Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Assemblyman Jose Solorio and O.C. Supervisor Janet Nguyen have each issued certificates, and in the case of Nguyen a proclamation (pictured above), honoring the fact that this week is North American Occupational Safety & Health (NAOSH) week, which is recognized by safety organizations in Mexico, Canada and the U.S.A.
I asked each of these legislators to recognize NAOSH week on behalf of the Orange County Chapter of the ASSE (American Society of Safety Engineers). I thank them all for recognizing the importance of occupational safety! I also asked State Senator Lou Correa to recognize NAOSH week, but sadly I never heard back from his office.
In case you are wondering, I only requested certificates and proclamations from my local legislators. I suppose I could have requested them from other legislators in Orange County, but I did not have the time to do so.
Here is some more information about NAOSH week and also about Occupational Safety and Health Professional Day, which is today:
To recognize and celebrate their ongoing commitment to protecting people, property and the environment the American Society of Safety Engineers’ board approved the creation of Occupational Safety and Health Professional Day (OSHP) in March of 2006 to be held every year during North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH) on that Wednesday. This year NAOSH Week runs from May 4-10 and OSHP Day is on May 7, 2008.
The purpose of this day is to recognize the ongoing efforts of occupational safety, health and environmental professionals to protect people, property and the environment.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! yawn….
Art, Do you think Latinos get hurt more on the job because they are clumsy or because they can’t read the English Safety signs???
Wow. This is a good start for ineffective leaders (Sanchez & Solorio) to redeem themselves. Janet Rocks! She’s been great since elected.
Not really a yawn subject, the fact that employers will subject their employees to unsafe working conditions and it is so easy when you have a group that either doesn’t know their rights or are afraid to speak up.
The same exploitation has happened to other ethnic groups in the past, personally I don’t want to see this happen to any one despite their legal status.