Just received from the Republican Jewish Coalition.
Contact: Suzanne Kurtz or Stu Sandler
Office: 202-638-6688; 202-368-6465 (cell)
E-mail: skurtz@rjchq.org
Bonior Joins Obama Team as Latest
Anti-Israel Campaign Official
Washington, D.C. (May 30, 2008) – The Republican Jewish Coalition today responded to the announcement that former Rep. David Bonior will be representing the Obama campaign at the Democratic National Committee meeting this weekend in Washington, D.C. As a Congressman, David Bonior was known for his strong opposition to pro-Israel policies, being called by some “the biggest supporter of the anti-Israel Arab lobby in Congress.”[1] The RJC cited Bonior as the latest in a string of advisors and campaign officials to Barack Obama that harbor anti-Israel views.
“Barack Obama’s path to strengthening ties with the Jewish community is severely blocked when appointing an anti-Israel figure like David Bonior. While in Congress, Bonior refused to stand by Israel after repeated terrorist attacks, was known as a stalwart opponent to Israel, and is now a representative for Barack Obama. Bonior’s appointment is the latest in a series that raises serious questions and doubts about Barack Obama’s positions and judgments on the Middle East.”
During his Congressional career, David Bonior repeatedly opposed pro-Israel legislation. In 1997, David Bonior was one of 15 Congressmen who signed a letter asking then-President Clinton to pressure Israelis into making concessions to the Palestinians. In 2002, David Bonior was one of only 21 Congressmen who opposed H.R. 392, which publicly affirmed Congress’s support of Israel’s right to self-defense and called for the dismantling of the Palestinian terrorist infrastructure.[2] In 1990, David Bonior was one of only 34 Congressman to vote against a measure naming Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel.[3] In 1989, Bonior was one of six House members to vote against a bill that prevented US funds from going to UN entities that granted the PLO membership.[4] Throughout his career, Bonior repeatedly opposed US aid to Israel and supported arms sales to Arab states opposed to Israel’s existence.
“The appointment of yet another anti-Israel advisor like David Bonior to represent Barack Obama speaks volumes to the Jewish community. The pattern
including Tony McPeak, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Robert Malley continues with this appointment. It’s no wonder the Jewish community remains deeply skeptical and troubled by Barack Obama.”
Gilbert note. Yesterday I spoke to a Democrat in south Florida who said their Jewish community will not be voting for Obama come November. As we all know Florida is a key swing state in recent presidential elections. He went on to say that if Hillary Clinton is not the Democratic standard bearer they will vote for John McCain.
Juice readers. How important is the Jewish vote in this years election?
OK Juice-brother Larry, I’ll get to this when I have time if someone else doesn’t first. But you just wait and see what I have planned for John McSame on this blog! All in good time, all in good time…
How important? Mathematically it’s irrelevant. I think the tide is turning on Israel in that they have been increasingly bullyish in the recent past. Palestinians need a place to call home too. Saying so doesn’t necessarily make one anti-Israel. It’s about fairness.
Besides, he was sent to an intra-party meeting. It’s not like he was named Ambassador to the U.N. – not that you necessarily have to like the U.N. to get that post… just ask John Bolton.
It seems accurate that HRC is the only democrat who can win Florida. Why would BO willingly create opposition with a strong ally? Is making such a tie a way of showing he can bring people together? America is not a toy.
From your remarks we thank you for conceding Florida. We knew we would win there anyway (as we own the company that makes their voting machines.)
Vern. Did you see the latest photo of Hillary on Drudge? Throwing back a few to lessen the pain.
And, while I have your attention, let me quote from a leeter received from (R)Rick Lazio when in 2000 he competed against Hillary to be the U.S. Senator from NY. In his letter he said he could sum up why he needed my help in six words (as follows).
“I’m running against Hillary Rodham Clinton.”
Rick made a mistake by handing her a flower in one of the their debates. Bad judgement call.
Larry –
I haven’t conceded anything. The baby boomers are retiring and retirees flock to Florida. Trust me, Israel is not the #1 issue on the agenda for most Floridians (read: seniors). Just because Hillary beat Obama in the Sunshine State doesn’t mean McSame will. Nobody wants 4 more years of Bush, not even Jews.
I think you might be exaggerating juuuust a tad.
I think people are realizing that the unquestioning, knee-jerk support for Israel over the years, as if they can do no wrong, has gotten us absolutely nowhere with regard to stability and calm in the Middle East. Jews may not want a more even-handed approach, but it is CERTAINLY in OUR best interest.
Anon. Knee-jerk support you say.
While we look for WMD how quickly some forget that exactly 21 years ago next week the nation of Israel took out Saddam’s nuclear capability.
If you don’t think that Israel has not been a solid ally for the USA in that region of the globe you are sadly mistaken. Let me remind you of what happened “On June 7, 1981 Israeli warplanes struck the Osirak nuclear facility near Baghdad. This “unprovoked” action by Israel was a pre-emptive strike to deny Iraq the capability of producing nuclear weapons, weapons Israeli intelligence believed were in the works. Iraqi defenses were taken by surprise and opened fire too late. In one minute and twenty seconds, the reactor lay in ruins. The IAF planes returned to base without losses.”
Eliminating that threat was not solely for the benefit of Israel. Saddam could have used that capability to attack any of his neighbors, some of whom provide the source of fuel used in your car.
“In our best interest?” Are you promoting nation building?
Typo. 27 years ago.
*Jews? Do they have Jews in Florida? we thought
all they had in Florida…were Cubans? Oh, and
Don’t worry Larry…Obama will not make Louie
Farrakan the Ambassador to Israel.
Where did I say Israel hasn’t been a good ally? It’s not their policies I questioned…it’s OURS.
Your Israeli airstrike story is amusing. Any time I see the words “intelligence” and “believed” next to each other I get nervous. Call me crazy.
And as for nation building, I would suggest exactly the opposite. We have far too many enemies in the Middle East, as well as, curiously, some very questionable regimes we’re in bed with, to be thinking of nation building. Such is the sad state of our foreign policy in the Middle East. None of it makes sense.
Larry –
Every vote is important – – – Jewish, Latino, Black, White and gay.
Watching the DNC proceedings. Appears the Obama camp/Wexler has made a concession regarding the seating of the Florida delegates. What concession did Clinton make?
Oh yeah, The Reeps are big Jewish supporters! Hahahahah. While its true that the Palistenians have made some gains in our nation’s esteem we can’t forget their desire to engage in genocide towards people of Jewish ancestry. I think that we can learn alot from our Jewish brethren in how they have managed to prosper in such a hostile area. Maybe we could turn Iraq over to them?
Sorry for this late reply. With the election tomorrow I have been at more events promoting Prop 98 than I care to comment on.
You missed my point about FL. MY sense is that the majority of Jewish voters are Democrats. That said, they are fearful of Obama based on his associates. We just saw him depart from his controversial church as part of his damage control effort. Jewish voters in FL are more comfortable with Hillary.
As to Israel. They surely have experience in dealing with terrorists who matter of factly blow up busses loaded with innocent school children. They never know what might happen on any given day yet continue to be self reliant and productive.
Obama spent over 20 years, deeply involved in Chicago’s Trintity church, which gave anti-semitic Louis Farakan a life time achievement award. During that time Obama never stood up against Farakan’s anti-semitism, and he only quit the church when it threatened his political ambitions. In addition, if you read the blogs, it’s obvious that many of Obama’s most devoted supporters are extremely anti-Israel. Actions always speak louder than words, or endorsements … especially if the actions (or inactions) span a period of over 20 years. Even with all the efforts to package and sell Obama to the American people, the facts speak for themselves. Obama does not have the character, integrity and judgement to be President of the United States of America.
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I am assured. I can prove it. Write to me in PM.