The OC Weekly’s Gustavo Arellano has written a review of a new book by Humberto Caspa, about the anti-Mexican movement in Costa Mesa. (Does anyone else see the irony in having such a movement in a city with a Spanish name?). Here is an excerpt from Gustavo’s review:
If Orange County is the Mexican-hating capital of America, then Costa Mesa is its capitol
once again you people cant come to the fact between immigrants and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. right out of the reconquista playbook .. horray for cities like costa mesa .
getting mexicans out of santa ana . are you blind “”‘ more like getting all the whites out of santa ana . none are left .
gustavo and we already know that art is for open borders let them all in .
Not to mention all of Mansoor’s buddies in the OC GOP who gleefully took hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of concert tickets at the OC Fair, at our expense – while eating steak and lobster on our dime too. I don’t recall Dillow writing about THAT scandal.
Art, it’s been explained to you that none of the OC Fair stuff is on “your dime.” The fair budget comes from revenue it generates – not tax revenues.
However, I realize that fact doesn’t fit into your narrative, so you ignore it.
And its funny how in all your rantings about the fair, you never mention that your idol, Janet Nguyen, is one of “Mansoor’s OC GOP buddies leefully took hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of concert tickets at the OC Fair, at our expense – while eating steak and lobster on our dime too” (other than an initial passing mention to give yourself cover).
Then again, I realize that doesn’t fit into your narrative, either.
NIMBY is right.
However, the criticism that some Mexican immigrants got deported only because they committed misdemeanors is ridiculous. While I think we should have a path to citizenship for these folks, they did break the law by jumping the border, so you would think they would stay out of trouble, no?
I understand the Southland used to be Mexico, but now it’s not. I’m not exactly thrilled about our history of oppression against Native Americans either, but what’s done is done.
And hasn’t poor Matt had enough? 😛
Contrary to your assertion, it is not about legal vs. illegal immigration. There are lots of illegal Canadians in this country, but nobody seems to have many problems with that. They are white and speak English…
Most members of the so-called Minutemen are openly racist. They don’t differentiate between legal and illegal immigration, they don’t want Mexican immigration.
When the southland belonged to Mexico and the illegal entry of Americans was widespread, Mexico did not wage an “illegal immigrant” campaign to label these “illegal” U.S. offenders. Perhaps they should have. And maybe the Rev. Wright is right, you reap what you sow.
This illegal immigrant discussion displays a very ugly side of most Americans who are clueless when it comes to the dark side of our American history.
Shame on you all. At one time, you too, were illegal.
joe what planet do you live on . YEAH we have lots of illegal canadians running around L. O .L . lets do a head count and see what we have more of illegal canadians or mexicans . = NO CONTEST
joe what planet do you live on . YEAH we have lots of illegal canadians running around L. O .L . lets do a head count and see what we have more of illegal canadians or mexicans . = NO CONTEST
What a sad commentary. Art, Gustavo, Joe et al – grow up. If these illegal immigrants manage to evade detection, enter the country illegally, and work ILLEGALLY, they sure as hell should keep their noses clean.
So what, Art, if they are only arrested for a misdemeanor? They are here illegally breaking even more of our laws – they are not, and should not be, part of our society.
Virtually no one, even those opposed to ICE cross training, has a problem with ICE agents checking the immigration status of jail inmates. You all whine like babies about Costa Mesa, yet Joe Baca has had ICE in LA County jails for YEARS. Can’t find a link to Carona or Tran there, Art, so no mention? Racial opportunist fool…
All of your opportunistic exploitation of race in an issue that is solely about law enforcement is literally disgusting. Shame on YOU.
And Art, the Guatemalan “minister”? In an interview, he admitted that he had a good job as a health care practitioner, but wanted to MAKE MORE MONEY, so he abandoned his family and came here illegally to work. Your shining example took his needed skills out of his homeland and abandoned his family for MONEY.
Shameful, opportunistic, disgusting exploitation. GROW UP AND TELL THE TRUTH, OR SHUT THE HELL UP.
A bit of topic, but the expenses Art refer’s to were paid out of revenues to the Fair Board. But it would be wrong to ignore that all those revenues are only possible because of taxpayer owned property, City and County supported infrastructure and staffing.
It’s not like the Fair Board is a private company who can choose to spend their revenues any way they please. These are taxpayer assets used to generate revenues, some sense of propriety should be used in the spending of taxpayer monies.
Gentrification is a means by which an area gets fortified with educated people who happen to be rich. It does not mean getting rid of Mexicans. I know plenty of educated Mexicans who strive to get rid of that perpetuated illegal-latino stigma. Our society has little toleration for the uneducated and poor — no matter what culture.
Education is one of the best tools that will help gain acceptance in any culture.
I believe there was a war fought over this, and the U.S. won it. Dark side of American history, yes, like my mention of Native American oppression, but that’s no excuse. Like I said, what’s done is done.
Well done on the Reverend Wright comment. He may not be PC, but that doesn’t mean he’s always wrong either. This story got covered to death, so I’ve never really had my say on it; there it is.
And no, at no point was I ever illegal, nor was my family. My ancestors came from Italy through Ellis Island legally like many others at the turn of the 20th Century to be used as mere cogs in the new American machine. However, they managed to find success.
I’m not descended from settlers or illegal immigrants. As a matter of fact, there’s a story about my grandfather and my ancestry at: