Gustavo Arellano struck again today over at his OC Weekly Navel Gazing Blog, with yet another story on Santa Ana Councilman Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante. Here are a few excerpts:
All this week we’ve focused on Carlos Bustamante, the SanTana councilmember who gladly takes money from people seeking something from the city, then votes favorably for his donors. Some readers have wondered about my focus, claiming he hasn’t technically broken any conflict-of-interest laws, and that donations are part of the politics game.
The one thing I hope to do with this series is disturb people enough to scrutinize the hell out of Bustamante, especially in light of the Renaissance Specific Plan that seeks to redevelop SanTana and that probably will come to a council vote in the coming months. I’ve earlier talked about the gerrymandering carried out to aid councilman Vince Sarmiento and Mayor Miguel “What should be his nickname?” Pulido; now, let me share what I call SanTana’s Grand Choo Choo Conspiracy.
The OC Weekly is on the top floor of a five-story building whose principal tenant is the Santa Ana Business Bank. One of its directors? Bustamante. On the board of directors also sits George Pla, who heads the Cordoba Corporation. People associated with Cordoba donated $4,500 to Bustamante’s failed supervisorial campaign last year, but their biggest impact on SanTana was consulting with the Orange County Transportation Transportation Authority on the failed Centerline light rail project. That long-scrapped plan called for most of its route to serve SanTana–and the Renaissance Plan calls for the city to implement a light rail on some of the original Centerline route within the RSP boundaries, namely from the Santa Ana Depot through Civic Center Drive to Flower Street to Santa Ana Boulevard.
See where I’m going here? Cordoba would love to work on a light-rail project in SanTana–indeed, they sent a rep to the SanTana City Council’s September transportation committee, where he suggested “removing the Maglev from the Concepts of the Go Local Program and advertise it as a future intermodal connection (vision) of the Go Local Program.” The Go Local program, is the OCTA’s way of giving participating cities money to figure out how to connect to Metrolink. In other words, you have Cordoba reps advising SanTana to build a light rail.
Who would gain immensely from a contract? George Pla. Who would gain much as a result? Santa Ana Business Bank. And who’s on bank’s board of directors? Bustamante. Bustamante could abstain from a vote if SanTana decides to work with Cordoba, and he’d still win like gangbusters.
Beware of Bustamante. Beware of the coming proposals for the Renaissance Plan. Beware of any rhetoric involving “revitalizing” SanTana. Beware of the Illuminati. BEWARE!!! People are going to get very rich off the Renaissance Plan if it happens–watch closely.
Be sure to read Gustavo’s entire article. It is a fantastic slam on the Space Commander!
Dear Art,
I’m with you on all your calls to action regarding the need to stop the Space Commander but I have to be honest and say I don’t see that you are having much impact on him. He’s very thick skinned and as far as I can tell he seems to be getting off on seeing you and other bloggers try to go after him. He has been bragging about being featured in Gustavo’s articles like they are a badge of honor and he says as long as they spell his name right he hopes they just keep on profiling him! A friend who works with him at the County says Carlos has told her and others that it’s too late for a viable candidate to come forward to beat him for his council seat and that he will be in office for 4 or 8 years more depending what happens with term limits. She also said that one time he had to sign some form for another staff person and when he gave it back to her he said, “Keep it and some day you can get rich selling it on E-Bay because I’m going to be bigger than Obama!” Bustamonte bigger than Obama? Right. He brags about the “big money” he has coming in for GOP/Lincoln club fat cats and says as a Latino Republican that he is worth Gold to the O.C. GOP. I’d like to think he is wrong about that Art but no real candidates are stepping up to run against him and raise the needed money. Michele started early in her run for Council and was successful but I don’t see it happening with Carlos so maybe he is right to mock those of us who want to see him out of elected office. Please convince me I am wrong Art. Thanks for all you do with this blog.
Poster 1,
Don’t despair! I have people in Sacramento who are working on denying Bustamante the FEHC nomination. I will keep our readers posted.
The Space Commander is a huge braggart, but you know how the saying goes, he who talks the most, does the least. I am certain we will find a candidate to run against him.
In the meantime, please contribute to the No on Measure D campaign. Visit our website at to find out how to get involved. Thanks!
Contributing to the no on D campaign will not do anything to stop Carlos.
Poster 3,
Oh, it will. If Measure D goes down, then ward 5 will open up as Claudia Alvarez will be termed out in November.
Thus Pulido and his cabal will have to field a puppet candidate for Ward 5 – that means less money for Carlos.
That is why it is crucial that we find and support candidates against Pulido, Sarmiento and the Space Commander.
We already have one fellow running against Sarmiento. And I know Pulido is going to face at least two competitors, and maybe three.
That leaves us having to find a candidate against the Space Commander. Trust me. We will.
Vote NO on Measure D.
Were you not at the meeting, where Cordoba said, thank you Mr. Mayor for that prime piece of property that you exchanged for the Cordoba Property, I still want to know what property was exchanged with him. Also across from Walmart on Jackson and McFadden, They planted a Hundred trees in that lot. When they wanted people help plant those trees, I thought something is up. I had read in Black’s legal Dictionary USCode on Conservancy if a city plants a hundred trees next to a River in a flood zone the U.S. Would fund that city with a Economic developement Bank Hence the Santa Ana people’s Bank. The rail way will run through Santa Anita (Little Santa Ana)through the Willowick Greens Exclusive Homes in Santa Nita, over the Rail bridge on the Santa Ana River. It is a prime neighborhood Blue Ribbon School District, and they want to take it away from us. Who in there right mind would want to live there? We have to because where else are we going to live? We have been here Generations.
You are kidding yourself if you think Jim Walker is a viable candidate against Vince. Vince will win that race going away.
There are no viable candidates against Pulido either. That should make your fellow “No on D” compatriot Julie Stroud very happy since she thinks he is doing such a great job.
The only candidates that might be able to take out Carlito are John Palacio or John Acosta. Sadly, it does not look like either one plans to run. So we will be stuck with him for at least another four years.
In regards to Claudia, why does Measure D matter? According to you she is so unpopular and has no support in the community so she should be easy to take out. Right? Obviously not and that is why you are obsessed with Measure D.
I think there is little chance of any of the incumbents losing in November. If D fails the Pulido puppet in Ward 5 will have a leg up on the competition, but they are beatable as Michele and Sal proved last election.
The key will be having a united front against the Pulido cabals candidate. Clearly that won’t happen. If you think the Measure D foes are going to morph into this united front you are sadly mistaken.
Julie Stroud, one of the NO on D cabal members, has clearly stated that she will support Pulido and by proxy his puppets as well.
There will be no united front against Pulido and company. In fact your own allies will once again turn to Papi Pulido and screw you all.