Prior to making my comments on behalf of Proposition 98 at the California Women’s Leadership Association, CWLA, Four Corners Chapter luncheon in Ontario today we listened to a presentation by former Senator Republican Leader Jim Brulte entitled “History of Political Parties.”
In attendance at this meeting were close to 50 members of this new unit led by president Gayle Pacheco, Board Member of the California Workforce Investment Board, and her husband former Assemblyman Bob Pacheco who was appointed by President George W. Bush to the US Naval Academy Board of Visitors. Bob’s role in the meeting was that of CWLA’s paparazzi.
Other attendees included Chino Hills Mayor Curt Hagman, candidate for the 60th AD, his wife Grace Hagman, field representative for San Bernardino Supervisor Gary Ovitt, and Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy, candidate for the 29th SD.
Jim’s PowerPoint had a sub title that reads “what we are what we are today.”
He proceeded to explain how “Americans adjust their political mood through presidential elections” and shared information on the changes in selected decades of time beginning with 1932-1964 where we had “class politics. Have’s Vs Have-nots”
He spoke of realignment in both major parties between 1964 and 1988. Jim shared how president Reagan united the three wings of the Republican Party calling it a “triumph of ideological realignment.” He pointed out Jack Kemp supply siders, Jean Kirkpatrick and Jesse Helms representing the God and Country wing.
Jim made an interesting comment about the current campaign saying “who would have thought that Hillary would be running as a conservative Democrat.”
Without divulging too much of his presentation he did cover an area that Art Pedroza, founder of the Orange Juice blog, has been stating for the past year. That is the growth in the political group labeled “decline to state” which was around eight percent in 1992 and today represents “19.31 percent”of the electorate.
Bottom line. Attending these meetings is a wonderful way to meet and fellowship with other concerned voters and be able to meet distinguished speakers such as the Honorable Jim Brulte. For information on his LLC simply go to
For information regarding CWLA membership or dates of future meetings and speakers email or call (949) 632-0121
PS: I did receive an email from Gayle thanking me for my presentation stating that I did a “great job” on “a difficult subject for most.”
Got to shut down now. Another event to attend.
Republicans across the board have
a tough nut to crack this election
cycle. Losing our President..for
the last eight years is traumatic
no matter if he has a 10% approval
rating. We are standing by our
Capitalist President….he did a
good job and there is nothing bad
you can say about Laura…EVER!!!
We like the girls too….Jen who is
getting married and Barb who is always low key!
Anyway, we are soon to lose our
Republican in Name Only Governor
in the next couple of years. Things are tough at the State level
with minorities in both houses. Whew…who in world do you choose
as a spirtual leader for Republicans anwyway? The Gipper was the Gipper….and everyone that
came after was a shadow warrior!
OK, the good news is that we are now ready for another Hiram Johnson
here in California. We need a strong Progressive….who believes
in “the rights of the people over the greedy corporations”…much as
it was at the turn of the century
when Teddy Roosevelt and Hiram Johnson…set the standard. They
didn’t have the Patriot Act to contend with…as we do…but the
news is: Obama is going to be our
next President. They say he is too
liberal, they say he is too inexperienced, they say he can’t
challenge foreign leaders and tyrants! Bull. Enough of that…
let’s get back to Republican Leadership in America. News…there isn’t any! John Shadegg the Congressman from the
2nd District of Arizona is our hero. He was on the right side on
Waco, On Elian Gonzales and on keeping the Tax Break for the Middle Class….US!! Shadegg is
retiring! Trent Lott…retiring…
Kay Bailey Hutchinson…retiring…
….all the good ones are leaving
us in the lurch! We get left with
Moderate Republicans!!! YUKKKKK!!!
No Thomas Kuchels or Earl Warren’s
thank you!!! No, NO, NO!! We need
some young bucks!!! We need a new
message…we need to lose those Moderate Rublicans…right away!
So Lorenzo, things are tough. Us
Conservative Republicans are evaporating quicker than a cold beer spilled on a hot rock!
So, Viva Obama!! We need Tom
Selleck as our next Governor and
we need a prayer in four to eight
years..for a Presidential Candidate! Stuff rolls down hill
and we need someone at the top of
the ticket that can raise all boats!