Mere days after reporting the carjacking of a Lake Forest resident washing his car in Santa Ana, now the O.C. Register is reporting that a pair of vatos in an old Infiniti shot at Toyota at a stop light. “A 21-year-old man was shot Sunday morning during a gang-related car-to-car shooting, police said today.”
Here are the key excerpts from the Register’s article:
The shooting occurred at 5:26 a.m. when two men on their way to work were stopped at a red light on the 500 block of E. First Street and a car pulled up next to them, said Santa Ana police Cpl. Jose Gonzalez.
The men in a mid-1990s Toyota sedan noticed the occupants in a late ’90s four-door Infiniti staring at them, Gonzalez said.
The men in the Toyota drove westbound on First Street and the occupants in the Infiniti followed them and fired several rounds striking the vehicle and grazing the ear of the 21-year-old passenger, Gonzalez said.
Fortunately, “Minutes later, an officer spotted the Infinity getting on the I-5 Freeway at Fourth Street and followed the car to the 57 Freeway at Lincoln Avenue in Orange where it was pulled over, Gonzalez said.”
I’m sure Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido will blame the 909 for this one, since one of the miscreants turned out to be an import from the 909! “Christian Netto, 18, of Corona and Michael Leonel Ayala, , of Santa Ana were arrested on suspicion of assault with a firearm and gang enhancements.”
Didn’t Santa Ana Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez recently say, at a Council meeting, that “there is no crime in Santa Ana?” Maybe she meant to say Irvine – a pajarito tells me that is where she really lives. The address she is registered at in Santa Ana is apparently her mom’s house, where Alvarez recently ran the Measure D campaign. Well, I can’t blame Claudia if this is true. Living in Santa Ana is getting to be a dicey proposition.
Didn’t Santa Ana Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez recently say, at a Council meeting, that “there is no crime in Santa Ana?”
No. She said that violent crime, overall, is on the decline in Santa Ana. She didn’t say it was non-existent.
You and Thomas can stop trotting out that lie now.
Thanks for clarifying! I guess carjackings and drive by shootings aren’t violent? Or maybe Clownia needs to retract her stupid comment? No wonder she wasn’t picked to be a judge…
Of course shootings and carjackings are violent. But pointing out this particular one doesn’t mean that violent crime is on the rise.
So why would she need to retract something she didn’t say?
Are you serious? Did the 75 + shootings last year not make an impression on you? Or the 18 or so killings? Or the fact that we are on course this year to possibly exceed the Santa Ana record for gang killings?
Thomas Gordon tells me that Santa Ana cops are calling our situation a “gang war.” But Clownia says violent crime is decreasing?
I wonder what that judge in West Floral Park thinks of that…you know – the one that was robbed in her own home last year?
Santa Ana spends over $3 million a year covering up graffiti – but you and Clownia refuse to admit what is painfully obvious to everyone else. We are indeed in an all-out gang war. And there are no signs that things are getting better anytime soon…
How should the City eliminate crime to which you referring in your articles which is clearly committed by by Hispanics without offending your Latino heritage?
I agues to go after everyone else except for Hispanics?
Pedroza, there is no politically correct solution to the crime committed by the Hispanics in Santa Ana without a collateral damage.
So cooperate!!
No, I’m not kidding you.
75 shootings and 18 killings are just two components of the overall violent crime statistic. What part of that don’t you understand? You and Thomas like to point to one or two of those stats, but it’s not the complete picture.
I never said we weren’t in a “gang war”. But being in a “gang war” doesn’t mean that violent crime is going up either.
But yes, you finally got it…Clownia said that violent crime is down. That is glaringly different than saying there is no crime in Santa Ana.
“maybe Clownia needs to retract her stupid comment?”
Maybe it is you that needs to retract your “stupid comment”. You have continually repeated the lie about Claudia saying “there is no crime in Santa Ana”. Well it is clear to most all observers that she did not say that and yet you don’t retract it.
In fact you habitually make statements that are not true and yet I don’t ever remember you retracting a single one.
We all get Pedroza you don’t like Claudia. However for the sake of your blog try telling the truth. The truth actually lends credibility and that is something you desperately lack.
Btw, thanks for booting me from the OJ. It is nice to be at a blog where the numbers are going up instead of down like a lead balloon.
Holy moly. I can’t believe people have their panties all bunched up because Clownia said violent crime is decreasing in this shithole of a city. You should all know by now that Clownia only says these things because she is afraid to admit there is an elephant in the room. Perhaps she and Sean are smoking from the same pipe.
Car Jacking is a violent crime that’s why it’s classified as a felony. A Car to Car shooting is also a violent crime, which by the way is also a felony.
You people that are defending the Clownster should ask her why so many sexual predators are still registered and living near schools. There are too many living in her ward.
Didn’t Sean go to a blog where there are no minority bloggers? Arent’ they all white? Hmmmm. Do they wear white hoods and white robes??????
Pobrecito Sean. His writing only shows how deep his feelings have been hurt. Say you’re sorry Art.
America…..not always known for
its Public Safety. You don’t have
to go far back in history….to
find that Zoot Suiters….were
followed by Mafia types out of
Chicago and New York, then followed
by a grand array of Black Gangs
that have included the Sibonese
Liberation Army…..that took Patty
Hurst….then the Crips and Bloods
and now “MS-13 Gang – Mara Salvatrucha 13″……Dangerous?
You bet…every one of these gangs
that we mentioned were dangerous.
Does local Law Enforcement, State Police, or the Feds have a genuine responsibility to protect the public? Without doubt!
Any new Sheriff for Orange County
must be prepared to deal with these
and any new threats to the Public
Safety immediately! A good track
record on these types of issues might be a good idea – as well.
I would be interested to see your evidence that she lives in Irvine. I saw her last week three days straight in the neighborhood. That seems to be a huge stretch of the imagination.
“I would be interested to see your evidence that she lives in Irvine.”
Have you forgotten where you are? This is the Orange Juice and he is Art Pedroza. Evidence is not something that really matters around here.
Art hates Claudia so he is willing to say anything regardless of the evidence just to try and make Claudia look bad.
She lives on Freeman in Washington Square and he knows it.
I wrote #1 and the responses to Art. I’m not defending Clownia at all. I merely pointed out that a statement that Art and Thomas say she made, she never said. That’s called lying about someone.
Are you defending THAT?
When the economy begins to tank and jobs are scarce, crime rates go up. Santa Ana is a poor community, it will be one of the first to feel these pressures. Art, you should never have voted for Bush [ and I bet you voted for the govenator too] as you only have yourself and other ” I NEVER WANT TO PAY TAXES” types to blame. The war and the debt are taking this country into the dumpster, prepare yourself for high crime and bad times.
Sounds like a need for guarding angles in Santa Ana.
Anon 1# and 6# and Sean
Why are you on Claudias bandwagon?
Of course violent crime is down. If you compare it to the early nineties where violent crime was at it’s all time peak.
If she’s comparing statistics of last year to the early nineties, sure things would look good, but nobody can
#11 & #12. The Clownster’s boyfriend lives in Irvine. Clownia spends a lot of time with him at his home. Is there a reason Claudia needs #12 (Sean Mil) to defend her?
“Evidence is not something that really matters around here.”…. Hmmm
Mr. Mill, was this the case when you were the co-blogger here?
You are posting lot of the crapola everywhere too.
How about death treats acting as Russian agent?
“Why are you on Claudias bandwagon?”
Is expecting someone to tell the truth the same as being on someone’s bandwagon?
Art continually tells lies about Claudia, Sal and others that he openly hates. All I am asking is that if he is going to make an allegation about these folks that he back it up.
His “I heard from a parajito” routine has worn itself thin.
Well Sean,
I understand your point.
I know there your friends and you want to defend them, but they are grown adults, but if Claudia or Sal don’t like something Art said let them tell him that they didn’t approve what he said.
Robert. Sean formerly posted using the name dump pulido.
Did Pudrido suddenly become a better mayor? Why has Sean gone from someone who wanted Pudrido gone to someone singing the praises of Pudrido? have you seen change for the better since sal got to council? Or is sean more concerned about sean than about poor people in this city?
Your post is quite laughable. Please show me where I sing the praises of Miguel Pulido.
Just because I did engage in juvenile name calling of the mayor does not equal singing his praises.
That is as funny as Pedroza claiming I am a member of the Pulido Cabal. Somebody better let Miguel know that.
As far as my concern for the people of this community you can go ask the man who I helped get his business approved after 20 years of being a gardener. Or go ask Joe Andrade or Sam Romero if I have helped them in their battle. I have turned my back on no one.
I have also found that no matter what the argument is…Art will not concede any argument –even when he is shown to be wrong. This is his own personal fault, and will show to be his own downfall. When you are wrong – just admit it, and go from there to maintain your credability. Art does not do that. So his credability is out the window. SAD,,,,he could accomplish much more if he were an honest person.
Anon 21#
I know what Sean used to write and do for this city, He whas on our side. I Always supported him, but I guess Art realised from his pajaritos that Sean sold his soul to the Pudrido(Little Brown Devil) and signed the contract with his blood. I do understand he has changed and for what ever reason he did. He only he knows why.
But one thing I do know (Money talks and BS walks)
I for one and glad to hear Claudia has a BOYfriend!
I agree Sean name calling is Juvenile and there other ways of getting your point across to them, but it does sometimes get the attention of people that are doing things wrong. Sometimes you just cant help it and laugh. lol
When posting commentary you have to be CREDIBLE. Art, is so vindictive he loses sight of the truth, and really, the very purpose of this blog. He’ll GAIN credibility when he backs up his accusations, with facts.
“I for one and glad to hear Claudia has a BOYfriend!”…… and sometimes a GIRLfriend #25, who could be seen with her during the Wilshire Square Christmas parade.
Speaking of crime, why hasn’t anyone on Orange Juice said anything about Carlos Eduardo Tello, a 53 year old Guatamalan immigrant who was convicted of continuous child molestation and jumped off of the Santa Ana Courthouse building to his death? That seems like a pretty big story. Does OJ have anything to say?