. Now you can crawl back into the hole you live in.
#11 can’t crawl back into his hole because five illegal immgrant famlies are now sharing it. #11 does have it “figured out”. Santa Ana is a boil on Orange County.
I have been screaming for many years that the gangs should be prosecuted under Federal RICO statutes. While injunctions are better than nothing the real way it should have been handled long ago was with RICO. This is why RICO was established to begin with, dealing with the “gangs” that were making tons of money and killing their rivals during Prohibition.
So what’s different now? Instead of boating or trucking booze from Canada, they bring in guns from China and the former Soviet block, drugs, and people from the south, all covered by RICO. The current injunctions don’t seem to be in preparation of RICO cases since, to my knowledge there is no asset forfeiture or freezing of assets and little or no preparations actively for Federal trials.
Not that this hasn’t happened in the past, but for the most part the Feds make the laws, then provide virtually no enforcement for those laws. They leave it up to the locals to deal with the problems created by Congress.
Sound familiar? I think it’s high time for the Federal prosecutors’ to step up to the plate in a big way and do what’s right. Apply RICO as it was intended!
That is what should happen but this administration and the next will never do it. They are too busy trying to capture the “hispanic” vote. As if hispanic’s will ever be a real, long term force in American politics. Just ask Governor Cruz Bustamante.
“I think it’s high time for the Federal prosecutors’ to step up to the plate in a big way and do what’s right. Apply RICO as it was intended!”
Aren’t the feds all busy with one of the top heads of “law enforcement”, chief carona? Maybe once they get the real RICO suspects like Carona under lock and key, they can clean up the ridiculous gang problem that has been allowed to fester – despite, as you illustrate – the fact that there are laws in place that can fight the problem.
Get rid of all the thugs – from the top cop and his corrupt buddies to all the thugs running street violence and drugs in the gangs.
#12 what is offensive about #11’s post? do you like gang members and illegals?
Santa Ana’s City Attorney will get to the gangs once he takes care of the OJ 3. What is Santa Ana’s gang commission doing besides giving more people a chance to collect city stipends to attend meetings that don’t do a damn thing. The city’s priorities have been well prioritized.
It is hate propoganda. No objectivity or solutions are offered.
Do you hate gang members and illegals?
I would like to see the Gang and illegal immigration questions be solved. I dislike the problem. I don’t dislike the human element associated with the problem.
why would anyone not hate gang members? what do they contribute to our society?
“(Sean Mill) wants the stadium built so as to enrich himself and his pal Tinajero”
How exactly am I going to enrich myself or Sal Tinajero? This is just another baseless allegation made by someone who lacks the stones to put their name to their post.
If you are going to accuse Sal and myself of unethical behavior at least put your name to the post.
F**k all you ignorant latino haters!!
Gangs in south Orange County? Should this be one of the questions asked in the upcoming south county COX candidate forums?
While we have some some limited grafitti in Mission Viejo if we have gangs they are the kids playing soccer or little league baseball on Saturday’s. Somewhere in this “war room” I do have data on all of the gangs in OC. Whatever the number it is surely not prevelant in south county when compared to other areas in southern CA.
CAMBRIDGE KING PROJECTS thats LAGUNA NIGUEL too, WHITE BLACK N BROW all together u guys should wake XXXXXX up. Over Half your kids are smoking heroin in this epidemic! But like you would know lol. South County will become LA in 10 years. CK CK CK Ck. o yea all and all Santa Ana fools talking s**t, i would care, if you werent 16 years old and 5 foot nothing. Raise the Black Flag.
“Why isn’t the City of Santa Ana pushing for more of these gang injunctions? Surely we have a bigger gang problem than south Orange County does. Once again our Mayor, Miguel Pulido, and police department are asleep at the wheel.”
MQ says:
There are a lot of ignorant little hispanic gang member’s all over the place. Thanks to the bad parenting of illegal immigrants from south of the border. Kids who get into gangs do so because of lack of parent evolvement.
As far as the police and the city of Santa Ana – It’s not a “rule of law city” you want it, you got it!
O come on dont act like this is a surprise why dont you ask all the people living in the hispanic neigborhoods if they have gangs all you ignorant people quit pretending south county is so nice, El Toro, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente all have low income hispanic neigborhoods why else would the OC sheriff have a gang enforcment team
November 2007 thanks you for the attention.
on the list of safest cities in the country, with the lowest number being the most safe, mission Viejo ranks number 3, lake forest ranks 17, santa ana ranks 170, Portsmouth Virginia ranks 293, and boston (where i have also lived) ranks 314. these gangster wannabes in cali don’t have it as hard as they think they do. especially varrio viejo in mission Viejo and san juan. come on. san juan is right next to mission viejo. just to put this in perspective for people who don’t live in cali. you will see a lot of these gangster wannabes pop up on these forums trying to brag about how hard they have it in places like mission Viejo and san juan, but in truth they live in some of the safest places in the nation.