CA GOP legislator finds a way to run in both party primaries

Abel Maldonado and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Republican Sen. Abel Maldonado is running for reelection this year – as both a Republican and a Democrat,” according to the Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert. He is claiming that he qualified as a write-in candidate for the Democratic Party because his mom is a Democrat and that way she can vote for him. That however is B.S.

In truth, Maldonado did this to block a real Democratic write-in candidate, so that Maldonado would not have to face off against a Democrat in November. Smart move.

Apparently incumbent politicians can do what Madonado did, although other candidates who are challenging incumbents cannot run in both party primaries. I would suggest that State Senator Lou Correa try this when he comes up for reelection in a couple years. He has a lot of GOP fans in his district, although he is pissing them off right now by backing the SAUSD’s Measure G bond measure/tax increase.

Assemblyman Van Tran, who I am not a fan of, would also benefit by running in both party primaries, over in the 68th Assembly District. That way many of the Dems in his district who are Trannies could vote for him without having to switch parties.

Maldonado has inadvertently uncorked a new heretofore secret weapon for incumbent legislators in California. It will be interesting to see how this turns out in the June primary.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.