“The Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Education has approved the appointment of Joe Dixon to the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Governmental Relations post overseeing the recently updated District facilities master plan designed to improve the quality of schools and relieve critically overcrowded classrooms,” according to the SAUSD website.
This is the same guy who built that “Taj Mahal” down in the Capistrano Unified School District – and ran up all those cost overruns that broke the CAPO budget! I would hate to think that SAUSD is running around picking up everyone else’s rejects. That would however be par for the course for the SAUSD.
Here are some more excerpts from the SAUSD press release:
Dixon will also have purview over the $200 million general obligation bond the District will place on the June 3, 2008, election ballot for voter approval.
Prior to joining Santa Ana Unified, Dixon was Executive Director II – Facilities Services at Capistrano Unified School District in San Juan Capistrano, Calif., where he was employed since 1984. In this capacity he was responsible for facility planning, construction, modernization, maintenance, operations and transportation functions.
Dixon received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix in 1988, and a School Business Management Certificate from California State University, Fullerton in 1999.
This guy has NO education in construction! And no Master’s degree. SAUSD loves to hire and overpay undereducated managers who don’t know what they are doing (think Jane Russo). This bodes ill for the new bond…
And the hits just keep on coming! If this district was serious about improving its own image would it hire a guy from the CUSD? Why would a guy from CUSD leave after working there 24 years? A bachelor of Science degree from the University of Phoenix in 1988? Since the university didn’t have on line classes then, did they even have classes in So. Calif. or was it purely a correspondance school? What is a certificate in business management from CSUF? It is obviously less than a degree. Certificates are generally given by community colleges. I would think that if he had his 2 year degree they would have listed it first then said he went on to a four year college to get his certificate. I wonder who at SAUSD or City council this guy is in with.
How long will it be Art in your opinion before the State of California takes over Santa Ana Unified school district like they did in Compton? It can’t be very long can it?
I’m no apologist for CUSD’s management, but I know Joe Dixon and I think he’s a very competent administrator who did a good job running his department at CUSD. Those who I know who have worked in his department have echoed this assessment.
Dixon’s department had little or nothing to do with the building of the Taj Mahal and the cost overruns there.
Yes, It’s great to know that SA Unified hires from the top elite correpondence schools, University of Phoenix.
Is this that same school that advertising on channel 13, offering courses in auto mechanic, paralegal, medical assistant, and high school diploma.
Is there anyboby else scratching their head, wondering why someone would go from high schieving school district to a low achieving school district. That’s like a police officer transfering from Irvine to Santa Ana.
I appreciate your opinions. After 24 years at CUSD a person might wonder why that district would let such a valuable asset get away. A person might also wonder why after 24 years such a valuable person would jump ship into another one that also appears to be sinking.
Sounds like Gila may be on the take as well! Would be interesting to know what her relationship is to Dixon. Hey Art, Is there a group formed to stop this bond? What can the residents of the district do to help you make sure it does not pass?
Thanks for weighing in, Gila.
How do you know what kind of job he has done? His position doesn’t seem like it would be commonly discussed. What do you know?
This appointment is baffling for sure. I certainly hope he does not represent the worst in SAUSD or Capo has to offer.
Contrary to your comment it seems Joe Dixon’s name pops up quite often regarding misuse of funds to build the school district office. In some blogs he is nicknamed “Adolph” and retired under fire for his management skills. Just what SAUSD needs, another power hungry money grabber.
Why in God’s name would SAUSD even touch this guy?
Why? Answer the same with these two:
Brenan at Saddleback. Gomeztrejo at Valley.
Are all these clowns the chosing of Juan Lopez or is Jane Russo trying to stack the deck with misfits and the dismissed/early retired administrators?
And just where are the major administration cuts for the district budget? This is the most top-heavy school district in Orange County. And we cannot afford it.
Good point. You could add Bishop of Willard to that list as well.
Until Art gets the SAUSD thread fixed all these comments will be washed away by other current events within a day. Too bad.
Let’s get to the point.
Why is yet another administrative position created when the administration is found deficient?
SAUSD can’t count/keep track of how many students are in a certain number of classrooms and correlate how they are complying with state regulations…SO the ONLY answer is NOT to expect administrators already in place to DO THEIR JOBS, it is to
Don’t you bet that this new position:
Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Governmental Relations
will “require” additional support staff!
It doesn’t seem fair that teachers who can’t seem to get the SAUSD students to stop being “left behind” can’t go out and hire additional support providers for the students. Hey, if administration can’t do their job(s) and they can go spend even more money, why can’t teachers too?
Gila are you kidding he was horrible!
He hates mexicans, He hates anyone smarter than him.
Which is a long list.
You know nothing!