There are some who say that graffiti taggers are not violent people, that they are just trying to express themselves. A 43 year old man in Garden Grove knows that is not true, as he is trying to survive after being shot three times by a pair of taggers he startled as they were crossing out the name of a competing gang, on a wall.
“What caused the shooting isn
Great post. When was the last time you opened up the Register to read about a high profile arrest or arrests of Taggers in Santa Ana???
It troubles me that there is a need for Air Time for each “High Profile” arrest. This must be the same bunch that likes Court TV.
Most taggers are juveniles. Unfortunately, a juvenile arrested for vandalism is released to their parents with charges pending in court. Juveniles are not accepted in juvenile hall unless it is a felony. Even then, juvenile hall will only take them if they have room. Furthermore, the punishment for vandalism is community service and/or probation. There are no teeth in our laws, so until we as a community ask for more severe punishment, the problem will continue. It’s not the police that are ignoring taggers, it’s the criminal justice system, which we the people, need to change.