Judicial candidate supported by DPOC backed by Ware Disposal

It is bad enough when Orange County political candidates take money from Ware Disposal, but judicial candidate Debra Carrillo (see picture on left) has really stepped in it. According to a flier on the Democratic Party of Orange County’s website, Carrillo’s upcoming fundraiser is HOSTED by Ware Disposal, and its sister company, Madison Materials. Not good!

If you have not been keeping track, Ware is under investigation by the City of Santa Ana for various problems at its location in the Logan Neighborhood of Santa Ana. Why would a judicial candidate want to be associated with Ware Disposal?

Another oddity with regard to Carrillo is that she is supported by a slew of local GOP officials, but her fundraiser is being touted on the DPOC website. What gives? Why are these Reeps joining with Dems to support this candidate? We have seen this also with the bipartisan support for DTS judicial candidate Nho Trong Nguyen.

And look at the crooked Dem who is supporting Carrillo – Orange County’s worst Mayor, Miguel Pulido. He is joined by Assemblymember Jose Solorio and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez in supporting Carrillo, who is not a Latina from what I understand. I believe she married a Hispanic fellow.

There are several other candidates for the seat Carrillo is running for, including Westminster Councilman Kermit Marsh, who is a Republican. Marsh is having a fundraiser on the same night that Carrillo is having hers. See the graphic below for details.

I have also enclosed Marsh’ candidate statement below.

Other candidates for this judicial seat include Mike Flory and K.C. Jones. You can read their candidate’s statements by clicking on their names. Click here to read Carrillo’s statement.

Marsh is obviously supported by the OC GOP machine. I don’t know much about Flory or Jones. But I know I won’t be voting for Carrillo!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.