A majority of the Santa Ana City Council has been robbed or vandalized?

What is up in the City of Santa Ana? Last night at the Council Meeting Councilman Vince Sarmiento, who is running in November for a new term, admitted that his car was broken into and his personal effects were stolen. According to our former blogger, Sean Mill, Sarmiento’s house has also been broken into, not once but twice, in the last year.

In fact, Mill also told me that Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez’ house was vandalized, and Councilman Sal Tinajero’s house was robbed, along with Sarmiento’s house, shortly after a Council Meeting where the Council refused to go along with Councilwoman Michele Martinez’ request to honor those slain in acts of gang violence.

Speaking of Martinez, she was robbed of her purse a few months ago, while walking a few miles from the Santa Ana police headquarters to a public meeting.

What gives? Is there ANY other city in California that can claim a council majority that has been robbed and/or vandalized? According to Thomas Gordon, these are considered Type I crimes by the FBI. These are serious crimes! And yet Alvarez has claimed that violent crime is decreasing in our city, and Sarmiento’s website says the same thing (click on graphic above).

By the way, at last night’s Council meeting two hours were wasted by the Council as they backslapped each other and gave out awards ad infinitum. There was NO mention of the brutal slaying of a 39 year old father a few days ago, as he was caught in a gang crossfire, as he played with his children in his front yard, on Pine St., in Santa Ana. No mention at all. Mayor Miguel Pulido and his Clowncilmen just smiled and gave out awards with no heed paid at all to this awful tragedy. Just business as usual in Santa Ana.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.