SAUSD School Board to try to put another bond on the ballot!

The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) will have a board meeting on Tuesday, which will be held at 6pm in the Board Room at the District Office, located at 1601 East Chestnut Ave. The meeting agenda reveals that the board members are going to vote on whether to put another school construction bond on the ballot. Do they think we are complete idiots?

The facts are not pretty. This board fritted away millions of dollars in construction bond money the first time around. They sued the construction management company they hired, and then ended up having to pay them more in a settlement that went against SAUSD. They built a warehouse with bond money, thereby losing state matching funds. That disaster cost the district over $20 million from what I hear.

They passed a PLA (project labor agreement) that shut non-union contractors out of bidding on SAUSD construction projects. They they watched as the construction budgets ballooned and they had to cut back on their projects.

They borrowed the money from the Tustin settlement and never paid it back. They lost a ton of money in the last year due to fraud and ineptitude. They hired a Superintendent without a doctorate in education. Then they paid her more than most neighboring districts pay their Superintendents, who more often than not do have a doctorate in education.

It has been one disaster after another at SAUSD. And now they want us to pay more taxes so they can screw us again. No thanks!

Besides, didn’t the school board admit this past year that enrollment is in serious decline? If that is the case, why do they need a new construction bond? The new high school they just built is seriously lacking for students. They even closed a neighborhood school, even though parents were up in arms over that.

This will be one school board meeting you will want to attend, just to see the board hacks fumble as they try to explain this latest bond boondoggle. Don’t forget that three of the school board clowns are up for reelection – Rosie “I hate Mexicans” Avila, Rob Richardson and Jose Hernandez. Let’s see how they vote on this proposed bond…


The O.C. Register has posted an article about tomorrow’s school board meeting. Here are a few excerpts:

The Santa Ana Unified school board will consider Tuesday whether to place a $200 million general obligation school construction bond on the ballot this summer.

The bond would pay renovations and upgrades at many of the district’s 60 schools, district officials said. Much of the money would go to alleviate crowding in campuses by removing portable classrooms and replacing them with permanent buildings, officials said.

The bond would require property owners within the district to pay for the next 30 years between $24.40 to $28.10 per $100,000 of assessed valuation.

The bond would be the second in Santa Ana Unified in 10 years. In 1999, voters approved Measure C, a $145 million construction bond. Officials at the time promised voters the construction of 13 schools and renovations at 11 campuses.

But a 2003 Register investigation uncovered soaring costs and other issues that prompted officials to scale down the scope of the work. The district could only afford six new schools, and more than a dozen projects were put on hold.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.