Update 3/5/08: This post now has 2,003 comments! However, it has exceeded the capacities of our server and has been truncated recently at about 1,529 posts. But one of our readers has stepped up to the plate and painstakingly copied all of the comments into three NEW posts:
- SAUSD-Mijares corruption thread, 2008 Comments
- SAUSD-Mijares corruption thread, 2007 Comments
- SAUSD-Mijares corruption thread, 2006 Comments
We have also started a NEW open SAUSD thread, which I hope our readers will post to regarding new SAUSD news and views.
You can also go to our home page and go to the right column. Click on “SAUSD Posts” and you can get links to ALL of our past SAUSD articles.
I must say, I am amazed at the stories that have been posted on this blog in the wake of Al Mijares’ exit from the Santa Ana Unified School District. I am posting this item merely to give SAUSD bloggers a place to post their comments. Post away my friends – we have an opportunity now to finally do away with the corruption left over from the Mijares regime. Change is at hand, but we must remain resolute.
I noted that someone affiliated with the SAUSD administration recently posted a threat on this site – alleging possible legal action against SAUSD employees who post anonymously on this site. That is despicable and a form of terrorism. Do not let fear restrain any of you from revealing the truth.
The final challenge we face in Santa Ana is to replace Mijares with someone competent. We won’t have another opportunity like this anytime soon. This process must be open and focused and whatever else happens we must keep Audrey Noji out of the Superintendent’s position. As a member of the Cerritos College faculty and a member of the teacher’s union at that campus I opposed her when she tried to get a job at our campus. If she goes after the SAUSD superintendent post I will do so again. I know we can do better!
All of my children are in the SAUSD system. For their sake and that of all schoolchildren in the district, I urge those who are rebelling against the last vestiges of Mijares’ broken empire to keep the information flowing and to do whatever it takes to ensure that our next superintendent will be up to the task. Mijares certainly was over his head throughout his doomed tenure.
We can always count on you to use inflammatory and inappropriate words…terrorism? Please.
I suggest you regulate your emotions. Thanks.
I suggest that you drop your anonymity before you criticize Art for his choice of words. His use of word “terrorism” is absolutely appropriate word.
I do not know if there are more than one “Anonymous” from SAUSD posting here bat it was you who were describing how terrorized you are by SAUSD and therefore forced to your anonymity.
Art, this is what I consider wrong with anonymous posters. They thrush the blog. I strongly suggest that you do not allow anonymity in the OJ.
Anyone who post anonymously is essentially a coward no mater how do you want to look at it.
It serves no purpose because anything can be posted under anonymity and value of such posts are zero anyway.
Anonymous postings are still required for teachers, students and community members who do not want to be retaliated against, while the current corrupt power structure decomposes.
I suggest that if someone just wants to criticize without actually adding to the discussion, that the moderator just eliminate the post.
“Terror” is an appropriate word. Unsafe schools, hostile management, liars and backroom dealers all create a sense of hopeless terror for decent folks.
Let the people most upset with this blog, lose some sleep over it.
Is there a way to transfer all the other related posts to SAUSD to this thread? It would be so much easier to refer colleagues and community members to just one link for the full scoop.
Thanks for the consideration. More importantly, thanks for pressing this issue. Its a worthy cause.
I never understood what was going on. It all seemed so upside down. No one of authority was focused in on the students or the families in the community. SAUSD is run like some kind of corrupt club of thieves who are stealing from this poor community. They steal the best teachers by driving them out, they steal funds, they steal time from instruction, they abuse their positions of authority, and they disrespect the community members. It
Jane Russo is coming back to SAUSD after her employment at Mountainview Distrit. Below is what is printed about her on the web. Does anyone know what kind of job she is doing for the district at this point? It was a fond farewell from Mountainview, but that would be expected. What is the real deal?
Russo leaves mountainview for the deputy super job:
This posting from another OJ blog thread, qualifies as the terrorism Art mentioned in his commentary.
Anonymous said…
TOXIC MOLD NEWS STORY- A Teacher’s Nightmare
For Immediate Relese:
Teacher Forced to Move From Home Because Santa Ana Unified School District Will Not Return Her To Work.
Santa Ana, CA – Denise Byrd, a teacher of 15 years in the Santa Ana Unified School District, (SAUSD), became ill with lung damage and other secondary physical problems around March 2001, when the portable classroom she worked in was discovered to have serious toxic mold infestation.
The results of the District’s own testing showed Denise Byrd’s classroom at Jefferson Elementary in Santa Ana, had one of the highest Toxic Mold counts among 15 other classrooms that were tested.
.. The other teachers in the portables also filled out surveys and had similar symptoms as Ms. Byrd. Ms. Byrd was forced to go into the same classroom when she returned around September, 2002, where again she became ill along with other students. Ms. Byrd lost her jury trial, Denise Byrd vs. SAUSD, in Sept., 2004 for failure to accommodate. The case was lost due to improper use of evidence and other puzzling reasons. ” There was and is plenty of evidence that the opposing side committed perjury which gives a good reason for a case to be overturned and re-tried”, states Denise.Byrd. She feels that her legal team was ineptand is looking for someone to represent her in a malpractice case since her time is crucial.
The District Attorney ‘s Department of Insurance Fraud has opened up an investigation to this case involving workers compensation insurance with the teachers of Santa Ana. Claims that doctors of the District are told what to say in the medical reports
This is an open letter to Santa Ana Unified School District Board President Dr. Audrey Noji and SAUSD Deputy Superintendent Jane Russo. When it became known that Dr. Noji recruited Jane Russo for the position of Deputy Superintendent of SAUSD and when Ms. Russo assumed that position last November 2005 it was clear to me that SAUSD Superintendent Dr. Al Mijares was on his way out.
I came to that conclusion for several reasons. I knew Ms. Russo when she previously worked for SAUSD as an Area II administrator responsible for the operations of Valley High School, Carr Intermediate, Spurgeon Intermediate and other schools in Area II. I also knew that reorganizing SAUSD into areas and inserting
Now that Dr. Mijares is gone, there is hope for the District. Tony Espinosa does not have companion to protect him. His days are numbered. Espinosa with the help of Mijares, has taken Valley HS to the bottom. He needs to get the hell out of Valley HS. Espinosa is the worst administrator in SAUSD. Why are his brothers working under him? Answer: Juan Lopez, HR, is protecting him and bringing people from Whittier Union High School District. Juan Lopez is an ass! Do not trust either of them.
7/10/2006 10:54 AM
Plato said…
I agree, Mr. Espoinosa and his unprofessionalism has taken Valley HS to the pits. His group of spies that include his activities director are corrupt. I wonder how they are able to breath….they have their heads so far up his…..! Particularly his activities director, I understand she has to use doggie steps to get into bed! What a terrible personality for the school and the kids!
7/10/2006 8:40 PM
The reason why an activities director is so important, is because they have contact with huge sums of cash for all the clubs and activities. There are lots of complaints at Saddleback on how the activities director has been unaccountable for funds. Ironically this fairly “new” vice principal is the acting summer school principal. She’s not ugly to look at, but she’s a real piece of ugly work to anyone who questions her misdeeds.
7/11/2006 6:04 AM
Im not sure about SHS actvity dir. but Juan Lopez comes from a history of several districts with several misdeeds. Passed over for higher level jobs, he clearly was not selected for his knoweledge and kisses ass of big Al and now, Jane Russo, our formal colleague. The district contninues to lose dollars and blames teacher and site administrators. We give back nearly 12% and get back 11 and change… We take pay cuts, days lessened and Good ol Juan did nothing of a sort for cabinet members. Why Bernadette? Isnt it time that we have an administrative team that cares abouts teachers and kids instead of themselves. How can you justify that Juan is worth $175k per year when we just released over 500 teahcers these past three years???? It’s time they all go and we start anew….
7/12/2006 5:51 PM
Regarding the post about Tom Harrison made several days ago; A teacher related to me that when Dr. Noji found out she was not being endorsed by SAEA (an endorsement means campaign money from SAEA, CTA, and the NEA) Dr. Noji went ballistic and left an splenetic voice mail on Mr. Harrison’s answering machine. The teacher did not know the content of the voice mail but she did say a transcript was being processed. Perhaps we can ask Mr. Harrison or the new SAEA leadership to release that transcript.
7/13/2006 11:15 AM
The proof of Dr. Noji’s control loss will come when and if the SAEA releases the transcripts. Without the transcripts we then have only a rumor.
Consider this: Joe Krauss has transferred to another district despite the fact that he was senior executive director and had the option to stay at SAEA. Because SAUSD now has less then 3000 teachers, SAEA must jettison one of it’s executive directors as per CTA rules. Gladys Hall- Kessler, the junior executive director, is now the senior executive director at SAEA. Ms Hall Kessler is known to be a friend of Dr. Noji. Ms Hall Kessler has always been a supporter of Dr. Noji in the past. Now Ms Hall Kessler’s influence on the SAEA has grown. How that influence plays out will be tested in the next few months leading up to the November elections. To what extent the new leadership at SAEA allows past political allegiances to continue will help all of us better understand the new SAEA leadership.
7/14/2006 12:26 AM
“Ironically this fairly “new” vice principal is the acting summer school principal. She’s not ugly to look at, but she’s a real piece of ugly work to anyone who questions her misdeeds. “
Gives a real meaning to VICE principal. Anyone call the District Attorney about this?
Paul Bartlett needs to get off his butt and look into the wrongdoing.
I have heard stories that Noji has been unwavering in her support of Mijares to stories that she’s just been beaten up a lot, so she doesn’t make strong decisions that support schools in the form of good leadership and practices that are focused on students, rather than proping up weak administrators like Jones (Saddleback) and Espinoza(Valley).
Anyone have insight?
7/07/2006 6:14 PM
It is troublesome that bloggers make comments, accusations, and innuendos regardless if they are true and have merit. The bloggers who
The day will come when the first lawsuit is filed against an anonymous blogger for slander and libel, because at the end of the day, no one is really anonymous, are they?
Said the brave ANONYMOUS POSTER.
Guess what? Whistleblowing is not only legal and ethical, but it is also a legally protected activity.
If an employee has already reported the wrongdoing, if a legal case is already in the works, if the district is already aware of wrongdoing in the form of a grievance, then any poster is protected in letting others know.
You seem determined to squash the conversation so needed for legitimate changes necessary in a very corrupt system.
I notice your focus is not on the community or the students. You have a lot to hide, is my feeling
7/14/2006 3:41 PM
Anonymous said…
Teacher abuse is a sign of a very corrupt district. Abuse attempts to hide lies, incompetence and interfere with the learning environment that good teachers cherish. Here is a list of stages of abuse. MOST TEACHERS ARE NOT AWARE OF INTENTIONAL ABUSE AND BULLYING UNTIL LEVEL 8!!!
Does our union even have a clause that protects teachers’ basic right to an abuse-free work site? If not, then it is about time!
General Goal: Maintain an organization whereby the hierarchy has absolute power and neither the teachers nor the parents can interfere, thus hiding incompetence, maintaining lucrative positions, and control over the budget.
Methods/Goals-in order of intensity (Most teachers not aware it is intentional bullying until level 8.)
Avoid hiring older experienced teachers who are thinkers./Keep a staff of young revolving door teachers so roots and opinions won’t establish.
Praise conformity./Staff of Stepford teachers who won’t question anything.
Give perks to a small group of teachers that form first line of defense against other teachers./Create a barrier clique between administration and teachers by rewarding a few good soldiers who will serve as positive voice pieces for the administration.
Overload with work./Create inability to complain about issues – keep too busy.
Limit assistance with difficult children or purposely load certain teacher with difficult children./Create inability to complain about issues keep too busy to speak out.
Limit support with difficult parents and create barrier between teachers and parents./Attack self-esteem so won’t feel empowered and won’t trust their own thinking while eliminating parent allies from forming.
Place children of high profile parents with teachers who conform./Avoid having parents form allies with strong teachers.
Write up false reports./Flex muscles so teacher will know they are being controlled and will become confused.
Create files with false and negative reports; create separate file in case contract requires teacher is to be informed, and keep documents out of teacher’s view./Build a case against teacher.
Threaten- directly or through rumors or innuendo by designated staff messengers./Create wall of fear to silence teacher.
Threaten others in presence./Set example; increase fear to point where teacher will report other.
Humiliate./Keep divergent thinker as dysfunctional as possible; weaken self esteem.
Torment./Affect psychological health so easier to control and teacher will quit.
Demonstrate clear demarcations between favored and unfavored staff;lower evaluations of teachers who befriend administration’s target teachers./Encourage teachers to choose party line so undesirable teachers will quit.
Let union people know they must support administration./Avoid records that can be used against administration in case there is tenure hearing.
Ostracize – divide and conquer./Create system of quislings to force unwanted teacher out.
Suggest resigning to avoid termination./Hide bullying pattern from Board, save money on hearing, frighten teacher into last chance for any reference or future teaching jobs.
Banish with leave or ordered doctor visit, especially using testimony for fee psychiatrist./Use fear of psychological report to encourage resignation.
Terminate and settle with a gag order not to talk against district./Don’t pay teacher so desperate teacher will give in.
Promise good reference; destroy reputation so they will never be in a position to bad mouth former district./Secretly inform other districts so teacher won’t be hired elsewhere in area or even same city.
Politically control tenure hearing; submit altered documents; arrange for colleagues to give false testimony for status; call witnesses and directly and indirectly warn them; drive teacher to despair so she will give up./Good Ol Boy Network protects each other knowing the system depends on silencing – witness tampering and altered documents won’t be noticed.
Politically control tenure decision. /stall/War of attrition: hope for natural death.
Threaten or entice union into selling out teacher./Guaranteed absolute power so no teacher will speak out.
Your guess is as good as mine.
7/16/2006 2:56 PM
Vice principal Evelyn Carrigg at Saddleback is having a little pow wow with the Office of Civil Rights in the fall. Seems she expelled a girl with transgender traits over the summer. The teen was talking in class with another teen. The other teen got kicked out of summer school will be back. The girl who looks transgender was kicked out for the whole next year.
Despite the fact that she has an IEP and and you can’t just ….on a whim…. change placement.
You go, little girl. That dummy Carrigg overstepped the law AGAIN
Of course, I expect Carrigg to try and lie her way out of this. But those of us who are watching will be paying attention
Why not compile a SAUSD “axis of evil” list.
Who is gone do it Anonymous?
Ever call the front office at Saddleback?
Patty, head office staff will hang up on you if she feels like it!
Talk about professional public service!
She gets her kicks out of telling teachers off and informing them that they have a closed-door conference with “Memo” Jones. She is also lazy and lies about reinbursements.
Clean house!
Look you all Anonymous from SAUSD,
The bitching and moaning will not help!
If you want some constructive change you must identify the problem and start applying continues organized pressure until you achieve the change.
However, that will be virtually impossible as long as you remain anonymous and refuse to act as ZORRO.
Terrorism? You bet. See the anonymous post that went up at 7:53 tonight. Mijares’ goons are already threatening those who are speaking out against their transgressions – and threatening lawsuits. That sure sounds like terrorism to me.
Let the truth come out! It has been bottle up for too long under Mijares and his cronies.
It is interesting for me to hear some of the stories coming out of teachers, and the victims of the current administration. I worked for the school district since 1996 as a tennis coach, then started teaching math in 2000. My tenure ended in 2004, and since then I have been speaking about the problems in SAUSD, specifically regarding Mijares and his staff. During the district recall, many complained of the micromanaging taken place by the school board, but could you really blame them, now that you know what was going on
Why has the teacher’s union allowed all of these atrocities all these years?
It was known for awhile that Tom Harrison and Dr. Mijares were close, at least, professionally. Many of us claimed it was a conflict, and the issue was quickly tabled.
I think the board got rid of Mijares because the district has had to pay out so many millions of dollars in legal costs due to Mijares’ bad management:
1. He ignored legitimate claims of sexual harassment by one of his crony employees,
2. There were numerous unresolved grievances, and
3. Millions was lost in school construction due to poor managment of facilities finances even after Nativo was recalled.
6/30/2006 10:19 PM
Tom Harrison finished 4 years as SAEA President on July 1, 2006. Dave Barton was elected SAEA president (running unopposed) last spring. If you want to understand the internal politics of the SAEA you should focus on Gladys Hall-Kessler. Ms. Hall-Kessler has been a long time teacher and union activist in SAUSD and the SAEA. Ms. Hall-Kessler was past president of the SAEA and later she was hired by the CTA and was appointed Executive Director to the SAEA by the CTA. Ms. Hall-Kessler is philosophically a pragmatist who will put the interest of the SAEA in front of the interest of any individual teacher. Ms. Hall-Kessler has many supporters in the SAEA including a large conservative minority on the SAEA Board of Directors. It is my opinion that Dr, Mijares and Dr. Hall-Kessler have danced a political tango for many years.
Is she the British speaking lady who always wears hats?
No. Glady Hall-Kessler is the older women who hails from Argentina. She is very intelligent and she is very well spoken.
I would like to suggest, and I could be far off the mark, that the anonymous blogger who posted on 7/14/2006 7:31 AM and made all those threats is none other than Bill Schaeffer of Breon and Schaeffer, the attorneys representing SAUSD. Schaeffer is a former LAPD union attorney who is excellent at intimidation and innuendo.
Anon at 7:17 writes: “Ms. Hall-Kessler was past president of the SAEA and later she was hired by the CTA and was appointed Executive Director to the SAEA by the CTA. Ms. Hall-Kessler is philosophically a pragmatist who will put the interest of the SAEA in front of the interest of any individual teacher.”
Isn’t the the purpose of SAEA to put the interest of the “individual” teacher first?
If not, why have a union?
There are people and leaders in the SAEA who will fight tooth and claw to protect the rights of the individual even if that fight brings on the wrath of SAUSD. Then there are people in the SAEA who see the organization as a social club. Then there are people who see the SAEA as a vehicle to promote their own personal agenda. Finally there are people in the SAEA who like to be in the thick of things hobnobbing with the local elites falling under the spell of the professional charmers otherwise known as politicians. Feeling important and being made to feel important is an addiction that is hard to kick.
Which category does Kessler and Harrison fall into?
Weren’t unions designed to protect their members from the evils of management?
Can we say “shame on SAUSD for doing evil” and “shame on the unions for letting SAUSD do evil.”
In the end, its the individual teacher who loses both by SAUSD and their union.
I will answer by referring you back to my blog at 7/17/2006 10:03 AM
The SAEA is not the problem nor is it the issue. SAEA has very little freedom of action. The SAEA negotiates a contract (a set of work rules) with the SAUSD. The Union membership votes on the contract and the SAUSD Board votes on the contract. If the majority prevails on both sides, the contract is binding on both parties and both parties are expected to abide by it. The problem and the issue is the constant subversion of the contract by the SAUSD. If SAUSD violates the contract, then according to the language of the contract a long and protracted process is initiated to force the SAUSD to come back into compliance with the contract. There is step one grievance followed by a step two grievance followed by a step three grievance followed by arbitration. The entire process can take up to a year. In the meantime, SAUSD has taken advantage of this process to punish or threaten to punish teachers. SAUSD expects to lose this process and the teacher may win but the problem is the teacher can find him or herself stuck in another school teaching a subject he/she is not qualified to teach being harassed by the principal of that school who is trying to score points with the people responsible for the contract violating transfer to begin with. No matter who the president of SAEA happens to be, everyone is bound together by the contract and the contract as it is presently written favors arbitrary and capricious behavior on the part of SAUSD. We are not equal because the teachers do not have freedom of action.
How is it that the kids can vandalize and burn trash cans in classrooms while under teacher supervision?
How can these kids use markers to grafiti on walls, desk, doors and cause thousands of dollars of damage while under the supervision of a teacher?
Teachers can be in their classrooms teaching or teachers can be in the hallways and bathrooms doing security. Teachers can not do both at the same time. That is why SAUSD has hired security guards at $50,000 per year and assistant principals at $90,000 per year and other non teaching personnel at entire range of salaries. In addition students have to go to the bathroom. Girl students have female issues that teachers cannot question. Male and female students have health issues that can not be questioned. Students are called out of class to report to the counseling office, to the gym, to the front office, to the activities director, to other teachers. Kids are roaming the hallways for a variety of reasons all the time in big numbers. All these issues require that the teacher release the student. Some of these students, about 1% to 2% (in a school of 3000 students that is about 30 to 60 students) are sociopaths. It is these sociopaths that burn thrash cans, grifitti the walls and cause general havoc. An excellent principal with good management skills can reduce the mayhem but no one can totally eliminate the problem so long as schools are stuffed full with thousands of students.
” No matter who the president of SAEA happens to be, everyone is bound together by the contract and the contract as it is presently written favors arbitrary and capricious behavior on the part of SAUSD. We are not equal because the teachers do not have freedom of action. “
Why not have good faith bargaining? Maybe take a contract from an ethical district and agree to apply it to SAUSD? Good teachers used to get attracted to the district because the pay was better than other districts. But who really would want to join up with a district who has self-centered leaders who put all that effort into getting rid of teachers in such a devious way?
I am totally confused on this situation with the teacher who has TOXIC problems. If she has the symptoms, kids from her classes would have similar symptoms.
It seems to me that a good lawyer would have asked for certification that none of the children suffered from the same symptoms.
Where is the Risk Management lawyer for this district. I serve on several boards and I would be scared to death of being held responsible for all the “wrongdoings” that is being claimed in this blog. If even one of these allegations made here are true, crimal and civil penalties would be filed against me.
From what I see here, several Federal laws governing civil rights, ADA, federal guidelines on audits and whistleblower protections are being violated. As a member of this board I would be contacting my own personal lawyer on what protections I have against being indicted on violating Federal laws.
As I am not familiar with Californis laws, I can’t claim any knowledge on protections being afforded these board members. I do know they are not protected from federal prosecution for willfully and knowingly covering up and not living up to the statutes that govern the dispensing of federal funds.
All that is needed here is a claim files with feds that federal funds are not being dispensed as requireed and that an AUDIT by a true CPA firm be completed and filed with feds. THese folks are crazy in my opinion. Civil penalties will not be covered for board members by insurancew when illegalities are discovered.
Just a thought….
To Anonymous 7/17/2006 8:22 PM: The SAUSD/SAEA contract as it is presently written has problems but as a document guiding the behavior of teachers and administrators the contract would work if everyone behaved ethically, professionally, and honestly. But a decade of a corrupt and morally poisonous Mijares regime has created the present house of horrors. Morally poisoned principals such as Espinosa, Jones, Bishop, and Salcedo, have succumbed because they consciously sipped from the morally poisonous chalice of Mijares. Moral poison tends to evaporate like bitter perfume spreading throughout its environment and some SAEA leaders wiffed those fumes from Mijare’s chalice. That explains why certain SAEA leaders have not always acted in the best interest of all its members. And the elected Noji has allowed the moral poison to spread throughout the district withering everything and nearly everyone . That also explains why some SAEA leaders have worked hard to stop the spreading poison and have denied Noji the endorsement of the SAEA. That is also why I am optimistic that with Dave Barton’s leadership the Mijares poison will be neutralized within SAEA. It’s now up to SAUSD leadership to neutralize the Mijares poison within SAUSD
Of possible interest:
On June 29, 2006, EFF filed to block an Oklahoma school superintendent’s attempt to unmask the identities of a local website’s operator and all registered users.
The superintendent has sued Internet users who criticized him on the website’s message board. In its motion to quash, EFF argues that the plaintiff’s overbroad subpoena seeking to identify the site’s operator and users violates First Amendment protections for anonymous speech and association.
“Anonymity is critical to public discourse and fundamental to a free society, allowing speakers to offer diverse views without fear of undue reprisal,” said EFF Staff Attorney Corynne McSherry. “There is now clear judicial consensus that subpoenas to identify anonymous speakers must be carefully scrutinized.”
In recent months, EFF lawyers have represented or provided amicus support in anonymity cases in California, Colorado, and Delaware. In the latter case, Doe v. Cahill, EFF helped successfully defend a Delaware blogger who had criticized a member of the town council. The case resulted in the first state supreme court decision confirming the First Amendment right to remain anonymous until a litigant can demonstrate a legitimate claim.
“Litigants must not be permitted to abuse the judicial process to identity anonymous individuals who have simply created a forum for critical comments or made statements a plaintiff dislikes,” said EFF Staff Attorney Matt Zimmerman. “Speech critical of public officials
Anonymous said…
June 25, 2006
TO: Dr. A. Noji- President, Santa Ana Unified School Board
Subject: Graduation Waivers
Speaking on behalf of members of the staff of Saddleback High School, we
are deeply concerned about the granting of graduation requirement waivers by
our school site administrator, Esther Jones. It has come to our attention,
from a reliable source, that she was directed by Dr. Lewis Bratcher to take
whatever means necessary to increase the graduation rate at Saddleback High
Mrs. Jones granted waivers to course requirements for 30 seniors and
allowed them to gain their diploma in direct violation of Board Policy. In
addition, 15 of those seniors, due to waived course requirements, did not
achieve the mandatory 240 credit requirement directed by Board policy as
This situition occurred last year if you will recall, and we, were given
to understand that corrective action was taken and this type of situation
would not occur again. This type of action is not only illegal but also
unethical. The diplomas that are given out to graduating seniors, who
legitimately achieved passing scores and attained credit requirements, lose
validity and value. These waivers also usurp the final decision making
authority of the teacher. Our fellow teachers have already sited examples
of underclassmen saying things such as
Anonymous said…
anon at 1:11 pm
The Supt. got away with all that you list and more, however the current Board majority – Noji, Richardson, Avila and Tinajero – allowed him to do so and rewarded Mijares with a three-year contract renewal last spring.
Declining enrollment was projected by staff years ago; don’t get caught up in the declining enrollment scam Mijares and Noji are peddling. Their tenures – combined over 24 years – are
filled with mismanagment mistakes that were absorbed by the teachers!
Over one year ago the teachers gave the Supt. a vote of no confidence and this year they refused to endorse Noji because she mislead the union regarding Mijares the last time she sought their support.
It’s time SAUSD voters woke up! Mijares’ departure is good news; better news would be the defeat of Noji in Nov.
In order to ensure an open and transparent search for a new Supt., Noji must go.
There are qualified candidates outside of SAUSD; the answer is not housed at the district office.
7/01/2006 8:23 PM
So the district has two lawfirms to presumably keep the district out of legal trouble. How much were they billing this district for so-called advice? The place is a mess. How many illegal activities were known by the lawyers? And aren’t they liable for malpractice if they don’t make the board or superintendent aware of illegal activities like funds missing or predatory employees?
Lawyers were sanctioned in Fresno for hiding problems and then overbilling. Smells a lot like what has been going on in SAUSD. Follow the money
California Federal Judge Sanctions Law Firm For Lying in a Special Education Case
Fresno law firm Lozano Smith billed the school district $500,000 for a case that could have been settled years ago for $8,000. How this makes sense is beyond us. Betsy Combier
Lying, obstruction cited in sanctions for law firm
Fresno’s Lozano Smith, attorney ordered to train in ethics.
By Erin Kennedy / The Fresno Bee, January 18, 2005
I spoke the other night on legal ramifications for board members. One of the best ways to force a board to act is parental scrutiny and demands for answers especially for kids covered under the ADA and special education guidelines. Parents DO WIN…
an example…
Parent Advocates.org has some great examples of how a non-involved board can be forced to make changes or pay the piper.
Incompetent board members must be made to pay for screwing up otherwise just our children pay for their failure to ensure quality and fairness for all students
I love kenny roger saying….. you need to know when to hold them and knw when to fold them….know when to walk away know when to run… and the our super didn’t know when to just go.
At Valley High School West aka Godinez Espinosa has over enrolled the school. The school was built to teach 2500 kids and Espinosa has enrolled 3000 students. To make all those kids fit into the limited space Espinosa has forced all the RSP and SDC kids into all regular Ed. classes without providing them with alternative classes to help them be successful. Why? because he does not have enough classroom space to provide RSP and SDC teachers with classrooms. Are Bratcher and Noji aware of this situation? Of course they are. Did they approve of Espinosa’s abuse of these special needs kids and his illegal solution? Of course they did. Do the parents of these Special Ed kids know what is going on? No they don’t. Will we see 50 kids in each classroom at Godinez? Yes we will. Now, can you imagine the quality of special education at Godinez with 50 kids per class and 10 or 15 special needs kids sprinkled among that huge crowd?
denise byrd….you do what you have to do….admin. are letting teachers who degrade students and who have no respect for ther principles allow then to transfer to other schools with no type of console is…..just what he district office expct there are no consequences?????
Russo use to be a upright person who was for what was right…knw that she is with Audry……it makes you wonder??????has she flipped????????