The ballot argument in favor of the latest Santa Ana Unified School District bond measure is a startling collection of lies and half-truths. I have posted it above. You can also read it online by clicking here. The unfortunate thing is that there does not appear to be an organized effort against it. In fact we may have missed the deadline to submit an argument against this fraudulent measure.
One thing is certain. The proponents of this bond measure are obviously trying to replace the millions of dollars lost to graft, fraud and corruption by the incompetent SAUSD administration and school board over the last few years. We have reported about all of those errors and omissions here on the Orange Juice. Go to our sidebar, on our homepage, which is on the right hand side, and click on “SAUSD Posts,” so you can catch up on the latest SAUSD posts.
This school district has blow millions of dollars raised by the last bond measure. They even sued their own construction manager, only to lose and have to pay that company even more money. To say they are inept is being too kind by far. And yet they are arrogant enough to say, in the statement above, that they “have a proven track record of managing taxpayer funds.” Unbelievable!
The last thing you give an alcoholic is a case of beer. The SAUSD administrators and school board need to CLEAN HOUSE. Giving them more of our tax money will just result in even more money being blown. And trying to raise our taxes, again, during what might be the worst recession in our lifetimes is just crazy. In fact, Santa Ana leads the county in foreclosures. Trying to raise our property taxes even as our friends and neighbors are losing their homes is simply unconscionable.
It is funny to see Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s name on the above statement. He has helped to elect the very same lame Trustees who have helped put the SAUSD in a bind. It is his fault that Rob Richardson and Audrey Noji are trustees. And now he wants to raise our taxes? The lies he has submitted above are very similar to the lies he told us when he signed on to the bogus Measure D. He just loves lying to the voters!
As for Assemblyman Jose Solorio, shame on him! He ought to be calling for the ouster of the Trustees and SAUSD administrators who have run the school district into the ground. Instead he wants to raise our taxes. I wonder if his kids are even in public school at this point, or if he has moved his family to Sacramento and put them in a private school, like most of the other legislators? Ironically, this new bond measure is going to hurt the very same working poor who usually vote for Solorio, as they are now struggling to pay their mortgages.
This June 3, send a message to the corrupt administrators at the SAUSD, and to their lame allies on the SAUSD School Board. Vote no on Measure G!
I am shocked that the No on G folks did not hire Art Pedroza to run their campaign. He did such a great job on the No on D campaign that I would have thought they would have swooped him up for this campaign. And considering that Pedroza did most of the work on the No on D campaign I figured these people would want him to handle their efforts. What happened?
Jose Solorios children are still enrolled in SAUSD. But his children do not go to the neighborhood school,Taft. Nope his offspring get special treatment and were given a transfer to Jefferson. Solorio has done little to improve SAUSD, either as a Councilman or while in the Assembly, so he just chooses to send his kids off to a better school. Shame on Solorio and Pulido for attempting this. Time for them both to go.
Since Tim Whitacre led the effort to defeat the previous bond; will he lead the effort this time? We really need Tim’s help.
I believe Lou Correa sends his ninos to Jefferson too.
Jefferson is a Bi-Lingual school so that’s why many parents send their kids there. It’s allowed in the district and Solorio and Correa are not being given a special deal..anyone in SAUSD can do it as well.
I think Taft is for deaf kids.
Please publish the “No” ballot statement as well.
Actually Jefferson has a Dual- Immersion program, the school itself is no great shakes. Correa’s kids, I believe go to OCEAA now, although they went to Jefferson at one time. Jefferson’s Dual- Immersion program was badly hurt, first by El Sol and then by OCEAA[ who both have dual- immersion programs]. Charter schools siphon off the parents who would normally work for and improve existing programs. The school board itself has undermined this program. As someone who has ALWAYS supported school bonds, I don’t know if I will support this one. Rosie Avila is totally incompetent and an embarrassment to boot. The other board members are thoroughly underwhelming. Santa Ana’s school district needs professional management, not local yokels at the helm.
This news of Correa and Solorio kids is not surprising. Most public teachers send their kids to private schools.
In essence, while many CTA supporters say that teachers know what is best for our kids, they overlook the reality that public school teachers prefer private school over public schools.
And the Charter school aren’t really impressive either. The oceaa school is where all the county or city employees kids go, it is not surprisingly that Correa’s kids go there either, considering what parent wouldn’t want what is best for their child.
While OCEAA testing scores are not imprssive in comparison to other school districts, it’s scores tower nearby SA schools.
We all whose kids go to the low achieving schools.
The parentsm who have no choice, no car or no time to take their child to a better school. The school grounds are pack like sardines, portable classroom feet from the street, with tired, overworked teachers smiling at all the many mothers and the hundreds of strollers crusing outside the school’s entrance.
That’s fair! Sure it better than not providing school. But that not a choice and don’t blame Joe Q Taxpayer who would rather give this parent a voucher to send their kids where every they want.
As it is now, this issue is not negoitable and another generation of Hispaic American kids lose out because of the stangle hold that the CTA unions has on Elected democratic representative.
When will poor Hispanic mothers and fathers wake up and want for their kids what Public shool teachers and elected Democrats officials provide for their kids, a better education that is out of the reach for the poor Hispanics.
Jefferson Elementary is a public school with test scores just slightly higher than the average Santa Ana elementary school. It has portables, dry dead landscaping and over a thousand students [ as of 2006 ]. It does/did have a dual- immersion program, which provides an opportunity for children to become fluent in two languages. The dual-immersion program involves about twenty percent of Jefferson’s students.
SAUSD is cutting an enormous number of instructional assistant staff members. The assistants working with the disabled have been spared the cuts (rightly so, as that population has very intense, constant needs). However the staff that works with the disabled knows of two classified employees who hurt, intimidate, harass and otherwise disrespect these vulnerable students. They really need to be reported and moved. Their actions are abusive and put our district at risk for lawsuits by angry parents.
Is there any safe procedure to report an abusive employee? These two in particular have been protected year after year by a couple of buddy administrators.
It is a shame to lose so many dedicated and competent instructional assistants who truly love the students. It is a bigger shame when the worst employees are able to not only get away with their mean deeds, but also don’t worry in any way that their conduct will get them into trouble.
There was a SAUSD corruption email address to whistleblow. Is that still working? Did it actually help?
Is there ANYONE in the district who actually cares about making sure the disabled students are treated with respect and in a safe manner? These two instructional assistants are absolutely UNSAFE and their behavior has been documented extensively for years.
Thanks for any help on this.