The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that “In a dramatic reversal of decades of public opinion, California voters agree by a slim majority that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, according to a Field Poll released today.”
Here are a few excerpts from the Chronicle’s article:
By 51-42 percent, registered voters said they believed same-sex marriage should be legal in California. Only 28 percent favored gay marriage in 1977, when the Field Poll first asked that question, said Mark DiCamillo, the poll’s director.
“This is a milestone in California,” he said. “You can’t downplay the importance of a change in an issue we’ve been tracking for 30 years.”
While opposition to same-sex marriage has been weakening for years in California, supporters have remained a minority. In March 2000, for example, voters overwhelmingly backed Proposition 22, a statute that said the state would recognize only the marriage of a man and a woman. A 2006 Field Poll showed that half the state’s voters still disapproved of same-sex marriage.
The new poll confirms that our state has changed since Prop. 22 passed some years ago. Many conservatives have fled our state for other western states. And the Democrats keep adding to their ranks. At last night’s emergency meeting of the Democratic Party of Orange County, their chairman, Frank Barbaro, started the meeting by bragging that his party has added 36,958 new voters this year compared to the OC GOP, which has added only 2,664 new voters. Ouch! The GOP certainly is in a tailspin. I also heard that nationally the GOP is looking at LOSING 11 U.S. Senate seats in November.
And many younger voters are now coming of age in California. As I have been saying for some time, younger voters in California are not as homophobic as their older GOP counterparts.
Even if conservatives place another anti-gay measure on the November ballot, they are not assured of success. Imagine if Barack Obama is the Democratic presidential candidate. He will spend a lot of time in California, and I know he will blast the anti gay marriage measure.
Times are changing. The CA GOP’s Taliban wing better figure out before they become extinct in California.
the s f chronicle haaaa what a joke pedroza . thats like asking a poll in germany during world war 2 if they support jews . when the rest of the state votes in this it will lose AGAIN with flying colors .
“Great One”, would you prefer to read about the Field poll in the Sacramento Bee ( Or the San Diego Union-Tribune ( Or perhaps the Riverside Press-Enterprise (
Can you explain exactly why you oppose marriage equality? Extra points if you don’t use variations on “Because God says” or “Because it’s icky”.
That’s a good observation, Grate One. And also, don’t forget:
”…As all higher entities know – and as all God-fearing patriots sense by instinct – each time a man and a woman are married, they are touched on a higher plane of reality by one of the tentacles of God’s immense Octopus of Marriage, housed in Heaven, whose countless tentacles stretch out to embrace everyone else joined in the divine institute of Marriage. However, if gays begin to be married in America, the Octopus of Marriage will stretch down – unwittingly! – and touch its tentacle to their marriage as well… and in doing so, will be tainted by Gay.
”From there, this disaster leads to apocalyptic proportions, for once the Octopus of Marriage is itself corrupted with Gay, the corruption will spread through every marriage in America – tainting every happily married straight couple from Joe and Hadassah Lieberman to Newt and Marianne Gingrich with Gay. The epidemic of Gay would inevitably lead to the extinction of the human race, as well as the fatal corruption and death of the Octopus of Marriage, which in turn would cause a lethal wave of Gay to spread through the Celestial Empyrean itself.”
Have you read Leviticus, where God clearly proclaims to all the world that the behavior is an abomination. It is said right before Moses also proclaims that cooking goats meat on the Sabbath is a crime punishable by death.
So how should we punish the lady who sells Birria(goats meat)at Our Lady of Guadalupe every Sunday(THE SABBATH!)We’ll let Great One decide the method of execution. LOL
No points so far, and minus one for lack of originality.
I’ll see Adam and Eve, and raise you David’s farewell to Johnathan ben Saul: “I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.” (2 Samuel 1:26)
I’ll point out the beautiful words of love “whither thou goest, I shall go; whither thou lodgest, I shall lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God; Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.” were spoken by Ruth to another woman, Naomi. (Ruth 1:16-17)
Want to try again?
CLAUDIO last time you where seen you where harrasing anti illegal protesters . all you where missing was your bandana and your che t shirt .. and it dint take long to have far left vern to join in .
Oh no, the Grate One has us busted! Oh well, no use hiding it any more… Will you marry me, Claudio?
From the comments by the GREAT ONE, I would swear that its Matteo “Jubalicious” Cunnil**g*sham posing as a clone of Marcus Aurelius Levin—no—not another levin-I hear that he installed a new phone in Suite C….I hear that Urell is busy in the Suite Commode……
Obviously the Great One is a few grains short on the brain cells and is wholly unfamiliar with the widely respected California Field poll started by the venerable pollster Mervin Field in 1945 and whose projections about the California Population and the California Electorate are beyond reproach.
It looks like this proposition by the righties is DOA with the support of many centrist and thoughtful Republicans as it should be DOA.
Cmon SCR you know that Jubal at least learned spelling, grammar and punctuation at his beloved Servite. Hey did you catch my Ron St John interview? It was done with folks like you in mind, though I don’t know what district you’re in…
did you see my post on LOC before it was pulled?
I had heard that Jubalicious was out with the Missus and the Jubalettes and his ironing board collecting signatures in front of Disneyland-I wanted you to confirm that he was out there in all his finest robes with his ironing board at the happiest place on earth. But they pulled it.
As a Servite grad, I can assure you that grads like Jubalicious have no place in our alumni association. He brings great disfavor on all of us-very much like Mary Kay LeTourneau (daughter of John Schmitz**) brings shame on Cornelia Connelly High School in Anaheim-see below
**After leaving the Marines, John Schmitz took a job as an instructor in philosophy and political science at Santa Ana College. He also became active in the John Birch Society. His views attracted the attention of wealthy Orange County conservatives such as fast-food magnate Carl Karcher, sporting goods heir Willard Voit and San Juan Capistrano rancher Tom Rogers. They helped him win election to the California Senate in 1964 from a district in Orange County. His views were very conservative even by the standards of Orange County — Schmitz once joked that he had joined the John Birch Society in order to court the centrist vote in Orange County. He opposed sex education in public schools, and believed citizens should be able to carry loaded guns in their cars. He was also very critical of the civil unrest that characterized the mid-1960s. He called the Watts riots of 1965 “a Communist operation,” and believed that state universities should be sold to private corporations as a curb against student protests. Some of his remarks had anti-Semitic overtones.
In 1997, Schmitz’s daughter, Mary Kay Letourneau, was arrested for the statutory rape of a teenaged boy with whom she had an affair and a child. Newspapers reported that Letourneau’s father had attempted to find a loophole in United States treaties with Samoa in order to find out if his daughter could be excused from trial (the boy victim in the case was of Samoan extraction).
At the time of his daughter’s scandal, Schmitz had left politics and started a winery in rural Virginia. He also sold political memorabilia one day a week at a shop in Washington, D.C.’s Union Station. He had also bought the home of his hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.
The newspapers had a field day with the Schmitz family in the wake of the Letourneau case. Some reporters painted a picture of a chilly household with an unemotional mother who stressed appearance over affection. This explanation was disputed by Schmitz family friends.
Schmitz died on January 10, 2001 of prostate cancer and was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.
Vern, you should know that Schmitz and John Briggs are heroes to Jabalicious or so he says in Red County magazine in an article that he wrote.
I remember Frank Barbaro when he was licking the GodFather’s d**k (aka Dick O’Neill) as a gofor with the OC Demo Party-Sounds like things have not changed much
You always have fun info, but I’m not surprised your comments get pulled given your unnecessarily raunchy language and imagery!
its my outlet-here in Sac its a different story-One does not have to deal with the dumba*s**e* like Fleischmann and Jubal. They are not the brightest bulbs in the room. However, there are some pols (on both sides of the aisle) that are a tad brighter than Fleishmann the Yeast Man and Jubalicious. Unfortunately for Jubalicious, there is no Suite C in the Capital Building. I hear throught the grapevine that he is interviewing for a job with Curtis Sliwa since he is starting a SantAna chapter of his group (training to be provided by Fleischmann the Yeast Man wearing his OCSD volunteer uniform) with the costs to be underwritten by the Santa Ana Business Bank and Space Commander Bustamante and Clownia Alvarez—Is that true???? God help us all
BTW Letourneau is a graduate of Connelly HS in Anaheim. As to the imagery, I cant help that. As to the facts, we go back to the days of Dick Hanna and many good demos who were family friends in OC.
Well, darn… I was looking forward to a rational explanation of opposition to marriage equality– instead we got an ad hominem slam at Claudio and a vaguely bigoted snark at Vern. How disappointing… and how typical.
“Great One”, I’ll discuss either civil marriage equality or the Scripture’s view* on gay people (or both) if you ever feel up to the challenge.
*Jewish or Christian scriptures, that is– I’m not qualified to address other holy works.
May I take a moment and remind everyone that the legal decision was not based on scripture but the rule of California law?
While theocratic arguments abound for and against gay marriage, let me also remind everyone that the concept of ‘marriage’ itself is based in scripture and is intended to be between a man and a woman. This has been the standard academic and theological interpretation for centuries.
Therefore, from a religious standpoint, it could be argued that gay marriage both weakens and strengthens the institution. It weakens it because the church’s definition of marriage would no longer match that of the government, but strengthens it because its inclusiveness of everyone will increase its popularity. It’s the proverbial double-edged sword.
I still argue that all couples, regardless of orientation, should be granted the same legal commitment rights, but I insist that we remove the word ‘marriage’ from the lexicon of legal unions altogether in lieu of something secular, marriage being the most common religion-based activity sanctioned by our government. This not only separates the church and state on the issue, but protects both.
NOT JUBAL VERN . maybe your post should have been 10 more pages of blah . blah blah you and poster 5 . pass the no dose zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I dare say that for you to twist those two verses and use them to IMPLY that the word “love” means sexual love simply goes to show how stunted our culture has become when a man can’t express deep love (yes, even a love more true and meaningful to Jonathan than what a wife might have for her husband) for another man and not have it suggest sexual love.
And to suggest that Ruth’s words to Naomi amount to much more than an oath of loyalty really strains credibility.
“Well, darn… I was looking forward to a rational explanation of opposition to marriage equality– instead we got an ad hominem slam at Claudio and a vaguely bigoted snark at Vern. How disappointing… and how typical.”
Blame Pedroza, Vern and Sarah for the censure ship!… Mr. Gilles. No free speech no rational explanation.
Perhaps you can rationally explain to us need for marriage in general.
The licenses are civil, the ceremonies are religious, the discourse … interesting as always.
The rights of all are protected and prior to the decision gay couples recieved the same civil rights at traditional straight hetro man-woman couples under separate legislation. The Supreme Court just overturned an unconstitutional law.
No big deal but what an opportunity to galvanize the base – unless the base has grown jaded about its frequent galvanization over issues that have proven to be unconstitutional. We’ll see. I don’t think the Reeps realize whats going on with the whole DTS exodus yet.
#20 –
Censorship? WTF? No comments have been rejected on this thread. If you’re referring to my recent post about Dan C, that was just retaliation for censorship of his own against me. So seriously, do you have any idea what you’re talking about?