May 17, 2008Posted in: Fresh Juice, SAUSD
About Admin
"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.
Good on ya for making this available. SAUSD has been laying low lately anyway but the closer we get to measure G we need somewhere to explore the crap they shovel. Gordon has already exposed part of it. I hope there is more and SMS can keep her personal battle aside until she finishes this blog first.
Hey! So all my hard work gets no credit because I wrote a paragraph on Commie Girl? It’s not like she gets her own stories anymore, I’ve relegated her to mentions in my ‘(Semi)Weakly Reviews.’ I even linked to another article making mention of her, which was the catalyst for my article here. If she stays out of the news, I’ll stop bringing it up. I think that’s fair.
As far as Ed Chau: am I the only one who noticed the exorbitant number of press releases posted while I was out of commission?
C’mon. I think I deserved this one, don’t you?
Now back to the children of Santa Ana and SAUSD which should not continue to receive welfare… No on Measure G!
You had to know I was kidding. You are doing a great job despite what the Sominex twins claim…
It appears the new principal for Santa Ana High School will be Julie Infante, recently fired from her job as principal of Baldwin Park H.S., apparently for opposing the interferences of a self-serving superintendant and school board. Her brief tenure there was documented by a UCLA professor in the school of education, summarized at: http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/news/LiberatingPressRelease043008.pdf
We’re certainly looking forward to something different at SAHS next year and have our fingers crossed.
SAHS Teacher
That is an unbelievable move by the district. Mz. Infante seemed to have made a major dent on the API improvement scores and took on the so common centralized district control she found in Baldwin Park. Her reward was being fired. This just doesn’t sound like the SAUSD mold. To date they have hired principals that only march in goosestep with the district office.
I hope you are right and Mz Infante hasn’t suffered from termination turnaround now just wanting to hold a job. If she shows the same determination as the Baldwin Park story reports she is in for a real ride. The principals at Valley and Willard should take note.
On May 20th SAUSD district issued a press release about the new lunch shade structure for students that has been completed at a cost of $230,000.00.
I hope they provide some pictures of this nearly quarter million dollar shade structure in future releases because I would be most curious as to what was built for that kind of money.
As I recall the former shade structure was refurbished about a decade ago, or possibly longer, next to what is laughingly called a kitchen/nutrition center. (called a snack bar back in the 60’s)
Not too many years ago the former ‘shade structure’ was having a problem with pigeons which of course created a mess. The response was to put recorded sounds of predator birds to scare away the pigeons. This was also applied to Valley high suffering a similar problem. The results were hardly positive.
Since the district applauded donations from the general public for this new $230k structure I know I would certainly like to see pictures. I’ll reserve judgement for now, but for nearly a quarter million dollars I certainly hope it is not another slotted roof shelter over a bunch of lunch benches.