Santa Ana City Manager says Renaissance Plan will likely change to "overlay concept"

The City of Santa Ana sponsored a Workshop to “Study the Industrial Uses within the Santa Ana Renaissance Plan” last Monday. Mike Tardiff, one of the business owners affected by the Renaissance Plan wrote a summary about the meeting which I am posting below:

Thank you to all who attended the workshop. This was a good session with senior City planning staff and City Manager Dave Ream in attendance. There were 40 – 50 concerned property and business owners and residents in attendance.

Planning Director Jay Trevino began the meeting by mentioning some of the items discussed during previous meetings:

  1. Live/work loft residents do not see a huge problem co-existing with many industrial uses.
  2. There is concern to leave Santa Ana industrial businesses intact.
  3. There is a need for better communication by the City.
  4. The Planning Commission has an open mind toward modifications of the Renaissance Plan.
  5. Milestones for modifications in response to community input should be considered.
  6. How can industrial businesses become compatible – how can compatibility issues be resolved?
  7. Uncertainty, businesses and residents are in “purgatory” – need for resolution and compromise
  8. Incompatibilities on vacant lots (?)
  9. Should industrial in Logan Neighborhood be discouraged?
  10. Will the City have a plan to assist industrial businesses to relocate?
  11. What does compromise look like?

Concerned property owners in attendance had the opportunity to discuss these and other issues, including:

  1. There was strong support for consideration of an overlay zone approach similar to Anaheim’s successful Platinum Triangle development. An overlay zone would leave the underlying industrial zone classification intact and place over that a RSP residential zone. The choice of which zone classification to use would be up to the property owner.
  2. Concern was expressed about the severe restrictions and requirements placed on all industrial businesses which would include:
    a. No work outside or inside of a structure that generates noise that exceeds 45 decibels at any property line between the hours of 10pm and 7am.
    b. No loading or unloading of vehicles between 10pm and 7am.
    c. All outdoor storage shall be screened by, and not exceed the height of, a solid screen wall not to exceed 10 feet in height. Important note: Screen wall would require a permit and must be set back from the property line per City requirements.
  3. Why do we need the RSP and why does the City not just leave industrial businesses alone?
  4. The City encouraged new industrial business development in the RSP area. These modern and architecturally pleasant industrial buildings and uses meet every up to date city code and requirement. Why are they now being forced out?

There was a lot of discussion and willingness was expressed by staff to take these issues into consideration for upcoming plan modifications. Staff said that perhaps the plan “has been painted with too broad of a brush.”

Staff announced that the draft Environmental Impact Report and the schedule for Council review/approval of the Renaissance Specific Plan have been indefinitely delayed; so that the plan can be further studied and modified.

City Manager Dave Ream said, “Probably we are going to go with an overlay concept; that is what I am probably going to recommend. We know that without a strong consensus we are not going to go forward.”

Planning Director Jay Trevino said, “We are going to go to our consultants and come back with concrete ideas.”

Thank you all for your involvement and input. This is an important planning vision for the City of Santa Ana and the concerns of the entire community deserve to be given serious and genuine concern. We will keep you advised of any developments concerning industrial use issues within the Santa Ana Renaissance Specific Plan.

Mike Tardif (714) 547-7135
Bob Adams (714) 543-4227

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.