SAUSD school board votes to take more of your money

The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) board of education voted 3-2 last night to put another bond on the June ballot. Trustees John Palacio and Rosie Avila voted no, which means the bond will need to get 67% of the vote in order to pass.

Giving this bunch more of our tax money is like giving a bottle of whiskey to a drunk. The SAUSD school board majority has proven over the years that they are inept. They bungled the last bond – big time – including wasting over $20 million on the construction of a stupid warehouse. That project alone cost the district millions in matching funds.

The SAUSD also closed a school last year. But they say that the bond is needed due to overcrowding. Now they want more money to refurbish schools. Even worse, we know that enrollment is declining. Won’t that alone result in less crowding?

With all the budget cuts coming from the state, how will the SAUSD staff the new classes – even as they are firing teachers?

Let’s face it. This bond is all about utter desperation. The SAUSD school board majority, led by former president Rob Richardson and his lackey Jose Hernandez, and the utterly contemptuous Audrey Noji, wants more money so they can shore up their collective failures. The LAST thing we need to do is give these corrupt buffoons more of our tax money! They couldn’t tell the truth if their lives depended on it.

It is time again to put on the warpaint, roll up our sleeves and get back to work. We are going to have to defeat these pathological liars. And then we need to replace them in November. They all must go!

John Palacio helped lead the No on Measure D effort. Now he will be leading the No on the new SAUSD bond measure. I hope you will all help him in this effort.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.