Santa Ana RSP workshop set for Valentine’s Day

If you are not doing anything on St. Valentine’s Day, the City of Santa Ana has set up an Industrial Use Workshop to discuss the “Santa Ana Renaissance Specific Plan.”

Here are the meeting details:

Thursday Feb. 14, 2008 at 3:00 pm
Santa Ana City Hall – Ross Annex First Floor Rm. 1600
20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana

Also, Mike Tardiff tells me that last night (Mon. 2/11/08) the Planning Commission received an update from City staff concerning the RSP. No new developments from this meeting. Staff mentioned that they are continuing to meet with community groups, including industrial, to refine the plan.

Tardiff says that the meeting Thursday is an opportunity to work with the City; your attendance and input will help to shape the RSP.

You can call Mike Tardif at (714) 547-7135.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.