DPOC chooses to support the gang bangers’ candidate

The Democratic Party of Orange County dropped the ball last night. They had a chance to remove their endorsement from troubled Supervisorial candidate Hoa Van Tran, who is in hot water now that two of his campaign staffers have been arrested for attempted murder. Instead, DPOC Chairman Frank Barbaro got his way. Hoa kept the DPOC endorsement.

The other issue which come up at last night’s DPOC meeting was the fact that Van Tran filed his campaign finance statements on time. They were due yesterday and he did turn them in, at the end of the day. However, the fact is he stalled for weeks, prodding two local blogs to start a countdown to see when he would file. This behavior by Van Tran is troubling to say the least.

As one would expect, Van Tran’s most loyal supporter, Sean Mill, had this to say about the meeting over at the Liberal OC, “Many of the young men and women that have volunteered their time to Hoa’s campaign showed up at tonights meeting in order to show their support for Hoa. In what was perhaps the strangest and most bizarre action of the night, Benny Diaz accused Hoa’s campaign of bringing these folks to the meeting as a means of intimidation.”

Cholos for Hoa Van Tran

Take a look at the picture above and consider what Diaz had to say. The picture appeared over at Red County, which had a lot to say about the gang bangers working for Van Tran.

The BIGGEST problem in the First Supervisorial District is the out of control gangs. And Van Tran has tried to solve the problem by hiring them. What a joke! It figures that Mill would support him. He has also supported convicted felon Ted Moreno, ousted SAUSD trustee Nativo Lopez (who was accused of crooked campaigning as well), etc. If the candidate sucks and is involved in criminal actions you can expect Mill to jump on board.

The DPOC also failed to reprimand Paul Lucas last night, who eagerly got in bed with the same Trannies who are behind Van Tran’s campaign. Nice. What a screwed up party!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.