The one thing I miss with regard to my past service on the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission is working with Deborah Vasquez, who is now the Chair of this Commission. Vasquez shared my desire to open up the Commission meetings to the community.
With that in mind, Vazquez recently emailed me about her next meeting, where Vasquez’ Commission will be conducting a Work Study Session, focusing on “Discussion of core values to be included in a code of ethics and conduct for the City of Santa Ana
How about an ethics clause that says council and appointees will not use their elected title and residence when they are personally supporting a referendum or initiative. That should be important for tax issues like measure G and other bonds.
What about remedy? If there are no specifics about what happens in the event of a breach of ethics, nothing will happen and this whole excercise of fluffing up all this ethics hoopla will be more pointless than it is now.
Give the ethics code some teeth… Really sharp teeth.
Is Collins going to record this meeting?