The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) board of education voted 3-2 last night to put another bond on the June ballot. Trustees John Palacio and Rosie Avila voted no, which means the bond will need to get 67% of the vote in order to pass.
Giving this bunch more of our tax money is like giving a bottle of whiskey to a drunk. The SAUSD school board majority has proven over the years that they are inept. They bungled the last bond – big time – including wasting over $20 million on the construction of a stupid warehouse. That project alone cost the district millions in matching funds.
The SAUSD also closed a school last year. But they say that the bond is needed due to overcrowding. Now they want more money to refurbish schools. Even worse, we know that enrollment is declining. Won’t that alone result in less crowding?
With all the budget cuts coming from the state, how will the SAUSD staff the new classes – even as they are firing teachers?
Let’s face it. This bond is all about utter desperation. The SAUSD school board majority, led by former president Rob Richardson and his lackey Jose Hernandez, and the utterly contemptuous Audrey Noji, wants more money so they can shore up their collective failures. The LAST thing we need to do is give these corrupt buffoons more of our tax money! They couldn’t tell the truth if their lives depended on it.
It is time again to put on the warpaint, roll up our sleeves and get back to work. We are going to have to defeat these pathological liars. And then we need to replace them in November. They all must go!
John Palacio helped lead the No on Measure D effort. Now he will be leading the No on the new SAUSD bond measure. I hope you will all help him in this effort.
Why am I not surprised that in the face of reality the SAUSD board would actually dare to try and pass another bond issue. This district hasn’t even fully recovered from the last bond mess and continues to show that it has a “We cam do whatever we want” attitude.
Under several other blog articles here this issue was already discussed with overwhelmingly negative comments. One poor soul actually was for the bond claiming that the home owner, not the renter would pay the tax hike. Not likely. Another poster stated that it was “for the kids” and implied we should get the money while we can. Excuse me? Does Don Trigg post here?
If this bond issue actually passes I am going to give up on this community. When a district admits they can run until fall with a newly built vacant school, other schools under populated, and admits they are facing a declining enrollment that is so bad they proposed cutting staff salary by one month while at the same time proposing a bond/tax, then I give up. I have never seen such an “in your face” contradiction in my life. Well that’s not true. I forgot about the SA city coucil.
Richardson’s rationale for supporting this bond is that the bond is bigger than any individual school board member. If he’s true to his word, then DO NOT RUN for re-election in November. Your tenure has been a disappointment and your will to further burden the taxpayers with another bond is not prudent.
Step out.
If Bustamonte and the council support this bond won’t it pass? If you couldn’t stop measure D what makes you think the same people (Palacio, etal) can stop this bond? I think it’s better to spend time and energy on elected new school board members, not stopping the bond. There are only so many dollars for campaigns and so many volunteers to work. Let’s use our time and energy on the school board races. Also, Art you said you would run for Ward 3 Council race against Bustamonte but I have not seen your campaign? You better get going.
I was watching last nights school board meeting and during a break I could see an animated School board president Hernandez yelling and gesturing at Thomas Gordon and then with Mr. Palacio. There was no sound so I could not tell what they were arguing about. Perhaps Mr. Gordon could full us in. Keep up the great work you do!!!
Rob Richardson cannot be beaten! Give it the re-call he kicked some major political booty over some well funded campaigns. You should all show him more respect because he will be a board member for as long as he wants to be. That goes for Rosie too and Noji. Or maybe Art want’s to try to run again? Give it a shot Art…let’s see if your blog will improve your vote count. Are you chicken?
Folks, this is really simple. If you support the bond you support the kids in Santa Ana and want to help them and if you do not then you are a racist and do not want to help Santa Ana students because they are Latinos. I can’t imagine that Michele Martinez will oppose this bond! She is a big supporter of our schools and our jovenes. I hope she will step up soon and show her support of thie Bond. The line in the sand has been drawn…Do you want to help our kids? Or..are you just paying lip service to the youth of Santa Ana!
Measure D was a citywide ballot; the SAUSD school bond is only for those voters who reside within its boundaries. That means, the voters west of the SA River are NOT eligible to vote on the school bond.
The school board’s decision to place the bond on the June ballot demonstrates their lack of faith in the voting public. Why not save money and place the ballot on the Nov. ballot and take advantage of MORE VOTERS participating in the question?
This tactic to circumvent the general election is pure Richardson politics. BTW, Richardson’s luster has been dull for a very long time and his last election supports that statement. Plus he DID NOT poll well.
SAUSD school board needs an infusion of younger blood.
There is no doubt you believe what you are saying, but you are either incredibly naive or worse. I can not speak for you, but I do not re-hire a plumber that made a repair worse than it was before he came. Nor do I re-hire a gardner who has killed all my flowers because he did not know what he was doing.
I am certainly not going to hand 200 million dollars over to a board which has members that fouled up the last bond tax. When two of the members have stated they have not been given enough information to know exactly where the money is going to be allocated perhaps you should wonder why the other three members seem to think they do. At least take a closer look at those three members or at least ask them to provide the information to the other two.
This has nothing to do with race, but common sense. Something you obviously do not have. If this was Beverly Hills it would not matter. You do not hand out this kind of money to people that have a track record of corruption. That is what is simple!
If you like I am certain records of expenditures for Garden Grove, Anaheim, Placentia and other districts can be drawn out to see how they used their bond money and the results. Afterwards we can compare them to SAUSD’s dismal record. I doubt you would recognize the obvious but it can be done and probably will be before this is over.
It’s for the kids? Give me a break. It’s for incompetance and a deficit so deep this district is a hair away from state takeover.
Tim Whitacre worked really hard to defeat the last bond. Too bad he lost. Maybe he’s willing to try again and defeat this new bond measure.
Just remember, today’s kids are tomorrows leaders! You can pay for better schools or pay much more for jail beds later! The choice is yours people! It’s just a few bucks more per month. Don’t be so selfish you rich SOB’s!
Yes, I am all for the children too
This is one of the times I am very happy to live on the west side of the river.
John, if you need my help, call.
Sure you guys – let the state fund everything and expect excellence. Are you guys crazy?? We do need a dollar infusion to attract good teachers, to buy updated equipment – and the state does not pay for equipment (like computers). The lottery money cannot be used for new basketballs, computers, etc. Where did you think it would come from?
Poster 13,
In case you did not notice, the same buffoons who voted to put the bond on the ballot have been firing teachers left and right.
Furthermore, the bond is for refurbishing the schools, not for buying computers and basketballs.
The SAUSD probably receives more funds per capita than any other district in the O.C. And yet the school board and the administration cannot deliver. You think maybe we need to replace some of these inept bureaucrats?
The problem is not money. The problem is a crooked cabal that will never improve. Richardson, Noji and Hernandez need to go!
Who always thus this person is really (who n’ is certainly not you) and who continues to dream of l’ set to the top of Raven with such a dry and hard blow terrible of gangsta d’ a god like artists like the ” ; Lil’ ; Wayne” ; and Omarion is really outta their spirit. Raven n’ do not emulate proudly who is Raven Symone dating which is the dating of Raven Symone the brothers of Jonas for their ” ; pure” ; lifestyles… sour, she’ ; a older tham of S them (and perhaps doesn’ ; T listen to their music), go back to it that of such immoral people can like these two strikers! Moreover, Raven dating Evan Ross (Diana Ross’ ; the oldest son), now who are a MORALLY better match!