By now you probably know that California State Senate Leader Don Perata was the victim of a carjacking the other day. Now there is a report that “The two men suspected of carjacking State Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata’s sporty car on Saturday were seen about an hour later using the car in a drag race, police said Monday.”
This car was provided by the state, i.e. us, to Perata. Why are our state legislators driving Chargers? Why are we providing them overpaid stiffs with such fancy cars? Or with any cars at all? I don’t understand why they cannot buy their own cars.
If only the robbers had been making a point about how wrong all this is. But I think they were just lawbreakers.
Perata by the way is a Democrat. Isn’t this the party of the poor? How does Perata justify buying a Charger with our tax money? It reminds me of Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, another Democrat, who drives a hybrid car provided by the AQMD – but he still picks up a regular car allowance check from the City of Santa Ana. Nice scam that one.
And consider something else…the Charger is a V8. This car is NOT good for the environment. Aren’t the Democrats the party that wants to save the environment? What’s up with Perata driving a gas-guzzler? If you go to his website, he is even calling for a reduction in car emissions! What a hypocrite!
Why aren’t the Democrats embarrassed by any of this? And why does anyone still believe they are here to help working people? Get a clue folks! They are just as drunk with power as the Republicans. Neither party gives a damn about us! They just want to get elected and then use our money to buy candy-red Chargers. Remember this when they come around asking for your vote in February! Vote no on Prop. 93 and end Perata’s career!
Oh my gosh – what’s next Art? I can just see you digging through his trash and saying, “What?? Jif peanut butter??? Store brand isn’t good enough for you?” I mean, come on…it’s a DODGE, not a Mercedes.
Well, Art, me and most of the Progressive Dems I hang out with are fighting against Prop. 93 (term limits extensions) because of just this sort of behavior from folks like Nunez and Perata. No on Santa Ana’s D, no on California’s 93!
Thank gawd Senator Perata is OK. Obviously Art has never been the victim of a violent crime.
The auto enthusiast blogs are also giving this good coverage, and the car on their site is the one with the 22-inch rims…
I suspect Perata’s trash can is full of empty caviar tins and lobster tails. Bush is the one who likes peanut butter.
BTW, if Perata wants us to lower our emissions, shouldn’t he start with his muscle car?
While piling on Perata for living large is always good sport, zinging the Don for his muscle car may make him look bad but hardly provides support for your wild claim that the legislators are “drunk with power” and ” just want to use our money to buy candy red-Chargers.” Example–
since you run an Orange County blog you think you would have noted that the legislator with the cheapest lease is none other then our Senator Lou Correa. Can Do Lou leased a used 2004 Toyota Prius worth about $10,000. Hardly living large or drunk with candy red Charger power.
And as for your rap about the Democrats not being sensitive to the environment, consider this information that you could have easily noted if you wanted to be accurate:
20 of the legislators lease gas guzzling SUV’s. Party breakdown: 15 Republicans and 5 Democrats.
51 of the legislators lease fuel efficient hybrids. Party breakdown:
36 Democrats and 15 Republicans.
And yes Art, I do think Democrats(at least most of them)are here to help working people. Even living large Don Don Perata.
Kudos to Lou for doing his part for the environment. And for driving a used car! So who are the five Dems with SUVs? We want nombres!
Also, does the state pay for the pillow that Jose Solorio sits on to reach the steering wheel of his veggie hybrid? Is is true it runs on tofu?
Heard on the radio that another criticism of Perata is that he has a permit to carry a concealed weapon yet in this case did not shoot the bastard!
Actually, the really sad question is why is the man driving an AMERICAN car/gas guzzler? I have owned several american cars, and they were ALL lemons and gas guzzlers. Maybe you are right, Art, he should have chosen Japanese.
As a Democrat, I can not wait to vote No on Prop. 93 and get rid of DINO’s like Perata!
Vern and Poster 10,
Thanks! No on D and No on 93!
Oh my God, I cannot believe a person gets held up at gunpoint & you are mad about WHAT he drives???? My sister is a secretary. She drives a Charger. If she got carjacked & you told her it was HER fault for driving a “fancy” car, I’d hunt you down like a dog & beat your ass.