Is Robert Bisno, the rich developer who gave thousands to the Santa Ana Measure D campaign, in danger of losing his home? According to a real estate blog he is indeed. Read on for a few excerpts:
Oh dear.
Even the assumed to be wickedly rich sometimes have cash flow problems, which seems to be the unfortunate situation for the Los Angeles based and controversial property developer Robert Bisno and his wife Jeanette whose big Beverly Park mansion appears to be headed into foreclosure. Uh-oh.
Thanks to an early morning missive from our Fairy Godmother in Bev Hills, and according to several records databases we accessed, Your Mama has learned that Mister and Missus Bisno are in default on a $4,000,000 mortgage. With all the interest and penalties, records show they are in the hole $4,622,000 and 128 smack-a-roos. The process has proceeded far enough along that a February 29th auction date has been set. (Is this a leap year?) It is just a little difficult to believe that the once high flying Bisno couple can’t cough up the four and something million clams required to save their property. Does this hint at a larger financial problem? Has Mister Bisno been caught over-leveraged in the midst of a mortgage meltdown and a sagging economy? Is this all some dreadful misunderstanding that will be cleared up once Mister and Missus Bisno complete a complicated debt restructuring?
Property records show these Bisno people bought and built their 11,894 square foot house in 2002. All signs point to the residence having 4 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. Records on file with the County Assessor show that some kind of transfer of the property occurred in October of 2007 with a $7,000,000 consideration. Your Mama can not confirm, but we think this may have been one of those restructuring and refinancing situations that stupendously rich people do to shuffle around their debt, protect their assets, and put a little hard cash in their pocketbook at the same time. Don’t quote us on that one kids, because we’re just speculatin’.
Although no one but the heartless enjoys seeing anyone’s home foreclosed on, Your Mama does not imagine that the Bisnos’ big name neighbors will be crying much when and if the moving vans come to haul away the Bisnos’ crap. See children, several years ago the Bisnos caused quite a kerffufle with a large, and some said lewd sculpture they installed in their motor court. There was also considerable consternation over garbage cans and motorized drive gates that were deemed “too Vegas” by the Beverly Park architectural review committee. Which is kinda rich when one considers the outsize and overdone nature of most of the behemoth Bev Park residences.
Should the Mister and Missus Bisno be booted from behind the hallowed gates of Beverly Park, Your Mama is not overly worried that they will end up parking their Rolls Royce in front of a dumpy Hollywood apartment complex or in the car port of a run down double wide in San Bernadino. We presume that the couple own several other dee-luxe properties in Los Angeles and Berkeley (where they were at one time based). Let’s just hope for their cash strapped sake, they’re not carrying monstrous mortgages on those places too.
Don Cribb will really take this news hard! Don used to love to visit Bob at his pad.
According to the article, his neighbors don’t really like him. Those are actual peers of his.
What in the world does he have planned for Santa Ana where his wealth greatly outmatches the local citizenship?
Something smells.
Does this mean Don Cribb has to give back his gate key?
This Bisno fella reads like Mike Harrah which begs the question: why does Pulido attract scum developers and why does he choose to do business with them?
And to think this fella is Claudia Alvarez’s largest political donor. Perhaps Bobby should have saved the $50K he tossed Claudia’s way.
Here’s an excerpt from the Real Estate blog:
Before feeling sorry for M/M Bisno, please remember that Bob is the one that first took up evicting folks from his time owning Lincoln Place, in Santa Monica.
Move forward to today and it is the same Bob Bisno who want to evict residents and businesses in Baldwin Park, by using eminent domain to redevelop that City’s downtown area so he can make a huge profit.
Northwest San Pedro, eastern Rancho Palos Verdes, Lomits, and Harbor City are faced with the prospect that Bob’s Ponte Vista at San Pedro will allow him to construct 1,950 condominiums all having one four-lane Blvd. to share with the 37,000 other folks who are forced to use it.
Of course there is also Santa Ana and his lofts project. Bob wants to build a high-rise condominium building in that City as well.
We don’t even need to go into how Bob dealt with the good folks of Berkeley, but I would imagine he would not be welcom returning to the site of that fiasco.
Bob has demonstrated his contempt for folks who want to keep his weapons of mass development out of neighborhoods where we regular folks live and try to maintain the quality of life we have worked so hard to enjoy, by calling us
“ranting elitists” in print and orally.
So you can imagine why this; Major Ranting Elitist, finds it so easy to view Bob’s troubles as something to publicize on several other blogs I write.
Thank you to Real Estalker, Your Mama for providing this incredibly wonderful post.
The more you know about Bob Bisno, the more you feel distrustful towards him.
Unfortunately, having to deal with the many issues surrounding Ponte Vista, I have learned probably too much about Bob.